
1999 Words
Author's Pov: Its just a whisper but Taehyung heard it clearly. He was caught off guard and felt his heart kip a bit. Did he just say he loves me? He thought. He then again felt Jungkook pulled him more closer causing the raven face buried to his tummy. "Ahm, Kookie..." Jungkook suddenly raise his head and look at his eyes. If only others called him by that name, for sure there is a bullet burried to their foreheads, but its his Taehyung who called him by that, and fuck...he really loves it. Its the first time the brunette called him with that, not forgetting that the younget always called him aashole. When Taehyung realised that the mafia leader is looking at him, he felt uncimfortable. He gulp nervously when Jungkook stood up,now their faces are too close that they can feel the others breath to their skin. "Im sorry Mr. Jeon if you...if you didn't like the name." Taehyung nervously averting his eyes to somewhwre else. Jungkook chuckles to his cuteness not forgetting the fact that the young brunette is blushing so hard. "I do love it,baby. And i want you to call me by that or anything you want to call me." Jungkook said softly, flipping the hair behind Taehyung's ear. "Anything?" Taehyung ask, and when Jungkook hum, an idea came to his mind and he smirk that didn't go unnotice to the raven infront of him. "But not asshole" he says before Taehyung can say something else.  Taehyung pout and Jungkook laugh at him. "You should do that always." Taehyung said and distance himself to him. He went back at the couch and sit, holding his guitar and start streaming his fingera to the string. "Do what?" Jungkook ask upon he sit back. "Smile or laugh." Taehyung replies not looking at him. Jungkook didnt say anything, and another comfortable silence engulf the room until Taehyung told him that he will call Jimin. "Oh shit." He cursed gaining Jungkook's attention. "What's wrong baby?" Taehyung blush at the petname, he really cant get used to it. Jungkook raised gis brows and ask him again. Taehyung plays the hem of his shirt and biting his lips. "Ahm...can i..borrow your phone Kookie?" He ask shyly. And here Jungkook again, feeling like he was in cloud nine hearing his name coming from Taehyung's mouth. He unlock his phone and lean his hand forword and Taehyung stood up and took it. But again cursed. "Oh f**k!" He pulled his hair harshly and rejected it that he felt sudden pain in his head. He went back to sit, mouth pouting not realising that someone infront of him is watching him. He juat stared at the screen and bit startled when he heard Jungkook. "Call Yoongi if you dont remember his number." He heard and smile widely to Jungkook, and gives him a flying kiss without him realising. He then search Yoongi's number and just a few rings Yoongi answered. Jungkook's Pov: I was caught off guard when Taehyung suddebly runs to me and knowingly my body turns and when i realised our position, i gulp hardly. He's arms around my neck, standing inbetween my legs and i can smell his perfume. I pulled him more closer to me until i burried my face to his tummy. "I love you,baby" i said in whisper, i felt him startle a bit and im sure he clearly heard it. Im expecting him to say something or worst im waiting for his sassyness or sassy words but nothing he says. All he utters is my name, and i swear its so damn good to hear him call me by that. When i stood up i felt his nerveousness and when i look at his eyes, theres a fear and regret. He apologised for calling me that but i told him its okay and he can call me anything. But i cursed internally afyet syying that when i heard him say something. "Anything?" He ask and his evilish smirk told me that he will surely call me again with that name. And before he can say something else, i cut him. "But not asshole." I said laughing and he pouted. Oh i swear i want to kiss him right here and now. But o dont wamt to ruin our little moment ao i controlled my self. "You should do that always." He said as soon as he sit back. "Do what?" I ask when i return to my sit too. "Smile or laugh" he reploes not looking at me, his hands are busu at his guitar. I didnt say anything. "Im only soft for you,baby." I said to myself. Then both of us says nothing until i heard him cursed. I look at him raising my eyebrows. "What's wrong baby?" I ask and he blush to the petname i used to call him. Playing the hem of his shirt and evwn tbough his looking down, i can tell that his biting his lips, and fuck...i swear im getting jealous to his own lips. My thoughts was interfupted when he speak. "Ahm..can i borrow your phone, kookie." He stutter and god help me really sound so dam good when he saus my name. I pi k my phone that was on my table and unlock it before giving to him. Just after returning to his sit, i heard him cursed again, and im sure i know what his problem now. "Call Yoongi if you dont remember his number" i said and wow...i was really like in cloud nine when he smile widely at me then gives me a flying kiss. Dn, its just a simple ack but i felt my member twitch. Im cursing internally due to the fact that in just that act im getting hard, and who qould noy if that person is Taehyung?! "Hyung, can you call Chim and tell him that we will have a practice at Kookie's mansuon." He said and a few seconda later, he ended the call. He got a bit shock when i was standing right infront of him, staring deeply at his eyes. "Wha-what?" he stutters. He tried to stand and walk away but i put my hands to his both side, leaning my body near to him and he leans back until his back touches the couch. I smirk and he blushes,trying to look away but im following his gaze. He nervously gulp hard when i lean more until our forehead touches. He closed his eyes and i smile, knowing that even how fiesty he is to me, i know i have this effect to him. I detached my forehead to him just to kiss it gently, then the tip of his nose,, i stare at his lips that he was nervously biting. "Dont bit your lips." I whisper and he open his eyes widely, hitching his breath due to the fact that we were so close. Not letting him say anything, i kissed him in his lips, he was caught off guard but when i was about to move away, i felt him respond and our lips moves in sync, he then put his arms around my neck and my arms around his waist when i pulled him to stand. "Jump." I said between our kiss and he jump, his legs around my waist and i walk to my room without breaking our kiss. I swallowed his moans, and i felt my member become more hard that it pained me down there already. "S-stop!" He suddenly said, and push me away. I saw him trembles and i cursed myself. "Im sorry really sorry." I said, and hold his hand but he swayed it. And just like that, i heard him cried and he pulled his knee to his chest and embrace himself. "f**k!" I cursed and saw him flinch. I dont know what happen that he even flinch in my touch now. "Im sor-" "Dont...dont...please.." he said between his sobs. "Baby?" I said softly afraid that i might scare him again, but he just continue to cry. I felt a pain in my heart not knowing what should i do to comfort him. He suddenly murmuring something that i cant understand, and start rocking his body. "Im disgusting... im dirty..." I widened my eyes to what i heard, "Baby?" I said trying to hold him. "No! Dont touch me!" He angrilly shouted at me and he start scratching his body. I panic nad dont know what to do, i swear this is the first time i felt scared. I suddenly went out the room and took my phone. "Hello hyung, its Taehyung" i said nervously and just by that, without any respond from the other line,the call cut. I oulled my hair harshly and cursed before retirning to the room, and my heart sank seeing Taehyung body trembles in fears and his skin bleeds a little that causes by the scratches he made earlier. "Baby,please look at me." I faintly said while slowly making myself sit beside him. He flinch and move away when i finally sit at the bed, it hurts seeing him afarid of me. "Baby, its me. Look at me please." I beg him and i didn't realised that i had tears in my eyes already. "Kookie..." he softly said and i suddenly felt his warm touch to my cheeks, wiping away my tears. "Im sorry baby, i didn't---" he cut me by putting his finger in my lips. "No, im sorry. Its just that...that..." He looks away but i cup his face to look at me, i can see his fear and i want him to trust me and tell me,but i dont want him to be pressured so instead of asking, i wipe his tears by my thumb and bring him to my embrace. I dont know how long we are in that position, then i heard a faint snore coming from him. I gently laid him and tuck him with the blanket, i stared at his beautiful face, and kiss his forehead before leaving the room. Just then a knock from my door and showing a worried Jin and Namjoon. "What happen?" Jin asked looking around. "What happened Jeon?!" He said again now with a bit of anger to his voice. "He's fine now. He is sleeping." I replied, not really aswering him. f**k, i dont know how to tell them. Jin enters the room where Tae is and Namjoon stare at me, i can inly say that he wants to say something. I went towards my rotating chair and sit while Namjoon stood near the glass window facing outside. "Did something happen between you two?" He ask coldly. Its the first time that he talks to me like this. "Did something happen to him before?" I ask in return, now joining him standing,facing outside the window. He sigh sadly. "Did something happen to him?" I ask again now more sternly. "He was almost rape." "Jin!" "What?!" I was totally shock. Damn, he was almost r**e and i just did that to him? f**k!!! "Yes, he was almost r**e by that Damian! But how the f**k he was triggered now,Jeon?! Jin ask and i swear i can see how he is controlling his anger now. "Jin,stop it." Namjoon said,trying to calm him. Caressing his husband back. "Im sorry.." the words that only to my mouth. Feeling ashamed and guilty that i was the reason why he remember his past. "What did you do Jeon?!" He ask with a c***k to his voice. I dont know what to say, damn! Why do i feel im not that mafia leader who was feared by everyone? Instead im the one who is scared now. When i didn't say anything, i heard Jin sigh and i was totally losing the s**t of me hearingbhis next words. "Thank you Jeon but i guess, its better to take him with me back to Korea."
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