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(Alexander's POV) We've been here for over a week, with her family presenting Elizabeth to the rest of the pack and all, and like Susanna said, Eduardo was slowly wanting to get closer to MY mate. After I had told her we were mates she had respected me as such, and never giving me a reason to doubt her word, but I had to hand it to the guy, he was smooth, and definitely not the kind of man, to give up. Parties and dinners, and just keeping her as busy as possible, it was obvious Susanna wanted to see how far I would go to propose to Elizabeth, but even us getting some time alone was next to impossible. To see her so happy was all I wanted, even if all I could do was lead her by the arm, or sit next to her. What all this was also showing me, was that she was a natural Luna, even if she didn't think so, but people really liked her and would bend backward to get her what she needs, but she was also humble, respectful, and caring to others. Thinking back to what I had with Shannon, and realizing who she had been working with. How I was feeling about my relationship with her compared to Elizabeth, no wonder she used magic to keep me with her. I was so in love with my mate, now that it was on the table I couldn't think of a better idea, then for us to be married, and have us be a lawful family. Maybe even adding a few more to the mix. "Hey?" Elizabeth leaned her head on my arm, bring me back to earth, we were in the large indoor gym the guys had, Jose had challenged her to a race, they had an inside race track. of course she had smoked him. I've also come to get to know her brothers: Omar Jr,  was a big man bigger and thicker then me, but had a caring heart, not good for a Alpha, Jose was just an emotionless ass, spitting the first things from his stupid mouth, and Rafael was the only one with the anger to be an second and maybe even an Alpha, but he didn't have the fight in him like that. "I demand a redo!" "You've always been a sore loser, Jose!" said Rafael, he's been the only one as a real alley to both his sister and me. I smiled at Elizabeth, and kissed her sweaty forehead, I don't care. She came and hugged me, and I hugged her back. I really needed to propose to her, we needed to go home, I just needed her to myself for a while, but I've been told..but when would it be, I wanted it to be prefect, but all the perfect moments were interrupted or, not enough in my opinion. It had to be just right. (Liz's POV) I was pretty sure I was going into heat this weekend I could feel it, but I had to control myself, I was ticked of a little with...Susana, my ..mom, it felt wired to call her that, but she was, she put Alex in a different room, but sometimes during the night I could hear moaning and others having s*x around us, it was unbearable, there have been times where I wanted to sneak into Alex's room, but I knew we be caught and I really didn't want to make things awkward between the family. There have been a few times where I thought someone was trying to break in, but maybe I was just paranoid. As we got back to the main floor, Susana told me to shower and to come look at some books, which I've noticed they were always wedding type of books: Dresses, cakes, colors, back grounds, etc. After it was brought up when we first arrived, I had thought about it, and I honestly wouldn't mind a proposal from Alex, the idea has been exciting to me, I've always been the marrying type, not just the move in type. When would that happen? Who knows? As I got done I got dressed and ran out of my room and ran right into Eduardo. Was this guy stocking me? Over the last few days I realized he was really trying ...something, very nice and gentleman like. A few times over stepping but nothing mager, if you consider ass grabbing something miner, or I found he sometimes tried to kiss me, my thought was where was Alex during all of that, but I guess Eddy here was that smooth. "Hey?" "Hi, did you need something?" I asked him, his eyes giving me the dreamy look. "No, I was walking in that direction, sorry." I moved out of the way, and he continued walking, and I walked past him to meet, my...Mom. Like I suspected more wedding ideas, and I was really getting feed up. By the end if I ever heard more details of weddings it would be too soon, what was it with her? I was feeling tired, so I went to my room, and had just laid down, when I left sleep wash over me quickly, maybe it was the change of area, maybe all the snow out side, but I was feeling more hungry, and tired lately. Maybe I was going into heat, and all that I had to do was close my eyes and my dreams made it worse, I was dreaming of Alex and our very , very steamy s****l encounters, everything in my dreams felt so real, but would find myself alone in the mornings.  Right now however, it was feeling more real then normal, but different like his kiss was different, his touch was colder, making my body turn off. Something was wrong and when I opened my eyes, I saw someone on top of me. Without thinking I punched him in the face, that got him off. I was almost to the door, when he grabbed my hair, and pulled me back. Finally focusing I realized it was Eduardo. "Get off of me!" "You think you can get away so easily!?" He slammed his mouth over mine, biting me hard, so I did the same , tasting blood, he screamed and pulled, as soon as he did, I jumped up and kicked him once, in the nuts, and ran out. Where Alex was running up the hall to my room, I ran into his arms. When he saw Eduardo he ran at him ,and punched him, where then my brothers pulled them apart. "What's going on her?" asked my mom. "Eduardo just tried to r**e me, in my room!" I told her, but she looked confused.So did my brothers, except Rafael, he looked mad. "That's not r**e, honey, when she wolves are in heat, they need s*x to feel some type of relief, I allow all our wolves to do that for each other." I Turned to look at her, now really lost. "I don't need an other male I have my mate to give me that kind of relief, if I'd known this rule of yours.. I would've found that relief earlier then now!" "Oh, the men search for the woman, not the woman to the men." I raised my eyebrows at her, what kind of cult was this... "I don't give a s**t, if it's your custom, we are not of your pack, and I haven't offered my mate as such, we're leaving!" "Remember our conversation, Mr.Grant!" She looked at me, and Alex went a still. "What talk?" I looked from her to him. He looked ticked at my mother, but turned to me, and his eyes softened. "The condition for us to leave is if we get married and if we refuse you have to marry Eduardo." I felt like everything just fell into, the talks the books, Eduardo's attentions, and why Alex was just zoned out all the time. "I guess he's avoiding the whole situation, if you two have been here for a whole week." I turned my glare from Alex to my new found mother. "You have no idea who I am, and who Alexander is to make that comment. I was married before just so you know, the man was s**t, this man you so stupidly want to pressure into marriage with me, saved me in so many ways, you have no idea! He was also the one giving the wolves a voice with Congress, he was the one that was fighting to give us rights,and thanks to him, we are free from the government now, he's been a single father for two years, both young kids and a widower, yeah I'd say he has a right to take things slow, Susanna." She flinched when I called her by her name and not mom. "If you guys want to live like this, and it's worked for you fine, but don't expect me to partake in it. I belong to one man, and only I decided who that man is, if you wanted us married all you had to do is tell me." I pointed the in Alex's direction too, then back to my mother. "Where's the person that's going to marry us?" She looked at me again, and looked sad, but I didn't let her tears move me. She looked at one of the guys and they went to get whoever, soon, I went back to my room, put my best dress on, and meat Alex back at a small hall. There infront of my family I was legally  married to Alexander, after I pecked him on the lips, we got our things ready and Rafael was talking to our brothers and mother, who looked more distressed then before, when they saw us, they went quiet, and Rafael walked to the Truck that was waiting outside. I stopped in front of my family and just nodded to them. Feeling sad myself for everything, I hadn't expected all of this, once both Alex and I got in the truck, and the doors were closed he spoke. "Eliz..." I held up my hand to silence him, he did, the whole way to the airport we were all quiet. Soon Rafael had the door to the jet closed and we were on our way back home. Once we arrived at the airport close to home, I noticed Rafael was still with us, he also got in the SUV where Ben and Marsha were waiting.I was too mad to ask anything, I watched as there was snow on the ground here too. One body said anything, when we got to the house, I climbed out and grabbed my bag, from Ben, and headed inside. Where Emma was waiting, she didn't cheer or anything but welcomed us with a hug, I looked around. "The kids wanted to wait for you guys but they got pretty tried out." "How long have they been back?"I asked. "Just a day, they really had fun with William and Britney." I gave her a small smile, nodded and saw Rafael heading into one of the guestrooms, I wanted to ask what he was doing, but there was a more pressing matter, I had called Marsha before leaving Susanna's house and asked her to get a room ready for me too. I grabbed my bag right as Alex grabbed it too. "Very mature." I said, as I headed up stars and to my new room.right when I was going to turn he pulled me toward our room, at that point i let go of my bag and just walked into my new room and slammed the door shut behind me. The room I was in had it's own bathroom, but was smaller, that didn't matter too much to me. I was just getting settled when there was a soft knock on the door, I knew it was Alex. I opened the door without looking at him. He came in closed the door, I was tired like before I was just ready to call it quits for the day. I looked at him, he looked mad, ...oh, no where close to how mad I was. "I know your mad, but don't you think this is a little much?" "Oh, I don't think so, that way we both have plenty of room to think." "I was THINKING how you went through a divorce not too long ago, and still needed time, before I poped the question." For only a split second I thought he was really considerate, but it was more then that for me. "You let her manipulate, everything to her liking, you honestly didn't even consider, "hey babe, your new mother is being a manipulative b***h, what do you think?' We could've made the whole thing more convincing,and really had a beautiful wedding, and while also rubbing it in their faces, but no I had to fight off that ass hole the whole time, him acting like I was some kind of prize or toy, and it turns out you knew he was coming after me, you didn't say anything to me..." He seemed to realize what I wanted him too. "You let, your damn ego and your.. I'm guessing your doubt get to you, my question is doubt of what?" "it's not that I doubted..." "Yes, you did because if you were really my mate, head, heart and soul, you would've known I was over Joseph, even before our divorce, I was ready to move on with my life, with the kids, with you..." "I wanted the moment to be right." I nodded my head giving him a mocking smile. "No, you wanted to make a show of it, you wanted to prove to them, that YOU were ready to commit, not me, yeah my reaction would've been unpracticed, but that wouldn't of mattered to me, all you had to do was sneak into my room and ask me to marry you." Alexander, had a serious look on his face. There was a question that had been bugging me, and I hadn't wanted to bring it up, but seeing this made me want to know. "Did you know?" I asked him, he looked at me. "What?" "The kids....they're not yours?" He went quiet and very still. "Yes, I knew they weren't mine, but I didn't have the heart to deny them." I nodded now in tears. "Funny how we get mad when things happen to us, but when we do it to others, it's justified right? Shannon lied to you about everything, her love for your power not you, the kids being an other's, and even that she was really alive when she was supposedly dead, and that makes her into the most despicable person, but when you do it and it almost gets your mate r***d hey it wasn't the right time." "Elizabeth..." "I don't think we should be in the same room for now, I...can't even look at you right now." Strangely it was true, now that he was here I felt nauseous, it wasn't him exactly but something on him smelled gross. He tried to get closer, but I stopped him. He looked hurt, but didn't press and with that walked out of the room, and I booked it to the bathroom to puke. Over the next few days Alex respected what I asked, he buried himself in work, to which I wouldn't step into anymore, if he really wanted to do all this on his own, he could. I acted like one more of the pack, as did my brother, who I found out the day after that he had walked away from our mother and Eduardo to join our pack. I was happy, we soon became inseparable, he was like my shadow, but he would actually talk to me about things, and he had a lot of questions. Everything we did and didn't do in the pack mostly, he said he was never into our families traditions, and was willing to learn from us. Also the village was slowly turning into a town, when word that Jon and Beth were mated, some witches moved in two white and two gray, and some humans were giving it a chance and moved here too. Soon we had a small school open for preschoolers to third grade but as soon as there was more teachers, it would grow. I was also seeing that I was eating more and it was showing, I was gaining weight like crazy, but when I tried to exercise I got dizzy and nauseous. Then one day at our family dinner, the guys made stakes, and for some reason I asked for it to be a little bloodier then I usually did. when Jon sat my plate in front of me, I felt ravenous and dug into my stake, like a wild animal, but when I tasted the blood, it seemed to make me come back to my senses, everyone was looking at me. Quickly I got to my feet and ran to the bathroom and puked. The next morning, a knock came to my door and I went to open, it was Emma and Marsha. They walked in and closed the door behind them. "What's up girls?" "Get dressed, I made an appointment with one of the doctors at the wolf hospital." "Okay, what for?" "A theory, so come on?" I got dressed brushed my teeth, and we headed out. But it was like they suspected something. Before we even got to the door, Marsha was called for a different chore, and soon Emma was called to the orphanage, when we got to the SUV, but like most of these days, Rafael, ended up coming with me. We got the the clinic, checked in, waited, then waited in a exam room, and soon they had me peeing on a stick and took blood. "Well, Mrs. Grant..." "Oh, I'm sorry..." "Mr. Grant up dated his information with us, so we know who you are." "Of course he did." "But like I was saying Mrs. Grant, congratulations you're pregnant!"
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