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Over the next few hours I was so busy with helping with the kids, food and tents. I didn't even feel the day fly by. The tents were for the humans which were quite a few, some alone, some with one or more kids. The rest were wolves that gathered around their Alpha, as he welcomed everyone, and made a few announcements. I looked around and noticed the women taking in their kids into the tents and closing the flaps and soon everyone in the group, started to take off their clothes, I turned the kids to the tents and they laughed, but listened. I turned back and some had already started their change. it was the most horrible sight and sound I had ever seen. Bones popping and screams of pain. Some of the wolves were already changed. I remembered what Alex said. Some of the newer wolves needed the moon while others in a flash would change. I looked away after a while and was about to head into the tent when, there he was. The dark brown wolf with yellow eyes. He turned to look at me his eyes making me feel safe and desired. Then he ran off, something inside of me wanted to run after him, but I needed to watch the kids. As I turned to head into the tent, that same pain from before hit me hard and I couldn't catch my breath, Aaron and Eden ran out to me and Eden's screams to her father sounded far away. I coughed and tried to comfort her, but they were crying. I spit and found I had blood in my mouth. My body felt numb and I just couldn't catch my breath. Then just like it started it stopped. I focused and noticed there was something different. I could smell things, better, my eyes could see things from far away closer, and I could hear, leaves and twigs breaking. That was far away, but as I looked up at the kids and they looked at me, they both ran back into the tent. I wanted to go and talk to them, but my body wasn't responding. Like a robot controller broken and now the robot was acting of its own accord. I stood up and looked around, the a scent hit me. River water, wildflowers, and earth. It pulled me to it, and I felt my body heat up. "Mate." I heard myself say and as My body started to walk toward the smell, I fought to take control but whoever or whatever was controlling my body, wasn't letting me. I couldn't leave the kids alone, but before I could get too far, something caught my attention, wolves started running out of the woods, from the opposite direction the others went. They were attacking the tents and screams of fear sounded. I turned to the kids. "Stay inside!" I closed the tent and went to help the other women. For a minute I really had no idea what I was going to do, but my body acting on it's own, can attacked, killed wolves, I could hear bones break, as she twisted head or squeezed them around the middle breaking their spines, or a lot of blood, I dug my claws into things and places I never thought I would even do. Then I heard my name and ran back to the tent, with Aaron and Eden. I was ready to tackle the wolf there but then something ripped out of the tent and grabbed the wolves head with so much speed, all I heard was the snap of the neck, and the wolf fell to the ground. There on top of the wolf sat Aaron, like a feral child. He snarled at me, and before I could grab him he took off. That for some reason gave me the push I needed to take control of my body again. I called for Alex loud, took Eden with Britney and headed in the direction Aaron ran off to. (Alexander's POV) I heard her yell my name I turned and ran all the way back, and found the tents destroyed, and some of our wolves fighting with others and women and children running back to the house. I looked around and didn't see Elizabeth or my children, I was trying not to panic, when I saw Britney running toward me. I phased back and caught her. "What happened where's Aaron? Where's Elizabeth?" "she ran after Aaron, I have no idea, what happened we were just under attack!" "Okay take Eden inside, I'll find them." I phased back and followed Aaron's scent and soon was joined by Will as we headed to find Elizabeth and Aaron. Soon I heard Elizabeth's voice soothingly talking to Aaron, we followed the sounds and found them. She had Aaron cornered , but still giving him room if he ran, smart girl. "Aaron, it's okay everything is going to be okay, buddy just please come back." He snarled at her and she seemed ready to give up, when she took a deep breath and started to hum, the tune was peaceful and it got Aaron's attention, she started to sing some words. Hush my little baby Mommy is going to sing you a lullaby. The words were like a spell and as she sang Aaron was wobbly on his feet, and he made his way to Elizabeth. Close your eyes and sleep, sleep. Let the monsters leave___ Just sleep___ Aaron was out he rested his head on her legs and she cradled him in her arms. We phased back and got some basketball shorts on and walked out towards them. Elizabeth stood up with my son in her arms, as she watched us get closer. I took Aaron from her as William stood in front of her. "come let's talk." All she did was nod and followed us back to the house. By the time we got back to the house, Aaron stirred and looked up at me with his sleepy eyes. "Daddy?" "Hey, buddy?" "Oh, is it over so soon, where's Lizzy?" "I'm right here buddy." Elizabeth peeked next to me. "Did I miss our game night?" "No, buddy while you slept Eden and I did something else, but you'll be playing with Britney and Eden okay." "Okay, Daddy put me down!" "okay, buddy okay." I put him down and he just ran up stairs to find Britney and his little sister. I turned back to Elizabeth and thanked her, and she gave my arm a soft squeeze. We both followed my brother to the office. He was already seating behind his desk, and offered Elizabeth the chair in front of the desk. She sat down, nervous, but other wise calm. "How did you do that?" "Would you believe me if I told you, I have no idea." He nodded and looked at me as i came to stand behind him. "That lullaby where did you learn it?" She smiled and very proudly looked at Will. "My father use to sing it to me." He nodded again, I was just waiting for him to finish telling her. "Alex, tells me your father was Omar Gutierrez." She glanced at me, like I had betrayed her somehow. "That's right." "Tell me about him?" "Well, he was a factory worker, who got paid minimum wage, and disappeared about 21 or 22 years ago." "Hmm, what if I told you that's not who he really was, and on top of it he wasn't even human." She sat up a little straighter, but looked a little angry. "What are you talking about?" "What I'm talking about, is that your father was a doctor and one of our kind." She started to laugh but then saw that we weren't laughing and she fell serious. "I'm listening." "Your father was the first to pin point where a pup can go wrong in his or her development, later making it impossible to control their wolf, and instead of restoring to killing the young wolf, how to reverse the damage, what you just did was the very same thing that he did for our pups." She was speechless and lost in thought, but she didn't look happy. "If he was one of you, where is he?" "That's what we've been wondering for the past few years, he disappeared just after he found this out, we never even knew he had a mate, so you can imagine why it's a surprise to know he has a daughter." "All my mom told me was that he was taken by ICE, because he was illegally here, and that he forgot about us after word." "I did some digging after I heard your real name, and didn't find any record from ICE, of a deportation for Omar, so either your mom lied and it wasn't ICE, or somebody went to get him under the radar." She gave me that same look, and this time got to her feet, and her eyes did something, that made both my brother and I stand up. Her eyes were a honey color, not the normal brown color they were. SHe was angry and breathing heavy. "You knew who this whole time and you didn't tell me!" She screamed at me. "Told you the plan would back fire." William shot at me. "Now it not the time!" I snarled at him, as Elizabeth ran at us she rammed me into the wall, then before i could grab her, she was out the door.William just watched as she broke through the window. "You could've helped!" "This is your mess I told you it wouldn't work, so now you can go clean the mess up your self." I growled at him, but phased and ran after Elizabeth. (Liz's POV) He knew he knew who my father was and he didn't tell me, he had lied to me this whole time. Not only him, but my own mother lied to me, and said the government had taken him away, and that he was happy away from us. I was so lost in my own thoughts, I didn't hear him, until he rammed into me. I struggled against him, but by the end Alex had me pinned to the ground, both of us breathing heavy. I glared up at him, as he grinned smugly down at me. "Get off me!" "No, now stop and listen, you're werewolf like or not, you have never let your wolf connect with you, so the pain you're feeling is her trying to to take control, and from the sounds of it, she's done that today, but she needs a leader..." "Like hell, I'm submitting to you as my Alpha, you lying bastard!" "Then you have a choice to make choose an Alpha, or die!" I went still and looked up at him, he was right I have never heard of female wolves out on their own, and even the males that were became very dangerous, without a pack. I sighed as he got off of me and offered his hand , which I didn't take, and got up off the ground. "I don't want to finish this trip with you, I'll watch the kids back at the house, but I won't continue with this with you lying and keeping things from me." He looked serious and for a second I thought he would protest, but he just nodded. "You and Marsha and go back to the house with the children, I hope it gives you enough time to forgive me. The jet will be ready tomorrow morning." I nodded and walked past him toward the house again, for some reason him agreeing so quickly made feel bad, like he was trying to get rid of me, but I ignored it and kept walking. True to his word the next morning, the jet was ready to take us back to the house. The kids said their good byes to their aunt and to their uncle, and then to their father, who was driving from her to the next town. "Love you Daddy." "I love you guys too, be good okay." They agreed, and walked up the jet sets. I had already said my good byes and just waved to them before I borded the jet not looking back at Alex. Then once Marsha was on and the door closed we were off. Once back there was a Tahoe waiting for us, which Marsha drove and I sat in the passenger seat next to her. I looked back at the kids, they were fine, but the flight had done a number on them. At the house they settled back in their rooms like nothing, and took a nap. I went to talk to Marsha, who was in the kitchen. "Hey, the kids are down for a nap, I need to do a quick erron ." "Sure, how soon will you be back?" "I'll try and make it fast." "Okay, sure." "Thanks Marsha." I grabbed my keys and got in my car and headed to see the person I never thought I would ever go see again.
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