8 - Good to Bad

1877 Words
Zoey     I woke-up on the day of me and Zane’s birthday, but I didn’t feel different in any way.  After taking a quick shower, I spent more time than usual on my hair, adding curls so it fell in waves.  Next, I put on a light coat of silver eyeshadow, blush and pink lipstick.     Normally, I didn’t wear make-up or curl my hair, but I figured it was among the best days for it, since there was the possibility of finding my mate.  Not that I actually expected it to happen.  Nor did I want it to happen.  At least, not until we returned from helping Savannah.     Once I was done with my hair and make-up, I went to my closet and put on my cutest black bra with matching panties, then I slid into the black dress my parents got me for this special day.  It was held up by thin spaghetti straps with a tight fitting bust and a satin skirt that flared out around my legs.     Feeling beautiful, I left my bedroom with a grin on my face and excitement about my future.  I was finally eighteen, so I would soon be able to leave the Jungle Pack and spend some time with my family at the Eagle Moon Pack.     After enjoying a delicious serving of French toast and bacon, my parents gave me and Zane our birthday presents.  I was happy to see my favorite brands of art supplies, but even better than that was the spell book they gifted me.       As I flipped through the pages, I saw an abundance of spells I’d never heard of, and I was eager to learn about them.  Of course, I gave my parents hugs and thanks for the presents, then I ran off to my bedroom.  It was nice being able to replace the supplies I was low on, and I took care of that right away, then I laid on my bed with the spell book.     A few hours passed by with my nose in that book.  During that time, I found several spells that could come in handy during our travels, so I made sure to slide a little piece between the pages, so I could find them with ease when the time came.     When I finally put the spell book down, the sun was already beginning to set.  My favorite time of the day to paint was fast approaching.     After grabbing my main art supplies, I rushed out of the castle and quickly made my way through the jungle.  Halfway to the waterfall, my wolf started pacing in my head, and it was quite distracting.     Choosing to ignore her anxiousness, I kept going and soon the waterfall appeared in the distance.  When I reached it a few minutes later, Zela was still pacing in my head, and it was starting to unnerve me.     To help take my mind off of it, I put my focus on a painting of the waterfall.  I had barely got started when the heavenly scent of bananas and olives tickled my nose.     I knew that scent all too well after the other day.  In fact, I had dreamed of that scent and it’s owner many times since then.     Trying to ignore what I hoped wasn’t the inevitable, I attempted to keep painting, despite my hand trembling.  As I stood there, holding my hand up, waiting for it to steady out, the most wonderful tingling sensation wrapped around my wrist, then I was spun around to face the one and only werecat of my recent dreams.     “Mate, mate,” Zela chanted in my head.     “Xavier, tell me it’s not true.  Tell me we’re not mates,” I breathed out, knowing he was already taken.     “Zoey, I can’t do that.  It’s true.  I feel it, too,” he mumbled with a wide array of mixed emotions swirling in his mesmerizing, yellow eyes.     “I’m sorry,” I whispered, looking away to hide my true feelings.     “Why are you sorry?” Xavier asked in confusion.     “I don’t know,” I grumbled, not knowing how to react to him being my mate.     Out of nowhere, Xavier wrapped his arms around me, then he buried his face in the crook of my neck, making it tingle where he’s supposed to mark me.  After taking a deep inhale of my scent, he mumbled against my sweet spot, “You smell so good.”     “So do you,” I shyly squeaked.     The next thing I knew, his lips were leaving a trail of wet kisses up my neck, while Xavier reached down and cupped my ass in his hands.  The second he squeezed; a soft moan left my mouth in response to the way my mate was touching me.  Not only that, but my cat was also purring louder than ever before.     Instinctively, I melted against Xavier and enjoyed the way he was making me feel.  After his lips reached my ear, he whispered into it, “I’m going to kiss your lips now, if that’s okay.”     “Please, do,” I breathily responded.     More sweet kisses were trailed over my cheek, then his lips met mine.  Only a few seconds passed before Xavier darted his tongue between my lips, creating an explosion of sparks in my mouth.     With my fingers tangled in his soft, ultra-blonde hair, I moaned into the kiss.  A fire of desire burned within me and grew, as our tongues danced, and his hands explored.     In desperate need of air, I finally tore my lips away from his, but Xavier wasn’t done.  His lips quickly found their way back to my neck, where he kissed and sucked, making that fire rage hotter.     When his lips found their way back up neck, he mumbled against my ear, “I want you so bad right now.”     “I want you, too,” I admitted, unable to resist the pull of our bond.     “Can I have you, Zoey?  Can I mate with you, right now?” Xavier asked with his voice deep and husky.     “Yes, mate,” I whispered, needing him to take care of the fire raging inside of me.     Without another word, Xavier made the black gym shorts he was wearing drop to the ground before he lifted up on my legs and wrapped them around his waist.  After dropping to his knees, Xavier unzipped the back of my dress, then he pulled it over my head.     While running his fingers over my cleavage, Xavier sweetly complimented, “You are absolutely flawless, Zoey Branson.”     Purring with happiness, I smiled at my mate and hummed, “You are the most gorgeous werecat in the world.”     After flashing me the sexiest smirk ever, Xavier dipped his head down and sucked on my cleavage.  I grabbed his head and moaned, as my body quivered in delight.     When he lifted his head back up, Xavier locked eyes with me and curiously inquired, “Tell me, sweetheart… Are you still a virgin?”     Unable to pull my eyes away from him, I held eye contact and honestly answered, “Yes.”     “Even better,” he hummed with a smile before his lips came crashing down on top of mine.     After a minute or so of passionate kissing, Xavier laid me backward on the ground, then he slowly pulled my panties down the length of my legs.  The anticipation quickly built within me, and I couldn’t wait for what was about to happen.     Once my panties were out of the way, Xavier placed a few sporadic kisses on each of my legs, then he lowered his face over my mound and took a deep inhale of my scent.  With clouded eyes, he looked and murmured, “I can’t wait to see if you taste as sweet as you smell.”     The next thing I knew, his face was buried between my thighs, and his tongue was skillfully teasing my most sensitive lady parts.  My back arched in response, as I moaned out, “f**k, that feels incredible.”     Xavier lifted his head and flashed me a smile while mumbling, “Mate, you taste even better than you smell.  I could eat you like this for hours, but I’m dying to get inside of you.”     “Baby don’t just talk about it.  Do it,” I encouraged, wanting to feel more of what he had to give.     Ever-so-slowly, Xavier kissed up the length of my body.  While whispering sweet words in my ear, he reached between us and positioned himself at my needy entrance.     Before he pushed his tip in, Xavier brought his lips back to mine, effectively stopping the scream that would have otherwise left my mouth.  Knowing he hurt me, Xavier kept his body still besides his lips that continued to kiss me.       Once my body relaxed beneath him, he finished slowly pushing his length deeper into my core, making us both moan into the kiss.  Sparks were igniting my body in so many ways it was almost breathtaking.     When Xavier finally released my lips from his, he went right back to my neck.  It felt so good to be mating with him, but I wanted the whole package, so I mumbled against his ear, “Mark me, mate.”     Xavier stopped thrusting and looked at me with a tortured expression, as he responded, “I can’t mark you, Zoey.  I shouldn’t even be doing this, but I couldn’t resist you.”     “What do you mean, you can’t mark me?  Why the hell not?  I’m your mate!  You have no problem f*****g me!” I growled, feeling hurt by his words.     “I promised myself to Felicity.  I love her, Zoey.  I don’t love you,” he answered in total honesty with his c**k still buried in my core.     Enraged, I slapped Xavier across the face before pushing him off of me.  He was supposed to be my mate.  Not Felicity’s mate.  He was supposed to be fated to me.       Xavier had no intention of accepting me when he took my clothes off and proceeded to mate with me.  I was so angry; I couldn’t even speak.  I crawled toward my painting supplies with my dress balled up in my hand, dragging across the dirty ground, but I didn’t care.     Just as I reached my s**t, I heard Xavier say, “I’m so sorry about this.  I, Xavier Bowman, reject you, Zoey Branson, as my mate.”     Pain!  The worst searing pain of my life erupted throughout my entire chest, crippling me into a ball of sobbing anguish.  What should have been the best birthday of my life quickly went from being just that to being the absolute worst birthday ever!     Xavier left me lying on the ground, experiencing the horrible pain he caused with nobody to give me comfort.  Unable to move, because of the pain, I laid there and bawled my eyes out.     At least thirty minutes must have passed before the pain calmed down, allowing me to put my dress back on.  However, I was unable to muster the energy or willpower to get up and go home.  I couldn’t face my family after what had just happened. 
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