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After my visit with the doctor, I was so in shock, with what we had told me. He took out my arm implant, after he explained that it had burned out. with the level of hormone a werewolf female produces, it had worked for a little but not enough. He sent me to and ultra sound and I found out I was having twins, not yet being able to tell what they were but, honestly I was in shock. Rafael was so excited, he was an uncle. I told the doctor to keep this between us, if Alexander did find out, I didn't care but we were still fighting.Let's see if he liked it. He also warned that if that was the case, my body needed my mate, so I could get strength from him, as twin pups were no joke, they took a lot from a wolf mother. I took his advice into consideration, because I didn't want to harm my babies because of my stubbornness. When I got back to town, Emma and Marsha quickly found me. All I did was nodded and they both squealed with excitement. Emma told me what I needed to do, mostly after I told them both what the doctor said. "He's right, you need Alexander, more when you have to fight off the change, that's going to take a lot out of you." "When are you two going to grown  up?" "I hate it when you two get all wise, yuck." I made a face, they both smiled. I guess they were right, unfortunately. But I was the b***h of pettiness so I wasn't going to tell him, just happen to mention the babies while he's close by. Later that day I went to play with the kids, in Eden's room and I heard, Alex coming, I had already mentioned being a big brother and big sister to both of them and they wer touching my small bump, when Eden laid her head on my belly. "Aww, baby." and kissed my bump. The door swung open so fast, I wondered if it was still on it's hinges. "What did she just say?!" "Daddy, mommy, is going to have two babies!" said Aaron in a excited voice, I could feel Alex's eyes burning into my back. Soon he told the kids to go play in Aaron's room and he closed the door. "When were you planning on telling me?" "If it were up to me, never, but for the sake of our twins, I'm willing to try and put everything else aside." He eyes were really shining with love, and happiness, he knelt in front of me as I stood by Eden's bed and rested his check on my already small bump and he kissed it. Then slowly came up and tried to kiss me, I say tried because I suddenly needed to puke, and ran for the bathroom. He followed me, and again I felt sick when he was standing so close to me. I put my hand up and shook me head, to stop him. What the hell was wrong with me? He walked away and finally the need to puke was gone, I got up and washed out my mouth, and walked out to meet him. "Are you okay?" he asked with a serious look on his face, I nodded and was starting to feel kinda bad. "I seriously have no idea what just happened." He looked at me, still showing that he was happy with my news, but curious of why I'm reacting in the way that I am. "So what happens now?" He asked leaning in the doorway. I had really hoped to came back to the room, but I guess if this was my reaction to him, I couldn't. "The doctor said I'd need you, more because we're having twins, but something is making it hard to be around you right now." His eyes became intense, and hurt but in the end he nodded. "Hopefully it's not an actual mind set of those two." "I don't imagine it is, but for now I guess we'll just stay as we are." Alex didn't seem to like the idea, but sighed and pushed off the doorway and wanted to get closer, but stopped himself. He rolled his eyes, and soon called the others for a meeting. We all met in the living room. Soon Marsha, Ben, Jon, Beth, Rafael, and Emma came to sit and Alex and I sat a distance from each other. "I'm calling this meeting, because we have a new assignment and I'm looking for at least three volunteers." "What is it?" Asked Ben as nothing had crossed him, of a new assignment. Alex then signaled in my direction, and everyone's eyes fell on me. "Our Luna is expecting twins." All the women were happy to hear it, and other then Ben, nobody really said anything. "Twins, you're really going to be relaying on Alexander the next three months." "There's where the problem lays, I get near her and she's puking up a storm." I glared at him, he didn't need to say it like that "Oh, fetus envy, that's not good." We all looked at Beth. "You know what's wrong with me?" I asked her, she crossed her arms and gave me a disbelieving look. "Well, I am a doctor aren't I?" "Sorry, What is fetus envy?" "Most doctors say its a myth, mostly because they don't see it as often or to these levels, but what it mainly is, the babies sense the one they have to share their love with, in this case your mate, and their father, wolves are very territorial and some babies start from the womb, you might have two possible Alphas on the way." "But they don't do that with the kids?" "That's not the same kind of love, once the babies are born, they won't have a distaste with their father unless, you know, Alexander gives them a reason." "Okay so they won't let me get anywhere near him?" "Him physically no, but if it's scent that shouldn't be that bad, and the more you force them to smell him, the more it should slow down." I looked at Alex and just shrugged. "Okay, so sense I can't really get too close to her for now, I need at least three people to be with her when I can't." "I'll do it!" Rafael said first. "Count me in!" said Jon. "I guess I better be close with these being your first, I'll be happy to deliver them if necessary ." Said Beth as she walked over to me. "Thank you guys." Alex walked over to us with a small goblet, and Beth took it from him. she started saying something I didn't understand, but I could feel the power around us, Jon, Rafael, cut themselves and cut a little of flesh from their hands, and dropped them in the goblet, then turned to me, and Alex very gently made a cut along my palm, and then cut a piece of skin too, all the while I looked at him, he took the pain from me. Once all was in the goblet, Beth put her hand over the top and my guess was she blessed it. Then offered it to me, I took a sip but she tipped it more, and I had to take a deep gulp, then the guys did the same. Once everything was done I expected something big, like we would be reading each others minds, or something but nothing happened. "Okay, how is this suppose to work?" I asked looking at Beth, she turned to my brother, he came over and hugged me, the zap of energy he gave me was unbelievable, my whole body was alert, and shaky like when you drink an energy drink, but more pure then that. Once he pulled away I still felt the energy run through me. "These two will be your chargers, a long with Alex but sense they have to hug you for it to work, Alex will be doing it through your bond." "Then what all that thing about." "This was a suppose to happen a while ago, sense you're the Luna, but I didn't want to put more pressure on you before you got real control over your wolf." "Okay so what just happened?" Both Jon and Rafael let some thoughts flow and I could hear them all, then they closed off again. I tried the same, but suddenly I felt my I couldn't stop the flow. Jon suddenly looked at Alex and Rafael. Then I slammed the door on my thoughts. "Well, now I know why Liz was so pissed off." "Jon, if you value your life..." Jon went quiet but then looked at me. "I would've been pissed off too." his thought to me said. I nodded and with that the meeting concluded. The next few days were no joke, I was eating for a small army, I was a slowly really losing so much energy there were days I would sleep through whole days, and it was really thanks to the guys that I was able to get up and walk around, in the first month I felt like I was three months. I did get tearful because as much as I hated to admit it, I missed Alex, us cuddling, the warmth of his body, his kisses and hugs. There were days my body ached from his absence. My next doctor visits, the doctor told me I was having a boy and a girl. that they were growing at an alarming rate even by wolf standards and what my plan was  or what did I want to do? "I would like to say I want to have them here but you never know, how things happen." "Do you have a midwife or someone close to?" "Yes, she's actually a doctor, but she's a pediatrician." "She should still have knowledge of how things go, so if you can't make it here then, you have your answer." "Well, sound like a plan then." Beth and Emma started to get a room ready for the possible birth of the twins, by getting one of the rooms in the basement ready. "Why the basement?" "First easy clean up, second no chance of any kind of ambush, and nobody can hear you scream." I stared at Beth, and Emma elbowed her, they were obviously hiding something. "Ambush, and whose going to want to hear me scream?" "Ignore her, she's being paranoid. what matters is that you'll be safe, and it's easier then explaining to a guest why their room smells like blood and other things." "True." After that I noticed that every one was really trying to avoid staying to long with me, except Rafael, the man was a steal trap I couldn't get anything out of him. I even tried to push my power of Luna over him, but I guess Alex's was stronger. "It's got to be bad if Alex, told you not to tell me!" "Drop it, little sister you're not getting anything out of me." I glared at him, and he just gave me a big smile, I started to pay more attention to thing around us. I noticed that Alex had sent round the clock guards, he had made clear where out territory ended and began, with the other packs which covered a the whole state, but around our living area was heavily guarded, and I then found out Alex himself was taking turn for over night watch. I couldn't help feel worried of his reasons to want to this kind of thing, but I guess he needed to burn some energy, now that he couldn't touch me, we really hadn't been intimate for a while, and even me in my pregnant state wanted to be that close to him, but then I would imagine me on top of him, enjoying the moment, and then me puking on him, that was the ice cold bucket of water I needed. I would sleep worrying every night, and then I had no idea was going on, with all the new precautions around the town, I guess he knew best. For now.

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