7 - Prince Jeffrey’s Dark Side

1308 Words
*Trigger Warning* Winona His disgusting bourbon and spice scent hit my nose seconds before I heard a twig snap to my left. The next second, I bolted to the right, running as fast as I could in hopes of losing that asshole before he could get his nasty paws on me. Unfortunately, I was no match for the prince. He caught up to me in no time and pounced as soon as he got close enough. Using his unbelievable speed and strength, Prince Jeffrey bit down on the back of my wolf’s neck, effectively pinning me down. Within a matter of seconds, he had me mounted in our wolf form, and he was going to town on me. I growled and whined, wishing he would stop targeting me, but it didn’t faze him in the least. When he got bored, Prince Jeffrey commanded through our mind link, ‘Shift now, Winona.’ Knowing what would happen if I didn’t obey him, I shifted on the spot, followed by Prince Jeffrey also shifting. With his eyes darkened in lust and an evil smirk on his face, he smugly commented, “That’s my good b***h. Now, suck it before I f**k you some more.” In a fit of pure rage, my hands started flailing about, slapping the asshole anywhere I could make contact, while I yelled, “I hate you! Just leave me alone! You’re nothing but a coward who can’t get a girl without forcing himself on her!” I was suddenly forced to stop yelling when his fingers wrapped around the front of my neck and squeezed, cutting off my air flow. There was no stopping myself from gasping for air, as I bucked beneath him, trying to get away. Just when I thought I was going to die from lack of air, Prince Jeffrey let go of my neck, then he backhanded me across the face, making my head whip to the side. I laid on the ground, limp from being stunned by the blow and deprived of oxygen, giving Prince Jeffrey the chance to continue his assault on me. Long story short, by the time he left me lying on the ground by myself, I had taken the worst beating of my life, and my insides felt like they were splitting in two. He was so angry and rough, it nearly scared me to death. Luckily, I was a werewolf, so I healed relatively fast, but this time would take longer than usual. Knowing this, I forced myself to shift back into my wolf form, then I slowly made my way back to my cabin. As soon as I got inside, I went straight to the bathroom and locked the door, so I could soak in the bath without Grace barging in on me. Normally, I wouldn’t care. She was like a sister to me. But I didn’t want her to see me in the condition I was in. Grace After doing my chores at the castle, I went straight back to Winona’s cabin. It was in a secluded area of the forest, providing us both with the peace and quiet we were seeking. When I got there, I could hear Winona in the bathroom. Assuming she was taking a bath, I went to the kitchen and made a peanut butter sandwich, then I sat in the living room, waiting for Winona to come out. Twenty minutes passed, and I thought… she must be especially dirty. Forty minutes passed, and I thought… she must be especially sore. An hour passed, and I was waiting no longer. It wasn’t like her to stay in the bathroom for so long. Seconds after knocking on the door, Winona croaked out, “Who is it?” “It’s me! Grace! Let me in,” I responded, trying to turn the doorknob, with no luck. “I’ll be out in a minute,” she choked out, then I heard the sound of water dripping from her body when she stood up. With a towel wrapped around her, Winona opened the door, and I immediately gasped in shock at the sight of her. Both of her eyes were swollen, despite the length of time she had been in the bathroom. In addition to that, I could see where a split in her lip was healing, along with splits in both of her cheeks. Bruises in the shape of fingertips lined her arms, and there was a ring of deep bruising around her neck. A stream of tears flowed from my friend’s haunted, baby blue eyes, and her lips were moving, but no words were leaving her mouth. Winona was clearly in a state of shock, and I needed to do something to help her, so I wrapped my arms around my best friend and hugged her while whispering, “I’m here now, sweetheart. Let it out.” Loud sobs of anguish left my friend, making her body shake and making the resentment I held in my heart for the prince and king increase tenfold. I rubbed Winona’s hair with one hand and her back with my other hand, giving her the comfort she needed, while Winona cried her broken little heart out. Serena Since there were fewer vampires using the underground tunnels during the day, that’s when Pierre and I did most of our traveling. We could have gotten there hell of fast, but we didn’t want to bring unnecessary attention to ourselves until we had some followers to help watch our back. It was great to have Pierre making the journey with me. It would have been excruciatingly long and boring without him. On our second day of traveling, we stumbled upon a lone vampire leaning against the stonewall of the tunnel. He had dark red hair, angry green eyes and an overall look that said, ‘I hate this place.’ As we walked past, I glanced over and asked, “What’s your deal?” “Keep walking,” he hissed. “Make me,” I challenged, unwilling to back down from anybody. “What do you want?” he asked in annoyance. “A bodyguard,” I answered frankly. “Huh,” he breathed out with his face contorted in complete confusion. “We are traveling, and I am in need of a bodyguard. Somebody who is not scared to kill on the spot if that is what’s needed,” I boldly explained. He eyed me with suspicion for several seconds before he c****d an eyebrow and asked, “Where are you traveling to?” “Anywhere and everywhere until I get enough followers to complete my mission,” I mumbled, not having a definitive answer to that question. “What’s in it for me?” he questioned with a smirk appearing on his pale face. “If you help me, I will reward you in the best ways possible after I complete this mission,” I responded, remaining vague about my answers. “f**k it. What’s the worst that can happen? I waste some time. Count me in,” he agreed, extending his hand out to make it official with a handshake. “Wonderful! We are heading to the coast first,” I informed him with a pleased smile. “What’s your name?” he asked with curiosity, taking me by surprise. I assumed he already knew who I was, but apparently, I was wrong. I had never been one to lie, so I told him straight-up, “I am Princess Serena, and you are?” “The others call me, ‘hey you’, but my human name was Zachary,” he answered with a hint of sadness. “Zachary, it is a pleasure to meet you. My friend here is Pierre, and he is my right-hand man,” I introduced before insisting we get on the move again.
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