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(Alexander's POV) I walked down stairs and saw Elizabeth get the kids seated for dinner, Eden giggling and Aaron actually sitting and enjoying his meal. Elizabeth has really been a blessing for my kids. She took the time to actually care for them, she saw them as people not just a paycheck. She glanced up at me as Eden offered her a carrot and she took it, and she blushed at being caught. I smiled and walked into my Big brother's office and closed the door. "I see that smile, little brother!" William teased, I stood next to the window and looked out a the sky it would b full moon tomorrow, the best time for a new werewolf. "Do you remember a man, named Omar Gutierrez, growing up?" "How can I forget he was the one to find the effect turama could have on the pups and their wolves to grow up with no control over the beast, why?" "That's his daughter." William froze for a second, then looked at his door. "The nanny is his...no body thought he had any children more because he just disappeared." "He had a mate and hid her from us, and his only child." "So Liz doesn't know about her father, being one of us?" I shook my head, with a serious look on my face. "What else are you hiding little brother, why haven't you told her yet?" I took a deep breath, and rubbed my face with my hands, then turned to one of his couches and sat down.William followed sitting on the edge of the coffee table. "She's my mate." He eyebrows went up, he had known Shannon and he also knew how messed up I was after I lost her, but a wife and a mate weren't the same thing, you can make a mate a wife, but you can't make a wife a mate. "so what are you planning, she needs to know sooner rather then later." "Only an Alpha can call forth the wolf, the pains she's feeling is the wolf trying to break free, the truama of the night her father was taken woke the wolf and protected her this whole time, she's sane because of the wolf, or else I think she would've been killed a long time ago." "So you're plan is to break the wolf free and become the hero in her eyes?" "Something like that, but not only will I be helping her, she'll know I'm her mate, she already feels attracted to me the first bonds have settled already." "I would hate to be you if that plan backfires big time!" He laughed at me, I smiled I knew my plan had flaws but I was going to be there when she finally awakens. "My question is what happened to Omar, she says ICE came to get him, then never saw or heard from him again?" "The world didn't know about us yet at that time, anything is possible." "She says he stratched her and I've seen it, I wonder what he wanted to do when he did that?" "Only he would know, but you need to focus on is getting her wolf out and hopefully not needing to kill her." "Thank you, for your words of encouragement big brother." "Hey, I aim to please!" I rolled my eyes and headed out to get some dinner, before the others finished all the food. I saw Elizabeth talking to one of William's pack members and my insides twisted in anger, and my wolf was ready to attack. The bonds were really getting worse, but I needed to chill, so I grabbed a plate and served myself, acting not to notice anything. "Hello, Alexander?" "HI, Susan how are you?" I asked but really not caring to know, she wasn't mated and it was definitely that time of the month all she-wolves went into heat. "I'm..pretty good..how are you?" She said in a seductive tone, as her hands ran up my arm, and up my chest. I glanced at Elizabeth and saw her glaring in our direction, I offered my arm to Susan, and lead her to sit down, I made small talk and all trying to bore her and it worked she soon took off to talk to an other wolf, and they soon disappeared up stairs. I was just starting to eat, when Elizabeth came and sat down next to me. "We have a problem." "Are the kids okay?" I asked innocently, she rolled her eyes. "They're fine, but I mean with the room arrangement." "What about it?" "You're sleeping in the same room as us, could you sleep with Aaron in one bed and Eden and I in the other?" I know for a fact Eden loved cuddling with her big brother, I have brought them on trips in the past, and the was the only way Eden would sleep, but I wanted her to see for herself. "Sure, That's fine with me." She looked relieved which disappointed me, but we'll see if it really works that way. She took the pups up to shower them, and to get them ready for bed. I finished eating, but before I could stand up to leave I saw Ben eyeing me and I went over to see what was wrong. "The warns are sent out, but we might have a situation here, a few rouges have been spotted around the borders." " Let William know, this is his pack, if it comes to a fight, we will be ready." He nodded and he went to inform William, I went to the room with the kids and Elizabeth, I could hear Eden throwing a fit as they tried to get settled, I walked in. "I want Aaron!" "Eden, you'll sleep with me." "I want Aaron!" "Hey, Eden calm down, what's going on?" "I suggested my idea and she just threw a fit." "Nobodies getting sleep if she's screaming like that." She looked nervous and worried, but she really didn't see a way around it. "Fine, I guess I'm sharing a bed with you." I kept a serious face, until she left to shower and brush her teeth. I changed in the room in some sweat pants and just waited for her so I could brush my teeth. When she came out and saw me, she gulped. Taking in my shirtless torso, I walked past her and into the bathroom to let her get settled. (Liz's POV) I was going to sleep in the same bed as that, s**t. He was gorgous and made my heart race, just imagining him in the same bed with me...I was keeping my thoughts in check, there were kids in the room. I had my pajama pants and a crop top tank, and I went to sit down before my legs gave from under me. I brushed my hair and braided it out of the way. Then I got under the covers, just praying to God I would survive this night. THe kids were already asleep and the door to the bathroom opened and I stiffened. He climbed into the bed after turning off the light. His body was like a heater, it gave off heat, and I was always cold at night, and I wanted to cuddle up next to him, but I fought the urge. When I finally did calm down, I felt him come and cuddle behind me. I went stiff again and that made him chuckle. I sat up and turned to look at him. "What are you doing?" I asked him. He just shrugged and tried to hug me again. I pushed him away he seemed surprised. "Nothing more is going to happen unless you say so, Elizabeth." The way he says my name makes me shiver in a delicious kinda way, and I realized I have been sending mixed signals. When he kiss me twice yesterday, that second time I would've gone all the way if it had gone that far, but what would that say of me, he was my boss and he has a mistress...where did I fit in all of this? " Mr. Grant, I'm aware of who you are and that you're a man that usually gets what he wants, but don't think for a second I'm falling for it, I'm not your toy for you to play with." He also sat up to look at me, into my eyes. " I'm aware you're not my toy, Elizabeth, and yes, I usually get what I want, but you're different..." I rolled my eyes and turned my face away at those typical words men said to get the woman into bed. But he gently made me look back at him, his warm hand on my cheek, as his thumb ran softly over my lips. He eyes were still black, but with yellow specks in them. Every time I looked into his eyes, they told me his words were true. My heart was just too scared to fall for it again. He leaned in and for a minute I thought he was going to kiss me, but he kissed my forehead, then turned around, laid down, and went to sleep. I stared at his back for a moment, then laid down too. With my mind swimming with thoughts, I was falling for Alex but what would happen when I met my mate, I couldn't choose, or would it be easier then I think? The next morning I was so warm, and comfortable. I didn't want to move, but I needed to get going with the kids, I sighed, and the bed moved under my face...no wait. I opened my eyes and found it wasn't the bed it was Alex's chest I was laying my head on. I looked around me and we were completely entangled with one another, my leg was laying between his legs and wrapped around one, and my arm was wrapped around his waist and his around mine. I gulped and tried to move away but he won't let me, as he turned more towards me and brought me closer to him. Crap, how do I get out of this? We were chest to chest now, he looked so peaceful sleeping. His handsome face was just inches from mine, and the temptation to kiss him was strong. All I had to do was lean... "Lizzy!" Aaron shouted and jumped on the bed. Waking Alex up and he saw how he was holding me, and gave me a smile before letting me go. "Morning, buddy, you hungry?" "yeah, and I can smell aunty Britney's pancakes!" "So can I, buddy let me get dressed and we'll head down." "yay!!" They got ready, all the while I watched them. "Wait for Eden, then come down stairs." "Okay, sure." I answered and the boys were gone. I got up and got dressed, and was just finished with my hair when Eden woke up. "Hey, pretty girl, how did you sleep?" "Good." she answered still yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Come on let's get you ready." she came with me and I got her ready. Then we headed downstairs, and the dinning room was busy like last night. Jon was in the line for the food, and we got behind him. He looked exhausted and with light bags under his eyes. "Hey, you okay?" "Yeah, just got back from night patrol." he said stifling a yawn. I smiled and padded him on the back sympathetically. "So is anything going on?" He smiled nervously and shook his head. "Nope, dead as a door nail." I felt he wasn't being honest, but it wasn't my business to know exactly, so I let it go. I helped Eden with her plate and went to sit down with Marsha and Britney. Marsha gave me a strange look but didn't say anything. "How did you guys sleep?" " like babies." I said faking a smile. "Yeah, I bet." said Marsha under her breath, Britney kicked her under the table, Marsha didn't even wince. I ignored the awkward situation. " So what's going on today?" " We are getting ready for the hunt today." "Hunt?" "Yeah, the wolves' hunt the is held once a month, for the full moon." " Oh, right!" I said I thought Alex had said not all werewolves needed the moon to phase, but I guess they had younger wolves in the pack. "Yeah, we're get food ready, some tents, and William is preparing a hunt for the others." "Need help with anything?" " Sure, we need to take the food out we usually make a whole day of it, just spending time outside it mother nature." "Sounds like fun." I really smiled this time and finished eating after that, I followed Britney and Marsha and the other to get ready for the Hunt.
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