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Taehyung's Pov: I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the sunlight peek out the window. I was about to sit when i felt a strong arm at my waist. I look at my side and almost jump when i realised that im shamelessly hugging this asshole. Instaed of getting up, i shamelessly stare at him, he is sleeping peacefully with his mouth slightly open and a faint snore can be heard. I notice the small scar in his cheeks and i trace of finger to it gently. And my eyes went to his lips, "what is the feeling to be kissed by this lips?" i thought but then i widened my eyes and shook my head not realising that he was looking at me. "Love what you see,baby?" I quickly push him away to me and i feel my blood runs to my face. "Not so fast baby." He added pulling me closer causing me to fall to his chest. His one hand around my waist while the other caressing my hair. "Im sorry Mr. Jeon but im going to be late." I said and thankfully i didn't stutter. He chuckles and i felt the vibration of his chest to my cheeks that was leaning to it. I vlush hardly when i realised that he was shirtless, and damn my hand was shamelessly on his toned abs. "Wait!" I suddenly said and push him again, he let me go from his hug and i already miss his warm touch. I step away from the bed and look at him who was already sitting and leans his back to the bed board. "Why your in my bed?" I ask with a hoarse voice. He raised his right eyebrows then chuckle, "This is my room baby. Didn't you remember what happen last night?" He said and i swear i want to slap him for smirking at me like that. I stare at him confusedly while trying my best to remember what happened. Oh, yeah i woke up in the middle of the night, breathing heavily and sweating. I remember that i had a nightmare again. And when i cant sleep, i knock to his door and....i slam my hand to my mouth..."seriously did i really say that" "Yes." I look at him and i know im really like a tomato now blushing. "You did say it loud baby." He added with a smirk again. Oh i swear, please let me be swallowed by the floor now,lord. "Can i cuddle with you?" "Haist!!!" I groaned and without saying anything, i run outside his room but before i reach my room, i heard him say something that really made me want to disappear in instant. "Did you remove your pants before coming to my room? "f**k you asshole!" I shouted back when im in my room, and i swear those laugh of him is like a music to my ears. Dont get me wrong, im not used to sleep with pants, so when i woke up feeling that uncomfortable pants i remove it wearing just my boxer...and wait?...did he??? Wait...What Taehyung?! Damn, your f*****g straight,Tae. Am I? Ufff!!! I quickly took shower when i realised im getting late. And again, im cursing nonstop. I walk to his room slamming the door but he's nowhere to be found. I turn around to go when i heard him. And i swear i regreted turning around again when i saw him with just a towel around his waist. I gulp when my eyes darted down there. I already forgot what i want to ask him. "Thats your's baby." He said walking closer to me and damn, i can feel the heat comes to my face. "f**k you asshole!" I said sprinting towards the door. "Oh well, i really want to f**k you,Tae." He blurted as if its just normal to him. My god, im just 16 in f**k sake and wow...did that psycho just say those to me? "In your dreams asshole!" I shouted and raised my middle finger to him not facing him then i walk or almost run downstair with my bag hanging at my shoulder. "Goodmorning Master...?" I startle when a maid in his late fifties greeted me. "Taehyung, please just Taehyung or Tae."i replied with a smile. "Goodmorning dear." She said and thats better, to be honest. "Goodmorning Mr. Jeon" she said when this asshole came to the living room. "Breakfast is ready, Mr. Jeon." She added and like what the f**k is his problem not smiling or saying anything. His face is so serious, i kept on staring at his back when he enter the dining room. I pouted and i felt something in my heart for being ignored by him. "Are you not coming to join me eat?" He ask when he turn around to face me. Instead of answering him, i plop my ass at the couch and cross my arms to my chest. I flinch when i heard him raised him voice, "Im not gonna repeat my words, Kim Taehyung! Dont show your stubborness infront of me!" And i swear,he really intimidate me let me be submissive to him. I felt a hand at my shoulder and i tilt my head to see the maid smile at me and nod, telling me to follow him. I sigh before standing and putting down my bag then followed him. I choose to sit little far to Jungkook but his intimidating stare at me made me move and sit across the table infront of him. I stare at my empty plate not wanting to look at him. He put a piece pancake on my plate, "Eat." He command and quickly i pick my fork and eat as fast as i can. I choke at the last piece and he worriedly stand and walk behind me and caress my back not forgetting to give me a glass of water. "Are you stupid?! Nobody will take your food." He said worriedly. I feel like im in cloud nine seeing him worried in just a simple mistake i done. And without me realising, i giggled to it, i felt his hand stop caressing my back and i heard him chuckle before returning to his sit. After he eat, i followed him outside but before i enter his car, i stop and he look at me. "How can i go uni, i dont have tbose nerd look." I said,biting my lower lips. I heard him curse then he took his phone calling someone. My jaw dropped upon hearing him talks to our Dean. Then he cut the call. "Your excused." He said. "Close your mouth,Kim." And i quickly close my mouth and he gesture me to enter at the car. I frowned and as if he reads my mind, "You will come with me at the office." He said and again, he told me to get inaide the car. Not wanting to pissed him, i enter and sit and ge close the door, i followed my gaze to him who walks at the other side and when he start thw car, i look outside the window. Theres a silence between us in the way to his office, good thing is that its a comfortable silence. When we reach the building, i suddenly felt uncomfortable and feel ashamed remembering the mess i did before. I startle a bit when i heard him knock the car window, i opened the door and dou ting if i should come or just run away from him again, but guess i cant do that anymore. Knowing that his mens are everywhere. "Dont worry, nobody will say anything."he said squeezing my hamd softly. I look at him and saw his aoft gaze to me. I was drown to that deep eyes of him. He nod again assurung that its okay. I sigh deeply before stepping out the car, i walk behind him like a puppy following his master, hanging my head down not looking my way until i bump someone. "Owww" i utter,raising my head just to see that the person i bump was no other than him who stop right infront of me, then i look down again uttering a sorry to him.He turn to face me and using his index finger, he put under my chin and let me look at him, "Im here with you. Dont be afraid. I will not let anything bad happen to you, i promise." He softly said and my heart beats abnormally, and he really made me feel that with him, i'll be safe. "Just for once,Kim Taehyung. Let yourself be who you really are. Stop running away from him." I took a deep breath and smile at him. "Lets go?" I nod and we both enter the building. Some employees look at us but say nothing, i followed him enter his personal elevator and when we reach his office that was located at the twentifift floor, i saw a lady come towards us. "Goodmorning Mr. Jeon, you'll be having a meeting at 9 with Mr. Suho." She said and she smile at me when this cold boss of her enters his office after hearing his schedule. I smiled at her before i followed him inside. I look adound and notice that his office is a combination of black and white, its my second time here and i can finally see how simple yet elegant it is. I smile when my eyws caught something at the corner of the book shelf. I walk towards it and i start playing. I ignore him knowing that he's following my movements. "I miss you." I said then kiss my guitar. The guitar i intentionally left at the bar, i sigh and feel sad that i cant perform anymore there. "Stop pouting that damn lips."he said that causing me to stop palying my guitar. I raised my head and look at him, and s**t!!! I regreted it as soon as our eyes met, he was smirking at me. I look away, i cant stand those strong gaze of him that giving me butterflies to my stomach. I bit my lips the habit i always do when i feel scared or nerveous. "If you keep on doing that, i swear i'll gonna kiss you." I blush at what he said and almost choke from my own breath. "Asshole." i whisper. "I can hear you." I look at him and thanks god that his eyes are busy at the screen of his loptop. I feel bored for not doing anything for an hour. "Its time,lets go." He said putting his coat and walking towards the door, he stop when he notice im not moving at where i am. "You will come with me to my meeting." He added. Seriously? He's bringing me everywhere he goes. "Im not re--" " need to repeat it." I said, putting my hand at the air indicating that i surrender. Time skip: We arrive at a restaurant, oh..its not an ordinary restaurant. A waiter come and guide him or should i say us towards the reserve table where i saw a guy sitting. "Finally you came, Jeon." He said. He sit without saying a word, really this guy is as cold as a damn ice. He notice that im still standing, he hold my hand and told me to sit beside him,thats when tge other guy notice me. "And who is this beautiful kid?" He said winking at me. And f**k, i dont like the way he stare at me, like he's eye r****g me. I suddenly hold Jungkook's hand and he look at me and notice that im not comfortable. He put his hand to my thigh and squeeze it gently that gained my attention and look at him,but his eyes are darted to the person infront of us. "Its none of your damn business, Suho." He spat. "Hey relax." Suho chuckles. They stop when a waiter came and took oir order. They were talking about business and i swear its not the kind of business that i expect. Drugs Guns Prostitutes And all kinda of illegal business to be exact. "Here's your order and enjoy." The waiter said putting the foods on the table, bow and leave. We start eating and suddenly i shiver when i felt a touch to my feet, at first i ignored it thinking its just a accident but when i felt that it coming to my thigh, i stand and throws a water to his face. "s**t!" He angrilly said,standing and wiping his face. The other customer look at us. And Jungkook, was just calm sitting looking at me, his elbow leaning on the table. "You!-- "Yes me?! Damn you! Who the f**k do you think you are,huh?" I spat angrilly to him. I heard him chuckle and his eyes stare at me like he is ready to kill me, "Oh come on Jeon, your slut seems---" BANG!!! It happen so fast that the man infront of us hissed in pain,holding his right shoulder. And here i am, my body trembles in fear. My knees went like jelly and as if im ready to faint anytime soon. I can see customers panic and heard them shouts,some runs outside and some are have the guts to just continue what they were doing like its just normal of them witnesing this kind of situation. "Call him again like that i swear, next time the bullet will be in between your eyes!" Jungkook said,clenching his jaw. I let my self sit and tried to calm, when some men came and drag the guy. "Are you okay?" Jungkook ask me. He hold my trembling hands. He hug me and whisper sweet words to my ears, feeling his hot breath touching my skin,i close my eyes and let myself calm by his touch. "You okay,baby" he said softly and i nod after god knows how long we are in that situation. He then distance himself to me and i interbally whined missing the touch already. He pulled his phone and called Yoongi hyung and tild him to settle this mess. "Yah Jeon, why cant you just kill someone in a not crowded place, why do you always need to kill a person in a restaurant." i heared Yoongi and god, seriously... "Hyung, its not my fault that they are messing with me, and i will kill everyone who will touch my baby." He said seriously, staring through my eyes like reading what im thinking. "Lets go." He said after talking to his brother. We are already at the door about to go out when he suddenly turn around, his face is seriously cold, and emotionless. This is real, the real ruthless and cold mafial leader. Little did they know that someone is out there spying them. "Take thier phones and check if they took a video,and destroy every record of today." he commanded, and just a mere second, mens with black suit appeared from nowhere and start doing what was told to. Wow!!! I cant believe this. I look at him and cursed myself when i notice that he was already outside waiting for me. "Yah! Do you really need to do that?" I ask and got a silent answer. "Rude." I said again before entering his car. We return to his office and he busied himself, while me sitting playing with my guitar. And suddenly i remember something. He may or he may not read my mind, "Say it." He said, i put the guitar at the couch and walk closer to his table. He raised his head and look at me, "Canigoatthemansiontohaveapracticewithmyfriends" i breat out after saying it in one go. He put down his pen and leans his back to his chair. "What?!" He narrowed his eyebrows, oh son of a pissed him again. I gulp and played the hem of my shirt. "Can i go to the mansion to have a practice with my friends...asshole" i said the last word to myself. "No need." My eyes become bigger to his replied. "But we-- "I have a studio you can call them and--" i run to him and hug him tightly and i felt his body stiffen to my sudden act. "Thank you" i said happily and was about to move away when i felt his strong arms around my waist, i blush when i realised that im standing between his legs and his face at my stomach. I can feel butterfies to my stomach,i swear im loving the feeling of him touching me. I unconsciously bit my lower lips when i felt him pulled me closer and he tightens his arms around my waist. What are you doing to me,Mr. Jeon? "I love you,baby."
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