6 - Sudden Attraction

1379 Words
Zoey     My parents had been smothering me and Zane with attention since he told them we planned to join Jameson and Savannah.  I loved my family, and their intentions were appreciated, but I was in serious need of some peace and quiet.     To get that much needed peace, I grabbed my painting supplies and set off for the waterfall, where I found the most inspiration.  On my way there, I heard the sound of leaves and twigs snapping to my right, so I tossed my stuff under the foliage and climbed the nearest tree, wanting to get a better look, just to be on the safe side.     Everybody knew to keep their guard up, since the Protection Spell could fade away on any given day.  No way was I gonna chance running into trouble when I was so close to leaving this jungle.     Once I was safely perched on a thick limb, I scanned the area around me until my eyes landed on Xavier and Felicity.  I couldn’t see her face, but I could see her limbs wrapped around his naked body, and they were clearly mating with each other.     I should have looked away and continued to the waterfall, but I couldn’t seem to pull my eyes away from Xavier.  The way his muscles bulged with each thrust made my mouth water for some odd reason, and I found myself momentarily wishing I was the one lying beneath him.     It was both unnerving and confusing.  Sure, I had hopes of someday finding my mate, but I had never looked at a guy and wished he would touch me in that way.  Nor had I ever felt such a strong attraction to anybody.  Not even Xavier, and we had grown-up in the same pack.  It was utterly mind boggling.       The sound of their bodies slapping together resonated in my ears in the worst way possible.  When the moans started getting louder, I couldn’t take it any longer.  I forced my eyes away from the mating duo and took a deep breath to steady my rapidly beating heart, then I climbed down the tree.     After retrieving my supplies, I continued to the waterfall, where I spent a few hours trying to think about anything other than Xavier and Felicity.  I didn’t want to think about them.  All I wanted was to enjoy a quiet morning, watching the sunrise and painting.     By the time I packed up my supplies, the sun was half over the horizon, and my mind was exhausted.  I could think of no logical reason for my sudden attraction to Xavier, and it was about to drive me absolutely mad.     As soon as I got home, I took a quick shower to rid myself of any dirt, then I laid down for bed.  Luckily, I was too tired to keep thinking, but that didn’t stop me from dreaming about none other than Xavier.     In my dreams, he was doting on me and mating with me like he does with Felicity.  I was the one who received that affection, and I loved it.  The way he kissed me.  Touched me.  It was nothing short of amazing, but it was just a dream.     I woke-up in the late afternoon with my insides aching and my body covered in sweat.  I knew I needed something, but I didn’t know what, and I was too embarrassed to talk to anybody about it.     Instead, I had to suck it up and act like everything was normal.  I had to act like there wasn’t something or somebody on my mind, and that was gonna be a challenge, since Zane knew me so well. Zane     As soon as Zoey appeared in the living room, I knew something was on her mind.  She kept avoiding eye contact with me, and she seemed shiftier than normal.  In addition to that, she barely touched her food, then she rushed back to her bedroom and locked the door.     Hours passed with me sitting on the hallway floor next to her door, then I finally heard her footsteps heading my way.  I jumped to my feet and readied myself to barge in and force her to talk, then I did just that, making Zoey yell, “What the crap, Zane?  I was on my way out.  Was that really necessary?”     “Yes, it was!  Something is up with you, and I want to know what it is!” I insisted with determination, as I kicked her door shut.     “Nothing is going on with me,” she indignantly commented while still avoiding my eyes.     “I’m calling bullshit!  Now, tell me what’s going on with you!  Are you having second thoughts about leaving?” I questioned.     “No!  The sooner we leave the better!” she grumbled with a frown.     “There it is!  Don’t tell me there’s nothing wrong.  I know that frown all too well!  What’s troubling you, sis?” I pressed, wanting to help my twin if possible.     “It’s nothing.  Really.  I stumbled across Xavier and Felicity mating last night.  It made me feel out of sorts.  I swear!  That’s all it is,” she confessed with an embarrassed look on her face.     I chuckled at my bashful sister and sympathetically mumbled, “Don’t sweat it, Zoey.  It’s perfectly normal.  You’ll forget about it soon.”     “I hope so!  I don’t know if I can handle another nap full of dreams about Xavier,” she grumbled in frustration.     After draping my arm over her shoulders, I insisted, “Come with me!  I know what will take your mind off of this.” Xavier     Felicity spent the morning, sleeping beside me in my bed.  It had become the norm for us, and I was happy to wake-up to her beautiful face every day.       She was still sleeping, so I laid on my side with my head propped up on my hand and admired her beauty.  That was until I heard laughing from outside.       Curious to see what was so funny, I quietly left the bed and walked to the window, then I looked out to see Zane tickling Zoey, while she squirmed around on the ground, laughing hysterically.  I had known them since we were cubs, but we never hung out.     They usually kept to themselves, like most werecats, so I never got the chance to really get to know either of them.  In addition to that, I rarely saw either of them smile unless they were together.  I guess it was a twin thing or something.     When Zane moved a little, I got a great view of Zoey’s smile, and it was surprisingly pleasing to the eyes.  She had the cutest dimples that she no doubt got from her father, and I found them to be incredibly dazzling.     I was still watching them wrestle on the ground when I heard Felicity groggily ask, “What’s going on out there?”     “It’s just Zane and Zoey.  He’s tickling the crap out of her, and she’s trying to get away,” I responded without looking away.     When I made no attempt to go back to the bed, Felicity got up and joined me at the window.  Neither of us said a word for almost two minutes straight.  We both seemed to be mesmerized by the twins.       Finally, I glanced over at Felicity to see her eyes had darkened with lust, and that confused the hell out of me.  I had never seen her eyes darken like that at the sight of anybody else.     As soon as she noticed I was looking at her, a blush rose to her cheeks, as she stammered, “W-why are we s-still watching them?”     My eyes scanned the length of her naked body, then I grabbed her hips and huskily drawled, “I’d rather look at your beautiful body any day of the week.”     “Same,” she hummed while scanning the length of my body.     The smell of her arousal hit my nose and there was no stopping me from wanting to take her right then.  I scooped Felicity up in my arms, then I carried her to the bed, but I couldn’t help looking back one last time to see that gorgeous smile on Zoey’s face.
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