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The whole trip was silent, until me got to the place we were meeting the pack. It was a small village of people but you could tell they knew how had just arrived, they all bowed to the Tahoe as we past. Once we got to what was easily the biggest house in the village, He got out and I waited. The kids were asleep, so I waited to be told what to do. Soon Jon came over and opened my door, he was tense and serious looking. Completely opposite to his funny easy going attitude. "I'll take Aaron and you taken Eden, I'll take you where you be staying with them." "Okay." I followed his instructions and took Eden out of her seat and carried her up to the house. I looked around and noticed I lost track of Alex. The house was beautiful, just like the mansion it was well kept and organized. Once up stairs and having placed the kids down on the bed, I turned to Jon. "Hey, are you okay?" "Yeah, it's just hard to be back home." "You mean this is you're guys old pack?" "Yup, and sooner or later you'll meet Jason." "Whose Jason?" "Shannon's big brother." "Oh." If he was anything like what Alex told me, he's going to remind me of Jo, not a person I would like. "Anyway, if you do dump into him, he's a big flirt and he'll do it to get under Alexander's skin, so don't push it okay." "Is it okay if I stay up here with the kids?" "For a little while, but then come outside or else he'll find a way to smoke you out." "Even if I'm human?" "Yup, even then." He then left, I didn't understand why he didn't just stay with me? Was this a test from Alex to see how much I could handle? I went to the bathroom checked that the kids were okay and I stepped outside on the porch. and sat down on one of the chairs. "You look like you need some company." A man with dirty blond hair, and green eyes, tall and thickly build stood by the porch, and something told me this was the man. "Jason." "That's me, sweetheart, what can I do for ya?" He came over ans sat next to me, really pouring the charm out, his power was overwhelming, but you could feel it. "Nothing I'm good." "I'm guessing you're the nanny?" "What make you say that?" "The way you seem on edge when I first walked up." Was I, I guess I was. "New place, new people." "I can get that, could I see my niece and nephew?" "No." I jumped in front of the door so fast. "I'm not going to hurt them." "Then why not wait for Mr.Grant to come back for your visit?" "Fine, have an excuse to come see your pretty face again." I glared at him and he walked away, with a big grin. Dear god don't let him be my mate. Making sure he was gone I went back inside to check the kids, who was still sleeping. I was just going back down stairs when I ran into Alex. "Oh, sorry, I was just checking up on them." "They'll be fine here in the village, want to go for a walk?" "Um..what if they wake up?" "Like I said they'll be fine here." I looked back at the kids, and followed Alex out. We walked in silence for a while as I took everything in, they weren't much different then what you saw in a town, the difference was everyone bowed their heads when they saw Alex. Soon we found ourselves close to a pond, it was so relaxing. "So you're married." I turned to look at him, he looked out to the pond as he talked. "My marriage was over before it even started." "Why did you marry the guy then?" "Stupidity, fear, loneliness, whatever you want to call it." "How long?" "Year and a half, before I couldn't deny it anymore, these past three months just confirmed everything. He emptied my savings and checking accounts, pawn my engagement and wedding rings, and even a necklace that my dad gave me" "Why are you still tied to that man?" "Because the judge wants to hear his vision of how our marriage is really like, and give him a chance to defend himself." "Hmm, I have a friend who is a judge." My head snapped up so fast. "Alex could you really, please?' "Sure, I'll give him a call and we can meet when we get back." Before I could stop myself I jumped on him and gave him a hug. "Thank you so much, I could kiss you!" I tensed when I finished that sentence, and jumped back. "I..mean..thank you I really appreciate it." He walked toward me slowly as if not to scare me, and pressed his hand softly to my cheek, it was so warm. I couldn't help lean my cheek a little closer, then his thumb grazed my lips gently. His eyes were fixed upon mine, then very slowly he leaned toward me. I closed my eyes, when our lips met, and pure heat ran through my body, like I just caught fire. His lips moved softly and carefully with mine, but then reality hit me hard, and I pulled away. "I'm sorry..I ...I got to go." Before he could stop me I ran back to the house. (Alex's POV) I tasted her even if it was for a second, there was no denying it. she is my mate, the one the goddess destined for me. Her whole body reacted to our kiss, as simple as it was. She felt it, our undeniable bond, my wolf told me she had dreamed of us last night, soon I'd have to tell her it was me, and from what he said she was excited to know she had a mate. My guess is that's why she's acting this way, she looking for me, it was going to be a big shock when she fines I have been here the whole time. "You can come out!" I called. "Still good at picking up signals I see." "Jason, you're so predictable." "Nah, I just didn't want to interrupt your little romantic scene." "Never stopped you before." "Yeah, well, sisters are different then strangers." "Not that you care for either." He grinned but there was no humor in it, more forced then anything. "So you heard." "Why, wouldn't I am the one in charge of our kind, but if they want to trade me out for a lower class leader then, what can I say." "Ye of little faith,Alexander, give me a little more credit, would you." "I only speak of what i see, this town's jobs are at a all time low, and not too long ago one of your wolves attacked Elizabeth." "So you're on a first name bases with your nanny?" "And you're busier chasing tail, then actually checking on your pack, but they picked you." "Okay so I let myself go a little, everyone has their ups and downs." "You're the only pack that's this bad, the others are thriving, but the high council wants you then so be it." "How sweet of you, to say my dear Ex-brother in law, just makes me want to cry of happiness." "Grow up." I told him as I walked away, and followed Elizabeth back to the house. Once I got to the house, I found Elizabeth with the children out side and they were playing with an other couple of pups, I recognized those two. These were Jason's pups, he has his mate but chases after other she wolves and women, their pups are a little older, JC is eight and Lexi is just turned four. As I got closer Elizabeth kept her eyes down, but I didn't push. "Long time no see, Alexander?" I looked up to find Emma coming toward me. Emma and Shannon had been best friends growing up, even if Emma was wolf and Shannon wasn't. An alpha can turn a wolf, but under the new laws they would have to take a few tests, before doing so, and if you couldn't handle it, you were put to death. Harsh but needed. I had never wanted Shannon as a wolf her kind heart wouldn't of been able to handle the change. Emma got with Jason just before, Shannon and I got married. We'd dated until I realized I loved her enough to ask her to marry me, Jason wasn't happy, not that he cared that his sister was getting married it was more to who she was marrying, he had always thought her low because she was human, and then married to an Alpha what was this world coming to apparently. Emma was a kind heart, but just don't get on her bad side or else you'd stay on her bad side. She loved Jason, but he was an ass who didn't know how good he had it, his mate his pups, it was all good, but I guess not good enough. "Hi Emma, how have you been?" I walked up to her and gave her a hug, and she returned it in kind. "I've been good, boy those two have grown, and whose the woman?" "That's Elizabeth she our nanny." Emma caught my tone when I said Elizabeth's name and grinned knowingly. "She looks like she loves the kids, she was playing with them until my kids came along and took the show." "She does she's been good for them." "And for you," she gave me a look," you still have Suzette around?" "No, we parted ways just before the trip." Emma's eyes gleamed with excitement, then looked at Elizabeth. "She's human?" "So I thought." Emma looked up at me, and looked confused, but I didn't dare say more. Elizabeth deserved to know for sure first. "We all know you loved Shannon, but your mate...the right mate doesn't come along twice too often." I nodded then we both settled into a different topic and watched the pups play. (Liz's POV) If it weren't for the kids saying aunt Emma, would be a little nervous...wait why should I be nervous, he was a free man, to go after whoever he wanted. Our kiss from earlier was still running through my mind, Jo never kissed me like that, it felt so right and perfect. Like a dream but better. I looked out at the trees that surrounded the village, and for a split second felt like running toward it, just run. The pain in my chest brought me back out of my thoughts, it wasn't bad but it made me gasp for a second. "You okay, Lizzy?"asked Aaron who had come sit next to me. "Yeah, I'm fine just a little hiccup." "I can go get you some water." "No, buddy I'm fine, go play with your cousins." He gave me a hug and went to play. "Elizabeth, I would like to introduce you to an old friend, this is Emma, she's Jason's mate and the pups' mother." "Elizabeth it's nice to meet you, how long have you been working for Alexander?" "Just two months, but I've fallin love with these kids, they're fun." "Enjoy it for now they get to be bigger handfuls then now." I had to laugh at that I'm sure, but I enjoyed the kids even if they became too much. "Hey, Emma, could I ask you something woman to woman?" "Um..sure lets walk." We left Alex standing watch of the kids, as we walked. I know I just meet her, but she is a mate to someone, and I needed to know something before I messed something up. "What's on your mind?"she asked after a while, I stopped and looked around. "How do you find your mate, as a female I mean?" "You think you might have a mate?" "Well." I explained my dream and the wolf I saw, she had the biggest grin. "Yup, that's the mate dream, every female who has a mate, will have this dream, meaning you've met or are about to meet your mate." "You really think I could've met my mate already?" "How many wolves have you met?" "Just Alex and his pack." she gave a look," what?" "Alex, he actually let you call him that?" "He hasn't said anything about so far." "Huh, well, I think you're about to meet him, or her i don't judge, but what you 'll be feeling." She gave me a whole list of things: Attraction, desire, safety, and when you're away from them loneliness and nervousness. "Your mate is your other half, he will complete you, and help make you better, if your mate is one of the good ones." "He could be bad too?" "Oh, yeah, I once had a friend run off with a rouge, but that was her mate." "Oh, do I have to be with that mate if I don't want to be?" "You can reject them, but you'd better be ready to put a whole country between you, males are really possessive and when it comes to mates, they will force you, until maybe if your lucky he finds an other mate." "Got ya, but as a human what if I fall in love with someone else, then find my mate?" "Hmm, how long have you two been together?" "Emma!" "Hey, You'll have to make a choice, it'll be up to you, but like I said a whole country." "Okay, so how does it work?" "There will be a few bonds that will settle first, sense you're human you won't feel it, but he'll or she'll be able to know what you feel: hurt, fear, sadness, the second is the connection between the both of you, his or her wolf will com to you in a dream, and he will establish if he  or she likes you, then go back to his other half and accept, then the last is a little more to closed doors kind of thing." "Okay..like having s*x with him?" "Preferable or he can hunt you down and mark you that way." "Wait mark me?" She then pulled her shirt down a little, and there on her neck was a now healed bite mark, it wasn't big, but for some reason the thought to be bitten was arousing. "So yeah, it's preferable during s*x, because you're so into it, you don't even feel the pain." "Okay s*x good being chased bad." "And just some advise: don't fight it, finding you're other half is the best thing, even if others don't show it." I would guess she was referring to herself, I can't imagine Jason the best kind of mate. I just nodded not really knowing what to say. We then started walking back to Alex and the kids, it was getting late, and I wondered what else were we doing tonight. After dinner that we all cooked we got settled in for the night, the kids were bathed and read to, and tucked into bed, I was sharing a bed with them in one room, Jon his own room and did Ben and Marsha, and  Alex. I sat up reading after I showered and got dressed in my pajamas pants and tank top. While my hair air dried for a bit, I sat and read my book. Then I noticed there was no water in here and Aaron always wanted some in the middle of the night. Reluctantly, I got and went down stairs, to get a couple bottles of water. When I turned to go back, I caught someone out side, but instead of going back and ignoring them I peeked through the window, and found it was Alex, shirtless and just bathed in the little moon light there was tonight. I couldn't help but stare the man had a nice body. Right as I sat there drooling, he turned to look at me, and smiled, and my face went bright red, at being caught. He opened the door and invited me out. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be creeping like a crazy stalker." "No, I was just mediating for a bit." "In the moonlight?" "I can hear her singing, it's close to full moon." "So is that true you guys turn only at full moon?" "The newer wolves do, but as you get older you can phase whenever." "How does it feel sharing a body with an other being?" "Depends when you ask me, sometimes he's annoying, but he's my partner." "I think that's cool." He nodded and looked at the almost sliver of moon in the sky. Then his black eyes had a little yellow it made them look, alluring. Before I knew what I was doing, I found myself getting lost in those eyes, like I couldn't look away, if I did... I could help myself, and after earlier, I wanted to kiss him again.
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