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(Alex's POV) She was here and seeing her so relaxed and interested, I couldn't hold myself back. She didn't know it, but I craved her, her skin, her lips. our lips met and I couldn't I picked her up and pinned her to the wall, i just couldn't get enough of her, I let my hands wonder over her curves and legs. Just hearing her gasp had me wanting to push this further, but that much I could still keep under control, but barely. I could feel how much she was fighting it too, but she was fearful. That was only because she didn't know what she was to me, what we were to each other. "Alex! we need to stop before this gets out hand." "That ship has sailed, beautiful." I kissed her possessively and she did the same, but then I heard Ben in my head, and there was a phone call, I needed to get. I growled softly and stopped kissing her, then carefully put her down. "Go back to bed, Elizabeth, I'll see you tomorrow." She looked a little lost, but went inside. Whoever the hell called at this time was going to get an earful from me. Soon I followed her in and took the phone call down stairs. "Hello?" "Alpha Grant we are in need of your help!" "Ryan, we'll be there in a while." I hung up, and ran up to my room, and just grabbed a shirt, Ben was already ready and so was Jon, I looked at Marsha. "Stay here with Elizabeth and the Children we'll be back tomorrow afternoon if not sooner." "Yes, sir." I looked up and saw Elizabeth in the door way to her room with the children, I gave her a small smile and ran behind Jon. The West River Pack was seven hours away in a drive, but Ben called for a small copter, and we got there sooner. When me got there the town was in pieces,  We ran toward the Alpha's house the door was torn from the hinges, there was blood on the floor, Ryan was one of the older Alpha's I new but still fought like a young man, I walked in trying to find something... "Alexander..." "Jennifer?" I went to catch the young woman before she fell to the floor, Jennifer was Ryan's only daughter, she had her throat almost torn out. "They took him, they took my father!" "Where's your mother?" "She was visiting my aunt, she's not here!" "Jon, Ben go, find something, report back." "Yes, sir!" They ran off and I stayed to see what I could do for Jennifer, I wrapped a cloth around her neck lightly. "Go, find father, I'll be fine, I'm healing." "Do you know who they were?" "They were of the town, Alexander, they betrayed us!" I nodded that seemed to be happening so much, more after the council let it known they wanted Jason as the new high Alpha. I checked Jennifer was comfortable, and did my own search, Ryan had been hurt pretty bad, I shifted and followed the trail of blood they left. It headed to the cliffs so I ran, and to my regret there was Ryan, in pieces. "Ben, Jon." I thought to the other two," Report?" "A lot of the town was destroyed boss, and a few woman were attacked, it seems forced markings." Reported Jon. "Ben?" "That's what I'm seeing too, a few parents, the pups are still alive or hurt." "How many?" "Six give or take." "I have four more, boss." Why attack these people leaving the pups alive? "Boss?" "Bring them to the pack house, We'll see what we can do." "Yes,sir." they said in unison. "I found Ryan, he's dead, from the sounds of it his pack turned on him." "Not all of them boss, I found his second and third also dead." "Get the pups back, We'll deal with this at the house." They went silent and to work, I had a bad feeling and something telling me to get back to my own pups and Elizabeth. (Liz's POV)   I haven't been able to sleep, for two reasons, 1.I was scared what was going on, why did he have to leave so quickly, and 2. Our little make out session, what was going on why was he suddenly kissing me and looking in my direction? All of this was scaring me what the hell did I get myself into? I heard the phone ring and I guess Marsha answered it. Five minutes later, Marsha came up to the room. "Liz, get ready and get the kids ready, we're heading to the airport now." "Okay,." I got up from the recliner and got dressed and ready. Carefully I just put a blanket over the kids, and Marsha took Aaron and I took Eden down to the Tahoe. She then drove us to the airport. "Where we going now?" "To the East River Pack, Alexander's brother is Alpha there." "Will he be expecting us?" "Yes."  Marsha told the pilots  where we were going next and they got ready. We handed our bags to the crew and they stored them. I then got Eden and Marsha took Aaron into the jet and as soon as they were sure we were all here, you took off. It wasn't too long when we landed and we did have a group waiting for us when we landed. When we climbed out the kids were wake and they both ran at the man and a woman. "Uncle William!" called Aaron as the man picked him up and hugged him. "Hey bud how have you two been?" "uhh!" "Oh,sorry princess, how are my two favorite pups?!" "Good!" they said in unsion.Then The man turned to me, he looked so much like Alex it was scary. "Uncle this is Lizzy, she takes care of us." "Does she now, Daddy got a new girlfriend did he?" "William stop it, hi I'm Britney, it nice to meet you." "Hi, Like Aaron said I'm Liz, I'm the nanny." She playfully smacked the man next to her. "Excuse my husband he loves to tease his brother." "Hey the man needs to stop being so up tight, right pups?" They laughed and wiggled down as they ran toward the truck waiting for us. "Hey Marsha, what's going on?" William and Marsha hung back for a while talking, and Britney followed me and the kids to the truck. "If it's really important he'll let me know." Britney was pretty in her own way, light brown hair and brown eyes, skin but you could tell she worked hard, like the kind of woman that wasn't afraid of manual labor, she had freckles scattered across her lightly tanned skin. "Sorry to ask but you're human right?" "Yup?" "Oh, how long have you and William be married?" "Almost ten years, we got married young." "Oh, wow, that's impressive." She climbed in the truck in the front seat, as we waited for the other two. "So how long have you worked for Alexander?" "Just two months." "What you think so far?" "I love the kids for sure, him still a work in progress." "That man loves to drown in work, and hasn't really had these past two years to enjoy sometime away from it, but what can you do." "Did you know her?" I pointed to Aaron and Eden with my head. "Yeah, I did and she was a beautiful person, always making you feel welcome, getting to know you, it was a shame when she passed." "Alex doesn't talk too much about her?" She looked at me with her brows up, just like Emma did. "What?" "Nothing, just .. nothing." She turned, when William and Marsha climbed into the truck and we headed to the pack house.Out here it was very country, more then the West River pack, they had a town, and from the looks of it a little of everything lived here, Thanks to Beth I could spot a witch, and there was at least two that I could see, the rest were wolves, and some humans. their little town was nice a gas station/store, a hair salon, and small restaurant, some other little things here and there, a school. "Wow, I like your town." "Thanks we do what we can." We got to the pack house and a few wolves were waiting outside, I felt myself get nervous, and then the pain again in my chest, I quickly got out of the truck and breathed deep. "Hey you okay?" said a woman who looked Native American. "Yeah, just got a little over whelmed." She smiled. "We made that kind of impression did we?" "Yeah." She helped me with the bags and she and Marsha lead us inside. There was something about the house that made me need to take a step back, the pain was cutting off my air and I was getting dizzy. "He sit down before you fall down."said Marsha and Britney gave me a cup of water, I was shaking. "Do we make you nervous or what's going on?" Asked William a little mad. "No, I mean..I'm nervous but it's just this damn pain I get in my chest.." "She's not having a heart attack, she sounds fine." said the woman. "Alexander should be here in the next few hours.." "It's going to hurt with or without him here, sir, I just needed a breather." I said getting to my feet. they all stared at me but then Marsha took me to the room I was staying in with the kids. This time there were two beds we also got our own bathroom. I went to the bed and plopped on it, the pain now just a small pulse in my chest there was something in this pack, and it was affecting me. "Lizzy?" "Yes, Eden?" She gave me her puppy dog eyes, and pouty face as she asked me to pick her up. So I did. "What's wrong sweetheart, you miss Daddy?" She nodded and buried her face in my neck, as she snuggled with me. "When is Daddy coming?" "I'm not sure, sweetie but he'll be here." "Want to take a nap with me?" She nodded and curled up next to me, Marsha had Aaron. So I was asleep after a few minutes. (Alexander's POV) I spent the whole day with the North River pack, they Jennifer was able to get thing handled, and we just helped enough to get them going again, I was going to send more resources but I also needed to get these visits done. I made a few calls and things started moving slowly but moving. It was about 6:00 the sun just dipping, as we arrived at the East River territory. All three of us covered in blood, sweat, and soot. William was waiting for us at the pack airport, and he greeted us as usual. "Hey, little brother, how bad was it?" I shook my head. "That bad huh?" He asked seriously. As we dumped our bags in the truck bed. "Not here, Will, how are my kids?" "Good as usual, but I wasn't expecting the new werewolf nanny." I smirked at him and he knew I wasn't discussing this out in the open.We got into the truck and drove to the pack house. He showed me where the kids were staying with Elizabeth, with his house at full capacity for right now, I was to share a room with them. When i walked in Elizabeth and the kids were sound asleep in one bed, and she was holding on to them, like a mother protecting her children. I quietly put my bag down and took out somethings and headed into the shower. William needed to know what was going on all the packs did, I asked Ben send out a warning to all the packs and to keep a watchful eye. I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear someone come in until I heard. "Oh, my gosh, Mr. Grant I'm so sorry!" Elizabeth had walked in while I was in the shower, and I was willing to bet she got an eye full. But even as she walked out I could still smell how excited she had been to see me, that brought a smile to my face. I finished and then realized I hadn't brought in a towel, and Elizabeth was still in the room the kids were still sleeping. I could hear her pacing and the kids soft breathing. "Elizabeth?" She stopped her pacing and her heart beat went up. "Ye-yes?" "I forgot a towel could you hand me one please." She hesitated then grabbed I'm guessing the towel and carefully opened the door, and stuck only her arm in. "Here you go." I took it from her and she quickly pulled her arm back and closed the door. I had to smile to myself, once everything was said and done, she'd be joining me in the shower, our bare bodies will have no boundaries. First thing first she needed to know who her father really was and no body better then William to answer her questions. I dried off and got dressed and headed down to talk with my big brother.
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