Hotel Room

1549 Words

Elona's POV Tristan's mood had changed since Moreen had brought up the topic about kids. I have to agree with everything that Tristan had said to her. I most certainly do not like it when people try to take control of my life because they think its best. It's wrong and weird. Tristan and I walked hand in hand towards the hotel building. I felt free and not a secret. I loved this with him. I cannot wait for us to be able to be carefree when we tell Cris and my father. "I wish that we could do this more often, every day for that matter," Tristan said as we walked on the sidewalk. "Me too. I'm sorry that Moreen had to bring up that topic. I know you didn't want to run into anyone." I looked over at him. "I could've chosen to go somewhere else, but this place is of significance to me a

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