Getting out of hand

1292 Words
Taehyung's Pov: I woke up hearing someone arguing. I rub my eyes and look around to see where the voice are. My eyes darted at the door where it was slightly open. "He was almost r***d!" "Jin!" "What?!" My hand unconsciously slam my mouth and i felt my body start to tremble. My breath becomes heavy. I hold my chest tightly with my other hand while still covering my mouth. And my eyes starts to become blurry. My mind becoming mess, and the memories of the past hunted me. " begging...please..." I was crying and begging but all i can hear is the demonic laugh of the man. "please!!!!" I cried more desperately but he harshly yanked my hair and i hissed in pain, grabbing my shirt that causes to be torn into two. "Dont move and just do what i say." He whispered to me and i felt a sharp thing at my neck. "Do you understand? Or you want me to kill your parents?" "" i beg him and i can feel his smirk at my skin while starting kissing my neck. I shuddered in disgust from his touch but what can a damn eleven year old boy can do? "'re so innocent and beautiful. And you are mine!" "Ahhh!!!" I shouted in pain when i feel him harshly bite my skin. He then push me at the bed and i bounce a little, and before i knew it, he was all naked infront of me. And i notice that im only wearing my boxer at the moment, he look at me like a prey and his eyes are full of lust. And just then i felt him above me, i tried to push him  and i struggle from him but a stingy pain i felt in my cheeks. "If you keep on like this, i will kill your parents!" He said angrilly and me being just a scared kid thinking of losing my parents, i let him do whatever he wants. I shut my eyes and prayed that someone's gonna come and save me. And just then, the door loudly slammed. "Secure the area and cover the young master!" I heard someone yelled and i felt someone drag the man above me who was shock. "How dare you touch him!" And a loud bang echoed at the room before my surrounding became black. "What?!Almost r**e?!" I brought from the moment upon hearing Jungkook's voice. With my trembing body,i slowly step out from the bed and slowly walk towards the door,not making any noice. I wipe my tears before peaking at the door. There i saw eomma and appa. I saw Jungkook's furious face. His jaw dangerously moves,and the veins in his hands pop out due to the fact that his clenching his fist tightly. "Did something happen between you two that triggeted him,Jeon?!" My eomma ask sternly. I love you,baby... I closed  my eyes and i thought of what happen earlier between us. With his touch, i feel secured. With only his words i believe i can be safe. Him being with me is making me safe. "Thank you Jeon,but i guess, i will bring him back to Korea with us." "NO!" i yelled upon slamming the door and run towards Jungkook who was suddenly startle. "Baby..." Jungkook softly said when i reach him and hug him. He gently stroke my back and i really feel safe to him. His giving me the feeling of safetiness and i swear im loving it. "Taehyung, you do understand that you are in danger,right?" Eomma said with a glint of disappointment. "I know and im sure, Kookie will not let anything happen bad to me,eomma." I stated still hugging him. "Taehyung! He was the reason why you were triggered earlier!" Eomma raised his voice. I flinch but Jungkook continue to stroke my back and it really calms me. "Jin, stop it." Appa said. "No, whether you like it or not, after this damn school program you will come with us!" I removed my hands that was hugging Jungkook and face eomma. But before i can say something, the door opened harshly. "Dont you know how to knock?!" Jungkook yelled to his secretary who was in fear. "Im...sorry Mr. Jeon. But you need to come down." she said breathing heavily. "What?!" "There are reporters down and..." she look at my parents "They are here to ask about the Kim's, Mr. Jeon." She added. I heard my eomma sigh. "Its getting out of hand now." He almost wispered. I look at him confused and appa just nod but not to me,instead to Jungkook. And before i knew it, Jungkook was already gone. "Appa? Eomma?" "Seems that your identity is getting out of hand,Taehyung. Im sorry baby." Eomma said not looking at me. I walk towards him and hug him. "Everything will be okay eomma. But please..." i said and distance my self to him just to look at his eye... "You like him?" He ask and i shamelessly blush infront of my parents. He then again sigh but cup my face with his hand. "I trust you baby, but i think its better for you to come with us back to Korea." "Eomma, im fine here. And if i leave, how about my friends, Chanyeol and Baek hyung? And also Minho hyung is here to. There are so many people who are here with me to protect me and..." i stand and they voth stare at me with brows raised. "Im more stronger now eomma,appa. I can protect myself already. Im not that weak eleven years old, im fuckin 16 now." I chuckle and suddenly a smack to my shoulder. "Eomma~~~" i whine "That f*****g mouth of yours Kim Taehyung! No cursing infront of me." He said but i laugh. "You too cursed eomma." I retorted and the three of us laugh, forgetting about earlier. "Oh...i guess we need to go down and face the problems now. Are you sure your okay baby?" Appa ask. I nod and smile. "I hate to admit it but i think its time to reveal my true identity." I said before i knew it, we are now standing at the main lobby of the building. Cameras are flashing nonstop infront of Jungkook who seems doesn't notice us. "Mr. Kim, is it true that your the son of Spain King? "Is that boy your son?" "How true that you and your husband are in mafia?" Jungkook turn around and saw us, i can see how shock he is. I walk towards him, my eyes not leaving his eyes. "Is this all true? Is this why the King is at Chanyeol house yesterday?" he ask when i stand infront of him. "Mr. Jeon, when did you know about them?" But Jungkook didn't give a damn s**t answering him. "Im sorry but i swear i just know about it yesterday." He said nothing, but his eyes stared at me blankly. "Let this mother fuckers leave my building!" He dangerously said to the person in his phone and suddenly, his men appeared from nowhere and dispose all the reporters, and secured the building. He walks away back to his office and my gaze just follow him until he disappeared from my sight. I felt my heart stop, it hurts being ignored by him. "Tae..." eomma hug me. I sobs to his shoulder. "Master Kim, the King wants to talk to you." A man appeared and i recognised him. He is one of those guards outside yesterday. "I will come." Eomma replied. "Lets go baby." He then said to me, i look at the direction where Jungkook disappeared, i sigh and walk with them with a heavy steps and a heartbroken.
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