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I drove quickly to my mothers house and banged on the door. She opened up carefully and when she saw me, She was happy but I soon made her regret it. She let me in and there on the couch was Jo. "What is this ass hole doing here?" "Honey he doesn't have a job and you sold the house..." "Has he even tried to find a job, no right?!" "Hey babe..." "Shut up!" I yelled at him he backed off, and I turned back to my mother. "I know the truth." I said in the calmest voice I could muster. "The truth about..about what baby?" "I know the truth about who dad was!" She went pale as I bet she could see my eyes and the change of color. "baby, what have they.." "Nobody did anything to me Mom, this was who my father was, and you wanted me to forget him and pretend he never existed in my life!" Leo, and Lily were now walking down the hall, and Leo was trying to look threatening. "What's all the screaming about!?" "None of your freaking business!" "It is my business it my.." "My father's house the one you two, gladly took from me and have claimed your own, you didn't pay anything on this house!" "Who the fu..." He didn't finish the sentance when he saw my eyes, and backed away. "He was your mate, Mom, and he loved you!" "He was a monster, Lizzy, he wanted to control me!" "No, more then this asshole right here, what did you do?" "The right thing, I called the police gave them evidence of what that thing was and they took him away from us." I stood there in shock, she had handed her mate over to the police, that night with all the men fighting to control him and make him submit, flashed before my eyes, he had fought them, knowing he would be killed or worse. Tears ran down my face as I looked at her. "You are dead to me, Rosa, just like you sentenced my father to death, I now disown you as my mother." "No..baby don't think.." "I am a werewolf! Keep your normal family, and do whatever the f**k you want, it's what you've done so far, don't call me, don't send this asshole to look for me, nobody!" "Baby.." "I'm done, you never loved me and now you don't have to, I'm done with you and this f****d up family, you want me to give him a chance to what...continue to cheat on me and disrespect me, no Rosa, not going to happen, you might accept it from him," I pointed to Leo behind her," But not me, have a nice life." I walked out of the house and into my car and drove off. I got back to the house just as my phone rang. "Hello?" "Hey?" My heart fluttered at his voice, but I was still mad at him. "Yes, Mr. Grant what did you need?" "Okay still made, got it, I was calling to tell you, that I just received the call from my judge friend and from a private investigator I hired we have enough proof to make a clean cut, you should be divorced in the next few weeks." I slumped on the stairs of the house, it was the best news I could get right now. "Thank you, Alex." I whispered as tears ran down my face. "You're welcome, Elizabeth." He hung up and so did I. I felt so exhausted from everything, from everything I found out and now everything I have done. I got up and headed in side and heard Marsha and the kids running around, as Marsha ran after a diaper less Eden and Aaron with a nerf gun shooting at her. I took a deep breath and went in to help. Over the next few days I went to court and and faced off with Joseph, he wanted me to look bad for not telling him I was a werewolf, but I cleared up that I just found out myself, that my mother didn't tell me. Then tried to push some lame attempts at photo shop with Pictures of me and Alex, the judge was literally a vampire and he could see past the bull. "So Mr.Homes tell me again why you think marriage counseling would be better then the divorce?" "Because we love each other and love like ours should be given an other chance now some mutt has brain washed her to be a part of his cult or something." The judge took the cult part out, then turned to me and asked me why I wanted the divorce. " Your honor this man you see right here, cheated on me two months after we got married, has embarrassed me, and used me. In ways a husband, shouldn't use their wives and has just taken all of my love and shattered it, for his greed and whatever other reason he might have, I'm done your honor." "So noted I agree with you Ms. Gutierrez, after all the evidence handed to me it's made clear to me that this marriage is over and toxic, so you are now divorced, and sense Mr. Homes took the $20,000 out of your accounts and you got $10, 000 for the house, there will be no recovery in this case and I so order it." I took a deep breath and was now free to find my mate and really be happy. Alex even placed a restraining order against Jo and my mom for his whole house hold. I was fine with that. Marsha and I ran the house smoothly and took the kids out for walks and for ice cream and just had fun with them.While helping Aaron with school and therapy I also kept thinking about the wolf I saw in William's pack, I never figured who he was but I just need to go back and find him. One night I had a dream of something it was a wolf, her beautiful gray coat had a kind of shine to it, in the moon light. Her eyes were a honey brown and a medium size. "Who are you?" "I'm your wolf, the one that keeps trying to get out and have some fun." I looked at her and her mouth wasn't moving, but she could still talk to me. "Mind link." She said answering my question. "So you and I are now, apart of each other?" "That's right, and with my abilities you'll be able to shift, run faster then any human or some cars, can hear things from far away and smell things you never thought had smells to them, and you'll be able to see in the dark too. You see once you get use to it, but what I really want to find is our mate." "You saw him too?" "Yes, and you'll start feeling a little weird when he's close." "Like what?" "Every match is different, some just can't seem to keep their hands off each other and others just can't stand them for some reason." "Okay, then I'll just keep an eye out for those signs." "Find him Liz, find our mate." I woke up and like she said I felt her but she was giving me control of my body, we were aware of each other but for our complete connection I would have to phase.  Also like she said I could smell, hear, see and feel everything more. My room was dark but but it was clear like when the light is on, I could smell...smell him...I quickly got out of bed and quietly followed the scent, river water, wildflowers and earth. Before I could make it too far I heard Eden stir and I turned back to get her. The next morning the kids wanted to go outside to the pool it was august, but it was the last chance they had to go swimming. We got dressed and headed outside to the pool. They swam under our watchful eye but soon I found myself thinking about my mate, and how all clues were pointing to Alex or Jon. I needed to make sure before I went up to any of them, I didn't want to feel stupid for not knowing which one he was. Marsha came over to me and asked if I was okay. "I think I found my mate, Marsha, but I have no idea what he looks like."  "You mean you saw the wolf?" "Yeah, I'm smelling things and one really stands out, it makes me feel..." "Hot?" "Yeah." I felt weird talking about the new things I could feel and smell, and yes how there's a smell in the house that has me burning, with lust and longing. "Okay what are you picking up?" She asked actually looking excited to hear. "Um..river water, wildflowers, and dirt, like that beautiful smell when it rains, and is getting everything wet." She knowingly smiled and looked at the kids for a minute, she knew who it was. "Who is it?" I asked playfully pushing her, she grinned. "Somehow I knew you wer going to be good for him, after a while it's just been that obvious, but it's not Jon, he was born in a city, so if you smelled him, you would be getting a lot of city smells, like motor oil, type of smell, now Alexander on the other hand was born in the country and close to a river, and surrounded with everything you just described." "Is that why, he's been...flirty and trying to push his luck with me?" I felt my face go red, as her smile confirmed it. "Wolves, are very physical creatures, Liz, when a wolf wants you there's no way you will miss it, unless you're really trying to ignore it, I know Alexander has done a few things, in preparetion of you finding out, because he wanted you to find out and see how you felt, but he has also made it clear, he wants you and it's your choice in what direction this all goes." I looked at her, and realized what all that meant: I could raise the kids as my own, I would have the family I've always wanted, and a mate or whatever who really loves me, or at least desires me. My life has changed more then I could ever imagine. I was getting a overwhelmed feeling, when we both looked up at the sound of heels, and found Suzette coming toward us. "Ladies." "Suzette." we both said in unison. "Where's Alexander, I need to talk to him?" "He'll be back later on this evening." I kept it cool and acted like that wasn't news to me too. "Okay, well, he and I have a few things to discuss, so let him know I'll be back once he's here." "Will do." said Marsha and Suzette walked away and I turned to look at Marsha. "He still has her on call really?" Marsha just shrugged, I sat back, great my mate still had a mistress on speed dial, so much for change for the better.
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