Surprise On The Doorstep

1634 Words

Tristan's POV Elona and I arrived back at our houses this morning. I decided to head to work late. I wanted to take my time and be the boss that deserves to have time for himself. The little trip was good for myself and Elona. We relaxed and had s^x most of the night. Elona was exhausted and that was because of me. But I enjoyed our time together. I scrolled through some emails in the lounge before going to the office. There was still nothing about the hacker, but my team had secured everything that could happen like that again. There was a frantic knock on the front door. Looking up from my phone, my brows furrowed. "What the hell?" I muttered to myself as I shoved my phone into my pants pocket, walking to the front door. "If you don't ease down, this door might just break," I hissed

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