Away From Home

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Tristan's POV I ended up taking Elona to the Southhamptons. It was one of my favorite places to be. We stayed in a hotel and I wanted to take her to see some places and to go for a walk. I felt like the happiest man on earth. I will be even happier when our secret is out after her graduation. I waited for Elona as I sat on the sofa in the hotel lounge. Reading the texts on my phone from work that I didn't have time to go through. So, nothing has been going on, but the investigation is still ongoing to find that person who hacked my company. They wanted to stop the investigation, but I was not going to stop that. It was my business that was affected by the loss of money and I will not let it go that easily. "I'm ready," I looked up from my phone. Elona was dressed in denim shorts, flip-flops and a cropped top, her hair was tied up into a messy bun on the top of her head. "You look gorgeous as always," I smiled as I stood up from the sofa, sliding my phone into my jeans pocket, making my way to her. "Thanks," she grinned, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her against me. "Are you ready to hit the streets?" I asked. "Yes, I'm ready for some sunshine," she replied as I leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss on her lips. I pulled away, taking her hand in mine, leading her out of the hotel room. As we stepped on the sidewalk, we held hands. We wouldn't bump into anyone back home. I wanted us to be free, and we get to be free here. The cafés were packed as we weaved through the people. "Tristan is that you?" my heart nearly stopped as I looked to my side, seeing an older woman sitting at a table on the sidewalk. She was having some tea from this café. My smile widened as she was one of the people over here who was so kind to me and Estelle. "Moreen, it's great to see you again," I went over to her, dragging Elona with me. We stopped at the table. I continued to hold Elona's hand. Moreen's eyes moved to Elona. "Who is this young woman?" she smiled. Moreen was a grey-haired woman. She looks well in her age. I looked over at Elona, my heart swelling with the love that I have for her. "This is my girlfriend, Elona," I smiled. "Nice to meet you," Elona said. I turned back to Moreen. "You are so pretty. I can see why Tristan is so in love with you. He doesn't have to say anything. It's written all over his face." she smiled. "Please, take a seat. I would love to catch up," she said. I pulled a chair out for Elona, and she sat down comfortably. I sat next to her across from Moreen. The breeze was cool against my skin. I looked over at Elona. "Would you like to order anything?" I asked. "No, thank you." she smiled. I can tell that she was nervous. I reached out to her under the table and I took her hand in mine, just holding it. "I'm so happy to see you again after three years. I was wondering if I would ever see you again and to my surprise you're here," Moreen smiled. "How is your daughter?" she asked. "Crislynn is doing well. She will be doing journalism next year just like her mother. This is her final year of high school." I smiled. "Oh, she is such a beautiful child. I bet you both will make beautiful babies too," she smiled at me and Elona. "We won't be having kids. Crislynn is my last," I forced a smile and I just don't like to talk about this topic. "How about Elona? Do you want kids? Do not let a man rule you for what you want," she said. "I am on the same page as Tristan. I have a lot to live for. A career that I cannot afford to fall pregnant and other reasons, but as long as Tristan and I are happy, and we have each other, that is all that matters," I looked over at Elona, proud of what she had said. She surprises me. I'm glad I found someone that is on the same page as me and wants the same things as me. Who also doesn't want kids. That is more than what I have asked for. Elona is the one for me, there is no questioning that. "I hope that you will both change your minds," she smiled at us. "I think that with society telling people what is to be expected is a boring topic. If we don't want kids, then that is our thing. If we change our minds, which I doubt, then so be it with kids, but we will not bow down to what society has to say. All we ask in return is to respect our decisions as a couple. It's not like people out there will pay for the baby to be taken care of and so on. There is responsibility, and we do not need to explain ourselves to anyone." This was something that I hate about society, thinking that they can tell a couple what will happen and to encourage them to have kids when they don't want or are not even ready and also without knowing the reason for not wanting kids. This is something that always gives me the ick. "Very well. As long as you both are happy, that is all that matters," Moreen said. I smiled because she didn't argue with that. This topic had dampened my mood, so now I want to take Elona back to the hotel and just worship her body. The reason for being here was for our moods not to be dampened either. I looked over at Elona, who was sitting uncomfortably. "Are you ready to go?" I asked as she looked over at me. She nodded, "Yes," she smiled. I turned back to Moreen. "It was nice seeing you again, Moreen, we have to leave," I said. "Please, do not stay away for so long. It was nice seeing you and meeting Elona," she smiled at us. "I will do my best to be back." I said as Elona and I stood up, "Take care, Moreen," I said and Elona said her goodbye to her before we left. "I hope that we do not get to run into people who will just want to catch up. The reason why we are here is to be together," Elona said as we walked hand in hand down the sidewalk back to the hotel. "I apologize. It was all my fault for sitting down and catching up with her. I didn't think that she would bring up that topic." "It's okay as long as we both know what we want, that's all that matters. I don't care what anyone else says or thinks about us. They can have kids of their own for all I care," she grinned. "That's my girl," I smiled. Elona and I were like teenagers in love walking towards the hotel. I haven't felt this happy and carefree in such a long time. I'm so happy to take this leap with her because I would've still been a single, miserable man who buries himself in work. As I look back, there is a massive difference. I am staying out of work more often because of Elona, and everyone else was trying to get me to take breaks or vacations, but Elona is the one who changed it all for me.
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