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(Alexander's POV) I had been digging from the moment these two walked in, and thanks to Ben's thoroughness, I found that these men, were who they said they were, but there was a chance Elizabeth wasn't of their family, the times are about right, but there just were too many things, wrong with the picture.If they had really missed her so much, why wait until now, and if they had really dug that deep into things why, didn't they save her from Rosa? Rosa wasn't her mother I found that out, while the investigator was looking into things, but didn't want her to have a bigger reason to hate the women that raised her. There was something and I hated walking in with a blind side, Rafael seems to genuinely care for his maybe sister, but like Elizabeth said there was something big he wasn't saying. I asked William and Britney to take the kids for the time we were gone, they agreed, and we got ready to go. Everyone went back to the areas of control, we had completed the task Congress wanted and they sent me my approval of separation, we now made our own rules and laws but that was a talk for a different day. We took their jet and in two hours were there, unfortunately for us the snow was already pouring down here, and thick on the ground. There was a SUV, waiting for us, we climbed into the back seats, and Rafael and Eduardo took the middle there was someone in the passenger seat. The man turned to talk to Rafael in Spanish and he laughed and looked at Eduardo who looked more pissed off. The man smiled and glanced at Elizabeth, she wasn't looking, but there was an emotion in his eyes, this was one of her older brothers. "Go." He ordered the driver and we were off, the drive was quiet, so I spoke with Elizabeth through our bond. "How are you feeling?" "Nervous, and scared if I'm being honest." "Why?" "What if I'm not what they expected, what if they aren't my family and I just got my hopes up for nothing?" I smiled, she gave me a look. "Why are you so clam?" "I'm not, love, but if push comes to shove, you're not alone." She took a deep breath but I could still feel her nervousness, I held on to her hand. Which she took and gripped in her hands. When we arrived to what looked like a Spanish style hacienda, which was unusual in the snow, but still looked beautiful. We drove through tall gates and some guards at the entrance. The man in the front jumped out as did Rafael, Eduardo stayed where he was. Rafael helped Elizabeth out and I followed her. The place was grand with designs so detailed they looked done by hand. We followed the other man into a large living room out of the cold, there waited a man and a older woman. They both stood up and watched as we walked in. Their eyes were all on Elizabeth, I could see the resemblance with her mother, the eyes, the mouth, the dark long hair. The woman came closer and even when i could see the emotion in her eyes, she sized Elizabeth up. My mate kept her eyes down, but stood straight and held her head up high. "Take your coat off." she ordered, Elizabeth hesitated for a second but took her coat off," and your shirt." "Mama..." "Excuse me.." "Now!" the woman said firmly over Rafael and Elizabeth,  who took off the long sleeve she had on. Now I was getting on edge my mate was being exposed to strange wolves, my wolf was at attention. The woman, saw the scar on Elizabeth's shoulder and just above her breast.Coming closer and checking it by touching it. Elizabeth didn't move. Suddenly the woman wrapped her arms around Elizabeth, and cried. "Mi nina, mi bebe!" she sobbed and Elizabeth hugged her back, they stood like that for a while, before the woman pulled away and asked us to sit. Elizabeth pulled on her shirt and sat down, the woman coming to sit next to her. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment, my little girl." "Twenty seven almost twenty eight years, mama." One of the men responded, Rafael punched the guy's arm. The woman smiled and nodded. "That was the hardest thing I had to let happen." "You didn't want me to marry Eduardo?" "No, but my father had a way of making things happen, he once killed my big sister for not marrying who she was told to, and your father didn't get along with Eduardo's father either, Omar didn't want that life for you, I didn't know he took you until they raised the alarm, and I told your grandfather it was my idea." The woman sniffled then pulled her shirt on her right side off a little, and she too had a mark, like Elizabeth's. "The only other person that knew about the mark was your father, I guess he knew if I ever found you.." She hugged her daughter again, and they sat like that for a while, until the same man that spoke interrupted. "You have problems!" Rafael scorned his brother. "Let me introduce you to your brothers, Jr. or Omar. and Jose." "Hey." said Jose, I wanted to punch him first for interrupting the moment for his sister and mother, just to say the most basic of hellos. Omar on the other hand came and gave his sister a hug. After a while they let go of each other, and Elizabeth turned to me, and took my hand. "Um..this is my mate Alexander Grant." The woman didn't shake my hand she came and gave me a hug too. "Thank you, for caring for my little girl!" "No, ma'am I love her, I'm glad I found her." The woman let me go and smiled widely, soon we all went to the dining room and sat down to dinner, they talked and we all laughed enjoying the company, after they showed us around, the place was impressive, halls and rooms to fit two big families, attention to detail in every room. Soon they showed us to our rooms, yes, they wanted us in separate rooms, Elizabeth explained we already slept in the same bed. Even I knew that was a bad idea before she even said it, but she did and the Mother was not impressed. "He has you as his s*x slave, at all times does he?" "No, but.." "Thank you ma'am the rooms are great." I interrupted Elizabeth, who gave me a look, I told her to calm down. We headed back to the living room and they continued to talk and I hang back with Rafael and them. "That was a nice save, man." "When you said your mother was strict you weren't kidding." "That's not even the half of it..." I looked at him, but right at that moment Susanna the mother called me over. "Sr. Grant, what are your intentions for my daughter?" For some reason I was stumped, I mean we were mates, and I wasn't planning on leaving her ever. "Intentions ma'am?" Susanna, gave me the darkest of looks, and I realized I had answered wrongly. "I see, my daughter is good enough for your bed, but not as your wife." For the first time sense I've been an adult I felt stupid, like a teen being told the consequences of getting their girlfriend pregnant. Not that I hadn't thought about it, but Elizabeth just got through her divorce with Joseph, and with everything else I hadn't stop to think what she really wanted from me. We sat there in silence, seemed like even Elizabeth was left speechless. "Not at all ma'am, but as you get to know her a little more you'll understand, now might not be the right time." "When would it be the right time?" they both asked me, I looked at Elizabeth. How the hell did I get cornered in this situation. I cleared my throat giving myself time to think. "It would be an honor to marry your daughter ma'am, as soon as she's ready." Elizabeth now gave me a look, I gave her a smug smile, didn't feel so good did it? That seemed to satisfy Susanna a little, before she could bring up anymore, Rafael jumped in. "You two much be tired, the trip was long and it's been a while of quiet time, why don't you two head to bed." He didn't have to tell us twice, we headed to our rooms, at some point we walked past one, where there was a couple I'm guessing, the woman and man were moaning loudly in pleasure, I looked at Elizabeth and we both smiled. We continued down the hall to our rooms, I kissed her on lightly as I left her at her room, and I headed to mine which was next door.  I honestly couldn't really sleep, I've always been a paranoid kind of sleeper, and this new place and new people definitely had me sleeping light. First thing in the morning, I was up and dressed, I went to check on Elizabeth, the door was locked, I checked our bond and she was still sleeping. I didn't wake her it was still pretty early. I walked down to the kitchen and found a woman and man, speaking spanish in a very friendly and light manner to each other. "Good morning!" i said the woman turned to look at me, and smiled,coming over to talk to me. "Good morning to you , You must be Sr. Grant, what can I get you?" "Just a cup of coffee, for now please." She busied herself making the coffee while the man placed cream and sugar in front of me. Soon the woman came with a mug of steaming coffee. "Aqui esta, Sr.Grant, are you sure I can't get you anything else?" "No, thank you." I said with a smile, she turned and got back to what she was doing. I took a sip of the coffee it was very concentrated, and strong. That's what I liked. Soon I was looking out the back window, sipping my coffee. "I see you are an early riser, Alexander." I looked around and found Srna. Susanna walking toward me. I hadn't really thought about it but even if she was older then me you couldn't tell the difference, you wouldn't think she had older children. She was wearing a silk robe, and she smelled of s*x, light soap, and roses. Had to hand it to her wolves were big for over s*x drives, but I  would think with no mate, she must have...Right as I thought it a man probably not by much younger then me, walked up behind her and hugged her. "I hope we're not making you uncomfortable, Alexander." "Not at all ma'am, I have the same inclination with Elizabeth, we just can't seem to keep our hands to ourselves." Susanna smiled, and more or less excused the man, who felt us alone. Then her face went serious. "In my life I wasn't given a choice to find my mate, by some stroke of luck, it had been Omar, but I often think what if it hadn't been, how different my life would be, my daughter's life would be different. We are no longer under my father's rule, and I am giving my sons and now my daughter a chance to choose, but one thing I will not change is this." She handed me a very antique ring, it was beautiful, with a dark blue diamond in the middle, and very detailed designs surrounding it. "Ma'am?" "This ring was my grandmother's, Alexander, given to me by Omar, my mother gave it to him to propose to me, and I am now handing it to you." She placed it in my hand and then looked at me again. "Thank you, but what is the catch?"I asked feeling like there was going to be a bigger shoe about to drop, she smiled. "We are not in the habit of letting our daughters to just live with their boyfriends, Alexander and even if she just came back to me, she will not be allowed to leave unless you are married." "And if we refuse?" She walked right up to me and looked me in the eye. "My daughter is not a car you rent, drive around, and once done, it comes back, Mr. Grant. If you can't see that type of future with her, then why make her stay with you?" "She's my mate, Snra,Susanna, I see us together until hell freezes over." "Then give my daughter the title of wife, Mr.Grant or I can imagine Eduardo would still be interested to take her from you." My blood boiled, I was giving Elizabeth time to get over what happened with her Ex, and now her mother was pushing my hand. I looked at the ring, I did see Elizabeth in my whole life, but I really felt she would say no, more because she was being forced into it. I couldn't loose her, not when we were just finding some peace to enjoy. "Fine." I said coldly. "Remember before you can leave she better have that ring on her finger and you two married." "I'm guessing you're not going to tell her?" "Would you ?" Point taken, the feeling had to be genuine, so I had to time it just right.
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