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( Alexander's POV) She really was ready to walk away, I'm not going to lose her, not now that I just found her. She didn't care I had lost my position as head Alpha, and she was willing to follow me back. If what the wolves told me was true the she-wolves better watch their step, or she'll put them in it. The knock on the door called my attention, and Elizabeth walked in, with some things in her arms. I was sitting by the window and got to my feet. "Hey?' She said shyly, " The kids are down and Marsha just went home." "Sound good, what's that?" "Um..my pajamas and my towel, is it okay if I shower in your shower?" "Sure, it's all yours." She timidly walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I had a sense of what kind of woman Elizabeth was, she didn't sleep around, she was very indepenant, but wasn't afraid to show she needed you unless she didn't know you then she wore this mask of strength and she didn't c***k. She either invited you in or closed you off completely. Similar to how i was, after I trusted my old pack so much and they betrayed me,  I reduced my circle of people I trusted. The shower turned off and she was drying off, I could hear the rustling of the towel, then..She slowly opened the door. "What's wrong?" "I um, I guess I didn't notice it before but there's a hole in the back of my pants, and the shirt is too short, can I borrow one of your shirts?" That simple request brought a smile to my lips and a warm feeling in my chest, the thought of her in my clothes, was arousing. "Sure, let me grabbed you one." I went and grabbed one of my favorites and handed it to her, she wasn't that short, so even the shirt was going to be short on her, but she'll feel comfortable. "Here." "Thanks." She closed the door again and was getting it on, I went to the bed and just laid there, trying not to imagine her under me or on top of me, we were taking this slow, and I was willing to wait for no just having her here in my bed was enough, or at least that's what I said to myself until she opened the door and she looked amazing in my shirt, her long black hair, made her look even sexier. As she walked I couldn't help watch her, she had the most perfect legs not too long and not too short, not super thick but not super thin, and I could see her curves, and just remembering the couple times I have touched her, had my heart racing. "Thank you again for the shirt, it's very comfy." I shook my head a little, smiled, and nodded. "My closet is always open." She gave me a shy smile, and slowly got on her side of the bed, and laid down, looking at me. I slowly got under the covers too, and looked at her. I ran my thumb across her check, I really couldn't believe she was really here with me, and I didn't want to leave her of my sight, not while she was unmarked. The next few days, I would really keep and eye on her. She came closer to me and I could help, feeling her skin, it was so soft. as my hand run up her leg, and I could smell her she was aroused, and that in turn turned me on. I stopped and shook my head. "I'm sorry, I'm just so happy to have you here with me." "I know the feeling but you're right it's super late, and we have a long day tomorrow, so I'm not complaining." She kissed my chest, then I kissed her, I wanted her so much, but I couldn't force myself to do it. So I pulled back slowly, and laid back on my back. she snuggled on my chest and somehow that got both of us to sleep. (Liz's POV) I had wanted him to start anything last night, but Alex was true to his word he didn't want to pressure me into anything. I snuggled into his chest and had fallin to sleep I had been tired, so I was glad we didn't break in a s*x marathon. Then I felt something I opened my eyes and Alex was looking right at me...no his wolf was, I tried to move away but I wasn't moving. Crap I wasn't in control again, what were these two... The question was answered when Alex's body quickly was on top of mine, I wasn't in control of my body but I could feel it all. He ripped the shirt open and went after my hard n*****s and neck. I could feel his mouth on my body and his kisses, had me so turned on and wet, his strong hands dug into my legs and hips, as he went down,  his tongue  played with my bud and had me digging my nails into the bed, that felt amazing! I felt myself moan and groan, but it wasn't me exactly. "mmm, so sweet and all mine!" "Yes, all yours!" I heard myself moan as he started sucking, sweet lord! For some reason that pulled me back in control, and I gasped and moaned, louder, then my wolf had. I had to get Alex back in control, but I didn't want to stop what was happening. "Al..Alex." I gasped but I just couldn't get it out,  he then stopped suddenly and pulled away, I groaned in protest. ""Elizabeth, I'm  so..." "Don't be." I went up and kissed him before he could finish, that was it. he deepened the kiss and helped me out of what was left of the shirt, his skin on mine, made me heat up quickly, I couldn't get enough of him, he took his sweat pants off and came closer to me,  He was right at my entrance, and I could feel how thick his was, he was perfect, he filled me just right . then he slammed into me hard. I was screaming and moaning so loud as he moved, he kept kissing and sucking on my neck, there was going to be  a huge hicky there for sure, but then I felt them, his canines, and that just pushed me closer to the edge, One one thrust...Then I felt it my release then he bit down, and the mix of pleasure and pain made the feeling ten times bigger and better. As we both came down from our high, he kissed me, and I kissed him back. My body suddenly ready for more. I pushed him on his back and straddled him ,  he wasn't in me, but he was ready too, carefully I let him slide inside me, as I gasped, he felt so good. I moved my hips, making him groan and moan too.  He dug his fingers into my legs holding me tightly, I moved faster. "That's it beautiful, come for me." He teased my n*****s with his thumbs and that made it better. "Yes, just like that!" I moved faster so lost in the how good I was feeling, my release came smoothly and it spread through my body, I looked at him and smiled mischievously I tighten my walls and he moaned, I did it as I moved fast, and his release came crashing into him, he moaned so loud as he came. I smiled smugly down at him, he pulled me down to kiss me. both of us covered in sweat, and breathless but satisfied. I looked at my watch and saw it was seven in the morning. I got off him and headed to the shower. "Hey where are you going?" Alex asked. "I'm getting up, the kids should be waking up in a little while." He got up and followed me into the shower, we fooled around a little more in the water, but soon I ran down stairs, dressed, and started to make breakfast. Alex went to check on the kids and effectively they were in the TV room, watching a movie. I quickly got food served and ready to start the day. We were just eating when, Ben, Marsha and Jon came in. They all stared at me, my hair was down so they couldn't see anything on my neck, but then I sneezed and smelled myself, I smelled like Alex, of course they could smell me. They were shaking hands with Alex, and Marsha came over and gave me a hug. "Congratulations, you two, it was about time." said Jon we both looked at him. "What?" "We were going to lock you guys in a steel room, until something happened you two waltzing around the situation." "Then good thing, I guess." I said trying not to laugh. "So now you're our Luna, Elizabeth." Said Ben with his eyes and head down a little. "First of all it's still Liz, and I guess if you have me." They all nodded we are now in a agreement. THe whole morning we packed our things, Alex explained this house was the governments, and it was all ready furnished so none of that was theirs, just clothes, blankets, some toys, and toiletries. We got done by noon and headed out. The village was more or less the same as the last time I saw it. The house we headed to was a good size, smaller then the mansion, but bigger then the last pack house. We drove by and there were kids playing outside, we were a five minute walk away from them. We got down and I couldn't help admire the house, it was simple, inviting and welcoming. The outside still lacked character, but it would have to be a slow choice, just to have the best. The porch was wide enough to and big enough for porch chairs and maybe even a small table, there were benches already but that would give your back to the yard. That would be remedied, inside the dining room was huge that was normal, the kitchen was a good size for a few people cooking at the same time. The living room was next door only separated by sofas and the plasma mounted on the wall, which was maybe bigger then a 36' The up stairs was nice with a balcony to look down and over see the living room and dining room, there was a room right as you walked up the bathroom and the down the hall was two bedrooms the kids', a bathroom between them. The other wall was two other rooms with an other bathroom between them, then at the end of the hall was the master bedroom with a nice bathroom and walk in closet. I helped get the kids settled and their beds made, Eden was now in a normal bed, I have no idea why she was in a crib this whole time but anyway. It even had the safety wings to keep her from falling out, or was it to keep her in? Anyway, I had put my things aside down stairs, wasn't really sure what Alex wanted me to do, yet. That question was quickly answered when i didn't see my boxes down stairs, but they were in the closet in the master bedroom. This was all so surreal to me, I had always hated the idea of moving in with someone, only to have it fall apart after a while. In this case with my mate, after I was done I sat down and wondered, I had felt the bond settle between us, but now I felt his walls up, he was closing off from me, even I guess he's told me the worst part of things, he hadn't been around when his wife had died, his children had found her, and the pack didn't respect her as a equal. In the times he would kiss me or touch me he seemed to hold back for some reason. Like all this was also very new and surreal to him too. I guess Aaron wasn't the only one dealing with demons. I sat there for a while when Marsha came in. "Hey, Alexander wants you down stairs." "Sure." I said but didn't move, Marsha cleared her throat, I looked at her again," Now?" She nodded. I sighed and got up and headed down stairs, and outside there was a group of people out side and Alex was in front of all of them when he heard us coming everyone turned to look at me.Some snickered, others whispered, and others were just silent. "The nanny, typical Alexander always liking the weak ones!" I turned to look at the person that talked it was a man, but I wasn't scared of him. I walked out in front of him, and let my wolf peek out. He looked me in the eyes, I could see him sweat a little, until finally he turned away. "Anyone else have a problem with me, let me know even when Alexander is here, if that's what worries you, that I'm acting tough just because he's here!" I said to the whole group, I didn't even get to turn completely around when  woman ran at me, I used her own momentum to throw her on her back. "Let me." said my wolf I let her to come to the front. The other woman did the same, and she ran at me again, but rammed into me, I dug my heels and whacked her hard in the back, and kneed her in the stomach as let go of me. She pushed me away then threw punches, I avoided them and punched her with the all my strength that knocked her back into the others. Out of no where she phased as she ran at me, and before I could think I ran at her and had her in a neck lock, I used my wolf's strength, after a while she stopped struggling, and I let her go. As she fell unconscious, to the ground. I walked forward. "Anyone else!?" Nobody moved but I turned to look back at Alex, Ben, Jon, and Marsha, they looked very happy and proud. I walked back inside, Marsha followed. "You have a bunch of scratches on your side." "Do I?" I looked and yes, I did I didn't even feel it, Marsha helped clean me up and they healed faster. "That was interesting." she said after a while. "What was?" "You're a natural born warrior, Liz." "More like I have been in enough fights to stay alive." I laughed as did she. "I'll gladly follow you as my Luna, Liz." I smiled and she gave me a small bow and walked out. If this was what poor Shannon had to deal with she didn't have a chance, these people are assholes, and then Alex called me out there to be gawked at, like some kind of show pony. I finished cleaning myself up and walked out of the bathroom. I walked right into the devil himself. I shoved him away. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry, I really didn't know that was going to happen." "You're not new to this Alex, if you wanted them to challenge me, then do it right, not blind siding me, to prove I'm right to be their leader!" He looked at me, I was right, what had he done to Shannon, that now I had to prove myself to these people? I scoffed and walked down stairs and out of the house. Like I said things were going to fall apart before they even start.
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