68 - Unexpected Help

1583 Words

Pierre Princess Serena, Jocelyn and I were minding our own business when a group of rogues suddenly surrounded us. They inched closer with drool falling from their snouts, making them look like a bunch of rabid mutts. Menacing growls filled the air, mingling with our hissing, and I knew it was just a matter of time before they made their move. As expected, they lunged at us, and my first instinct was to protect Princess Serena. Unfortunately, Jocelyn had to defend herself without having full knowledge of how to do that against a rogue werewolf. An ugly brown rogue sank his teeth into my mate’s neck, causing her to screech like a banshee. It took a total of two seconds for most of the rogues to join the first one and tear my mate apart from limb to limb, then they used their disgusti

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