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I shook my head and closed my eyes. No,no, no, I'm taken and am not looking for more men!" "Are you now?" He pushed my hair away from my neck, and smiled again. "No, you're not my dear, if you were the bite would be on your left side not your right." I felt myself go pale, had he meant to do it like that. I didn't look at Alex, if I did I might slap him. "Who are you, anyway?" "Oh, excuse me, my name is Eduardo Reza, and you my dear?" "Elizabeth Gutierrez." At that Eduardo looked at the man I had been looking at earlier, who walked up to me. "Rafael Gutierrez, I believe you are my little sister." "What?!" This time a looked at the people I had believed my family, nobody moved. A cold feeling washed over me, I guess Alex was mad at me for killing Shannon. I bowed my head, to my brother. He put his fingers under my chin and brought my face up, my wolf peeked out. "He's telling us the truth Liz, he's our brother, your father had two mates." "This is crazy, this can't be happening to me, not right now!" I pulled away from all of them, feeling like I was drowning, then I phased suddenly and broke through a window and just ran. (Alexander's POV) When I saw  Elizabeth kill Shannon, it broke something in me, but not in a bad way, more like I was freed from something, and I thought back, if Jason and Shannon were in witch territory, could they have asked for help from the witches? If that was true, had the love I felt for Shannon had it been real or magic, I knew what I felt for Elizabeth, that felt real, but how could I be sure. My answer came when these five walked into my village, two asking about Elizabeth. now one claiming to be her betrothed and the other her older brother, my wolf was fighting to gain control and tell these two to f**k off, Elizabeth was ours, but I needed to know if that's what Elizabeth really felt, I could smeel Jason all over her, what had he done to her, had he... "We should've made his death far more painful." "We have an other problem now, so focus." I thought to my wolf as we watched the two strange wolves look over our mate.Then when the wolf said he was her mate, my wolf snarled to be released. When she looked at me, I didn't dare say anything, or it might be my wolf who would offend them. She broke through the window and ran, the wolves were about to chase after her. "Let her be, she'll be back." "Mr. Grant, you do realize I will need you to cancel your claim over her, she was promised to me before her birth." "Well, you snooze you lose, friend." "Mr. Grant, my sister is to come back with me, to see our mother." "So Omar, had two mates, one of which had two children, one of which he took and gave to the other for what reason?" "My family takes power couples serious, Mr. Grant, our father and mother were lucky when they found they loved each other, but they didn't want us to live the same thing as them, he talked with my grandfather to spare my sister that fate, when he refused he took my sister from us and both hid from the time she was born until now." "Let me guess, your grandfather is still calling the shots?" "No, I am, sir and I am here to claim what is rightfully mine." said the one name Eduardo. "She's already been claimed, and I do not tend to let her go, I'm sorry to say." "You will declare war with our pack we'll destroy you not leaving a trace of you int he world." I walked and stood face to face with them. "I meet your father, Rafael, and he was a good man, we wanted peace among us, it was thanks to him, that we found a way to do so, but I will not forfeit my mate, as much as you threaten me with war." Rafael nodded once he understood. Eduardo was ready for a fight. "I would like to get to know her, Mr. Grant..." "Alexander, and I bet once she calms down she would too, is your mother still with you?" "Yes, she's wanted to meet her daughter this whole time, and would be proud of what she sees." I mind linked Elizabeth, but again I couldn't reach her, but I had a feeling I knew where she was. "Take a seat, I'll see if I can find her, and we'll be back, Ben drinks food, make them feel welcome." I left them in Ben's capable hands, I grabbed a wrapped up sandwich, and headed to the pond. (Liz's POV) " Freakin arranged marriage, what the hell was Dad thinking?!" I shouted in frustration, I threw rocks and kicked the water. "It wasn't his choice." I turned to find Alex leaning a tree, with a sandwich in hand, I felt my stomach growl, but I turned away. "Now, you're talking to me, have you made a choice?" "Choice?" "Let me guess, you're going to marry me off to the macho lobo, right ,oh, no wait, you going to beat me, or maybe stone me." "What are you talking about?" I glared at him, he wanted to play stupid. "I'm talking about how hurt you were when I killed Shannon for the second time." He seemed to finally understand, and smiled at me. Then put his hand on the side of my face, his touch calming me greatly, then getting closer he kissed me softly, erasing Jason's touch and kiss from my mind. " The only punishment I'd give you, is being alone for a week, in a bed, making love to you until you're satisfied out of your mind." That made my body go hot, that wouldn't be so bad. I looked into his eyes so he hadn't been mad at me. Then why did he... "Why did you look so hurt, or more like why did you not say anything before now?" "I could smell Jason all over you, I was giving you space, before I talked to you on what happened." "Yeah, the sicko never got that far, but I think a couple nights you could wash away the memory of his hands on me." He really smiled and kissed me again, we had a little make out session, until Ben mind linked us to come back. Alex handed me the sandwich and as we walked back, he explained why, Rafael and Eduardo were here while I ate. I guess I wasn't even Rosa's daughter, that would explain a little on why she was so cold toward me, even according to Beth, it happened with biological parents, but mostly with adopted kids. Once we got there Rafael, watched me and Alex walk up hand in hand, Eduardo looked pissed. Rafael came and asked if he could give me a hug, I accepted. I felt it, like a warmth I had never thought I would, family. "I have talked with Eduardo, we settled that a fight for the your hand sister, what do you think?" Before I could answer, Alex agreed Eduardo came down and they got ready. It wasn't to the death, but I was still scared. Rafael explained the rules and called the fight to begin, soon everyone inside stepped out to watch the fight, Eduardo phased into a almost silver wolf, and Alex phased right as they ran at each other, slamming into each other, rolling around in the dirt, and snarls and growls filling the night air. The first time Eduardo pinned Alex to the ground, point for him, The second Alex had him, point for him, after a while they were tie, this last point would decide my fate, I sent a very erotic image to Alex. "I'll hold you to that." he said in my head, the final round started, but Eduardo suddenly grabbed him , slamming him to the ground, before the final choice was made, Alex, did a flip and ended on top of him. That was it, he won. I got to stay with Alex. They both phased back, shook hands, Rafael shook his hand, then Alex walked to me, I hugged him. " I would like to have you visit us, Elizabeth." "Liz, is fine, um..sure give the guys the info and I'd be happy to visit." " Actually wanted to leave with you, and Alexander if you wish, but I would really like to have you come with me." "Sure, when do you leave?" "We can give you  two days to get things arranged, but no later then that." "We can do that." said Alex hugging me from behind. Rafael nodded and went to attend Eduardo. I turned and Alex lead me inside, he gave a few instructions to Ben who nodded and we headed up stairs I checked the kids while Alex got ready to shower, after I fixed Eden's position so she didn't fall off the bed, I headed to our room. The shower was going, I did make a deal with him, I guess. I stepped out of the spare sweats i had found in the packs hiding place, and walked into the bathroom, and into the shower. I couldn't help watch the man in front of me, the water running down his gorgeous body, making him look like some kind of model, his hair draped around his face sexily, and just watching the water run over his lips made me thirsty. He  opened his eyes, and like a preditor looking at a piece of meat, I felt my eyebrow go up at that, but like I did to him earlier, he also sent a very, very erotic thought to me. My whole body went up in flame. "That's how bad you want me do you?" I said with a smile on my face and slowly walking toward him. Before I knew he moved, I found myself pinned to the wall of the shower. The answer to my question was clear as day. As we made love in the shower, while also realizing that I had missed him. The way he made me feel, I wanted to be with him, not just because he was my mate but because I knew that with him I just couldn't go wrong. Once we got cleaned up, we headed to bed, and both just fell into the deepest sleep ever, I had heard from Beth that he hadn't slept these past two days looking us, and I hadn't slept, being chained to a wall and all. I bet that was the reason Eden and Aaron were out cold, poor kids.  Sometime the next morning or afternoon, I just laid there sense Alex held on to me tightly, soon Eden walked in and came to snuggle with me, later followed by Aaron. "Mommy, I had a nightmare." "Did you buddy what about?" He then went on the explain the whole thing we had lived these past few days. That was the affect of the spell, later if he would ever ask again, I would tell him the truth, but for now I agreed that was a horrible nightmare. Alex had woken up a little after Aaron walked in and kissed me on the neck. The kids jumped up on him and they goofed around a while, then we got up, changed clothes, and headed down stairs. Where the other women had lunch going. I tried to help but Emma and Britney wouldn't let me. I sat down with the others where I found my brother among them, and we talked and chatted, laughing and just having a nice time. When lunch was ready, I helped serve as we did have a big group to feed, and then at the end we sat down with our men and ate with them. After Rafael, asked me if we could walk around and get to know each other a little more. I agreed and we walked. I found we had more siblings, older brothers, Jose and  Omar Jr. He was the oldest so got named after our father.  "If there are older men why did Eduardo get the Alpha position?" "In our pack you'll find we don't do from father to son, they have to earn the title, and thanks to our grandfather that title became too heavy to want, overwhelmingly so none of us have wanted it, so grandfather looked else where for the right replacement." We continued our walk, I told him my life growing up and how Dad was taken away from the house, how I came to work with Alex and came to find out he was my mate, and I was a werewolf.  Rafael didn't say anything until I was done. "It might sound heartless but, it wasn't too bad for you, it could've been worse." "True, but I didn't know who I was for the longest time, and if it weren't for Alex and his brother I wouldn't of known." "True, but is he really your mate or are you feeling thankful toward him?" "I would like to say both, I'm thankful to him for showing me all this, and I've felt it he's my mate." He nodded but I felt like my argument had been a weak one. We continued talking and I found out, they were mostly raised in Mexico but were born in New York, that's where we were going. He explained that our grandfather wasn't alive anymore, but to be very careful when it came to respect the others, they might be our brothers, but there was to be always respect, I agreed. Our mother was still living, and according to Rafael, she was sweet but strict, I always found that combination strange but I guess it worked. She was werewolf, and even if it was an arranged marriage our parents had still loved each other. The more we talked I would get flashes of my life with Dad and Rosa, he had really taken care mostly for me, he had been very cold toward Rosa. Rosa somehow still managed to raise me after Dad was taken away. I guess at least I wasn't sent to the orphanage or something right. By the time we got back, Alex was done with his calls and all that. He was sitting on the porch with the kids playing in the yard. He got up once we got closer. "How was your walk?"he asked. "Nice, considering we might be getting snow." I said going up the stairs to hug him, he kissed my forehead. I could see Rafael watching us, like he was confirming something for himself. "You staying for dinner Rafael?" asked Alex, my brother shook his head. "No, I really should be heading back to see what Eduardo is doing, he's in the city." "That's fine, we are all ready to go, if you want we can leave as soon as your ready." That surprised my brother greatly, all he could do was nod. "Yes, of course." Alex did a little bow, and Rafael walked back to his vehicle. "Do you have a feeling he's not completely honest about something?"I asked Alex. "mm-hmm, I asked around and yes, he is who he says he is, and yes, they did have a daughter/sister disappear about the same time, but I haven't confirmed if your father was with them." I turned to look at him. "Than why are we going?" "No, better way, then going ourselves." I sighed and he hugged me from behind. "Don't worry beautiful, I've got you." That made me smile, and we headed in for dinner.
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