Nobody messes with me?

1184 Words
The news about the Kim's spread like a fire everywhere. Everyone has their own thoughts on why the Kim hides about their son and Kim Seokjin being a son of King. And addition to that, how come that theres no single headline about Namjoon being one of the underworld leader. "They are really mysterious." Someone says watching the headline on the road. "That kid is KT, the young and famous KT at the bar. Wow...he's idendity is not a joke,huh?" Another one blurted. And someone out there gathering all informations about the Kim's. "Boss, seems that they are ready to come out to the public." "Follow them and report everythung to me." "Yes boss." "You run away from me, you disgrace my family. I will do anything to get your son,Kim Seokjin!" A man sitting in his office, gritting his teeth while clenchung his jaw. At university: Its time for their music class with Choi Minho. And Jimin,Hoseok and Wendy are sitting at the back watching the news on their phone when Minho enters. "Did he know about this?" Jimin wispered to both of his friend. "Maybe, im not sure." Wendy replied. "Mr. Park,Mr. Jung and Ms. Wendy, mind to focus here." Minho said and the three utter a sorry un chorus. "Mr. Choi, there's a news that the Kim's have a son, do you happen to know it?" Drake ask out of nowhere. Minho was caught off guard, and all the student keep quiet, waiting for his reply. "Mr. Lee, that question is out of the subject." Minho saidand tried his best to hide his shock. "Oh,thats right,sir." Drake sarcastically said. "But i got to know that before your father died, he is the personal driver of Mr. Namjoon." He added. Minho was taken aback and look at him. He saw a smirk on Drake face and he can say that he knows more than enough than this. He compose himself, walk towards the calm boy who was sitting. "Did you happen to check my background, Mr. Lee?" He ask. Drake just chuckle and took his phone, ignoring him. "By the way, wheres Byun Taehyung?" Minho ask when he notice that he is not around. "And that nerd is a mysterious one,too. Who would think that, that nerd has many bodyguards." Drake said again but Minho ignores him. He went back infront and start his lessons. While his eyes sometimes are darted to the three person at the back. Time skip: "Hello" "I was told to tell you that you and your friends will have a practice at Jungkook house." "Jungkook? Why the...oh..i got it, Yoongs. But what happen to Taehyung? Is the news true?" Jimin ask Yoongi. "What news?" The other ask. Jimin furrowed his brows and told him about the headlines earlier. And before he can say again the call ended. "Asshole" Jimin said to his screen. "Hey, lets go at Jungkook house." He said a little loud so the two can hear. They both look at him raising their eyebrows. "We will have a practice there."he added and the two nods. "But, do you know where his house is?" Hoseok ask and Jimin cursed then laugh a little. He again called Yoongi but got no answer. "Why dont you call Taehyung." He ask to Wendy. "Yah! If i can,do you think i didn't do it already? That guy really is something. Everytime he is pissed he will throws his phone. Thats the 25th phone that he broke if i can remember it clearly." Wendy laugh after explaining. "What? That weirdo." Hoseok cant believe what he heard. And the three of them separates their way. Jungkook's Pov: I cant believe it, i've known them for so long but i had no idea that Kim Seokjin is a King's son. And about Taehyung... "Argh!!!" I pulled my hair in frustration. Then i remember what Jin said earlier. He slam his hand on the table hardly that causes the mirror on top to be broken. Blood oozing on his hand, he stared on it blankly. "Oh my god, Mr. Jeon!" His secretary said nervously. She run and grab the medicine kit. "Out!" I shouted at my secretary and she quickly get out leaving the medicine kit at the table. He stood there with his hand covered with blood. He didn't know how long he stay like that until he felt the unbearable pain in his hand. He look at it and laugh like crazy. Then he again return to being serious. "No one dares to mess with Jeon Jungkook, Kim Seokjin!" He clench his fist ignoring the pain. "Jeon!" He look at the door and saw a serious look of Yoongi. Yoongi suddenly saw his hand covered with blood and quickly took the medicine kit and cleans his wound. "What are you doing?! Look at yourself,Jeon!" He scolded his brother. But when he look at his brotherd eyes, his eyes soften seeing the feared and ruthless mafia with teary eyes. "Hyung..." Jungkook said. Yes, to those who knows him being the cold and ruthless mafia leader and ceo, but to his hyung...he is still his little brother. Yoongi stood up and pat his shoulder. He never saw Jungkook being broken like this, he never saw his little brother cry even when their parents was brutally murder. And even when that b***h ex girlfriend of hik cheated on him. "What happen,Kook." He ask. Hearing the name Jungkook totally broke down. "Jin hyung...his taking away Taehyung from me,hyung." Jungkook said between his sobs. And Yoongi remembers the reason why he came at his office. He took a deep breath and walk near the glass window. "Is the news true?" He ask. Jungkook stayed quiet at this moment. Yoongi sigh again. "So i guess its true. In that case Kook..." he turn around and face his brother who was staring at his  now covered hand, "We cant do any---"Before he can continue, Jungkook grab his loptop and throws it colliding at the wall. "No! Taehyung is mine! Nobody will take him from me! Nobody will mess with Jeon Jungkook!" He shouted angrily and grabbing all the things that he can see, throwing evewhere. Yoongi just let him broke everything, he pitied his brother. But the next thing Jungkook did, Yoongi yelled at him. "Jeon! Stop that!" He said when he saw Jungkook took his gun. "Stop what, Min Yoongi?" and Yoongi knows it, when Jungkook called him by his name, his totally out of control. His eyes become bloody red and those smirk scared the s**t out of Yoongi. Its the second time that he is seeing his brother like this again. Fisrt is when their parents was brutally murdered infront of them, and Jungkook took the gun and like a pshyco, he killed them. He killed those bastard who killed their parents. He snap when he heard a loud sound and he look at the direction, he saw Jungkook hoots the vase and another one. Yoongi search for his phone and without Jungkook's noticing him, he dialed Namjoon's number. "Yoongi, we are-- "BANG!!!"
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