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(Alex's POV) We killed most of all the rouges a few did get away, but I felt a sick feel over take my body. We raced back the the hide out to check on the others, they all were shaken but for the most part, everyone was fine. As we got closer they got to their feet ready to fight, but I phased once I reached them, our bodies covered in blood. The other Lunas came to meet their mates, I looked around. "Where's Elizabeth?" Britney looked really guilty, before she could speak, Emma came toward us, I looked around her," Where are my children, Emma?" "Alex, I tried.." "Where are they, Emma!?" I demanded she lowered her eyes and spoke to the ground. "They're gone." she simply said. "Liz, was taken too." said Jen. My insides boiled, why her, why did Jason take my mate and my children? I was breathing heavy, and my wolf, was fighting to take control, he was pissed, as was I but we needed to keep a cool, head where would he take them? "She fought hard, Alexander, your Liz is a warrior, she'll find a way to lead us to her." said Jamie, in a voice full of aww. I just nodded and really focused on our bond, finally throwing it wide open. Come on beautiful guide me to you and the children. (Liz's POV) I was cold and naked, as I tried to move I was being held by something, which also burned. My insides felt like they were on fire, and I felt sick. I looked around and to my surprise I found myself in a dungeon, I was in shackles, silver to be exact. I looked down at my body I was covered with blood, which was now dry and making my skin itch. "You're awake." I heard Jason's voice it was calm and cool, he walked out of the shadows. His eyes scanned my body, it was actually making me uncomfortable, as he walked toward me. His face got really close to my neck, and he breathed in deeply, and sighed. "So you are his mate, I should've known." As he spoke he played with a strand of my hair, and ran really light fingers down between my breasts, until reaching my navel. As i watched him, he felt wrong, if before he felt a little weird this time, I could really feel something was off about him, kind of what you saw when someone had a mental break down, and wasn't dealing with is right. His lips were inches from mine. "What did you shoot me with?" I asked trying to move his focus away from my mouth, but it was in vain, he forced a kiss on me, shoving his tongue into my mouth, I was still too weak to move with the little strength I could muster I bit down on his tongue, he pulled away quickly. But instead of discouraging him, he rammed his body into mine and forced a kiss on me again, this time biting me hard making my lip bleed, he licked it. "Silver." he finally responded, licking his own lips. "What do you want from me, Jason I'm taken." He gave me a twisted smile, as again his eyes scanned me. "You're a beautiful woman, Liz, strong, and a very good mate for a powerful Alpha, why you settled for Alexander, is beyond me." He walked away from me, and seemed lost in thought. "She wasn't weak you know." I said talking about Emma. "Yes, she was, she didn't fit in with my dream, she wanted the simple life, something I never wanted." "Then why have kids with her, why lead her on like this?" He laughed softly, and turned to look at me. "To shut her up, she wanted kids, she got them." "Did you ever really love or care for her?" "Women, are nothing more then a past time for me, Liz, even if she's my mate, that means nothing to me, and least of all a weak mate." "How big of you, Jason, wanting to take on the world alone, if you can't handle a woman, with a simple thing as kids and a loving home, then you can't handle a power hungry one either." He was suddenly in my face again, looking mad. " Want me to prove how I can handle my women, I'd be happy to." My insides went cold, would he really go that far? "Of course I'm easy pray, I'm weakened by silver and am tied up, that's not fair." "Life isn't about being fair, it's about people being strong enough to take what is rightfully theirs." "What do I have that is yours Jason?" He sighed deeply. "It's a shame you have to die, Liz, we could have some real fun, but you knowing the spell your father, created, makes you a threat, and I simply can't have that." "A threat to what?" He ran his nose lightly over my shoulder. "Our way of life, Liz, us wolves are born to be violent, angry, that way everyone knows we are the most powerful, and your Daddy Liz, found a way to tame our wild spirit, well..he and that warlock, what's his face, what's your friend's name..Jenny,...Betty." "Beth?" I asked. "Right, both her daddy and yours, found that we grew up in such a violent environment, that we grew up with so much anger, making it harder for us to control our wolves, but...that's normal, we are beasts after all aren't we?" "What did you do?" "Me...I didn't do anything, but my father did, he had that same thought, unlike Alexander's and William's father who was Alpha at the time, my father being third to him, he tried to convince the Alpha, that we deserved to live a life as we were free from the laws of humans, but the Alpha heard about this miracle spell and went looking for the doctors, a wolf and a warlock worked together to find peace." "I will ask again, Jason, what did you do?" He smiled again, kissing my lips lightly. "Did you know it was all  conveniences, when my father found that your mother had found out what he was, and had reported him to the police, everything fell just too prefect, he had gone on the run for five years, and because of her fear, your mother herself hung her own mate and father of her child." He ran his fingers over the scar my father gave me. "You're sick." "oh," he walked away from me shaking a finger at me, "I beg to differ, if you think I'm twisted, my little sister was ten times worse." "Shannon?" "Oh, yeah, she was always very power hungry, she wanted power and to be given a place of respect, as our father always told her and our mother, they weren't good for anything but to bear pups." "You and your father were such sweet talkers." "My little sister got that from him, or the better part of it anyway, Shannon, could put on the puppy eyes and have any one eating from the palm of her hand, but she played with fire, Alex loved her, but he knew she wasn't his mate, but my little sister dug her little claws deep, it's sad to see how far she suckered him in." "Suckered him in?" "As wolves we want our pups only with the one that will protect them with her life, and would love them just as much as us, who better then our mate, like I said I have no idea how she could, do what she did and still be sane?" I thought about what he was trying to imply, and I suddenly got an uneasy feeling, if Shannon really was power hungry, women like that would go to any lengths to keep their man tied down, even... I looked at Jason, and felt angry. "Like I said if I'm sick, my little sister is far more twisted then me." "Who was her mate?" He smiled and acted like he was about to tell me a big secret. "My second, can you imagine, she had her mate this whole time, yet, she could go sleep with an other man." "He never claimed her." "True, but that was because she didn't let him, she somehow convinced me to kill him and replace him, he was my best friend you know." "Yet, you still did it." Again the wrongness came out and he laughed. "Yeah, I also did something I think was the wrong thing to do, but hey..at least the kids don't have to miss their Mommy." That got my attention, what did he mean by that? To my horror he seemed to finish talking and was starting to head for the stairs, I thought of the most arousing thing I could, and let my scent flow. "Jason, you leaving already, I thought we were having fun." He smelled the air, and I could see him became aroused, and he started walking toward me again. He kissed me and I kissed him back, wanting him to really lose what little control he had, but just before he undid the shackles, clapping sounded through the dungeon.He quickly pulled away from me, and we both looked behind him. "You never could say no to free ass, big brother." "I..I wasn't.." "Shut Up!"she yelled he flinched," go check the area." He quickly left me with the woman, who I kinda had a guess who she was, I mean she did just call Jason big brother. "Nice to finally meet you, Shannon." Shannon was sickly looking just like I imagined she looked frail and weak, but like her brother, had an aura of wrongness about her, like her children she had light brown hair, and hazel eyes. Unusual for sure, she looked normal but when she spoke she got all giggly or moved she would twitch, her eyes would show her wolf so often...wait her wolf. "Jason turned you." I stated she looked at me, like realizing I was still there. She came close to me, getting close to me but not as much as Jason, and sniffed me. "My Alexander...my love...." Suddenly weak or not that brought my wolf to attention, and peeked out. "He's not yours, he's ours!" Shannon looked at me for a second like I had hurt her feelings, slowly looked away, but then suddenly turned and slapped me across the face. "He will always be mine, I have his heart, and there I will always stay!" I felt my wolf trying to fight, but she was too weak from the silver, Shannon suddenly covered her ears, as her eyes glowed again her wolf peeking out. "Shut up shut up!" she shouted at nothing, my guess her wolf was telling her what to do, and she didn't want to do it. "Shannon, have you seen Alexander, and your children?" She and nodded fast, then put her arms in a cradling action. "Rock a by baby, in the tree top......hush shhh, don't cry my baby." It was weird to see, how she went from anger and some control, to sadness and completely out of control, like when she was angry her wolf was in control and that made her more normal looking. Jason had turned her, but being the "Alpha" he is he has no control over her, so here she was. "Shannon, when did Jason turn you ?" Her wolf looked at me. "I wanted to be strong, like the others, to teach them a lesson, but Alexander wouldn't change me, and I couldn't ask my mate, without losing my love Alexander, so I asked the only other person that would do it and not question why..." "Jason." She just nodded again, as her anger went down again, I had to hand it to Jason he was right about one thing, wolves needed anger, but not in the way he was thinking, when you first change, the change can kill you, you need the anger to push through it, and become one with your wolf, without it the change overwhelms your body and gives the wolf all control of you, you have no life to live, the wolf is the one living it for you. Shannon was the perfect example of that. " But I was hurt and before I knew what happened, I woke up in my grave!" "Shannon, you died when did you get turned." "I turned her that same night, I found her and turned her, but I really thought I had killed her." Jason was back, but this time he wasn't alone. "Mommy!" Eden cried as she saw me. Shannon's wild eyes turned to her daughter, grabbing her little arms. "I'm your Mommy, it's me..I'm your mommy!" she shook Eden making her cry loudly, Aaron was in the corner, breathing heavy and his little eyes, had a glow. "Aaron look at me, buddy look at me!" I called to him he wouldn't, and he was shaking, my wolf was really pushing to get out now. The shackles were burning into my skin but I needed to get free, the kids  needed me. Jason walked over to him. "Don't touch him!" I screamed at him with a growl. that made both Jason and Shannon stop, and making them look at me. Eden ran to Aaron and hugged him, Aaron hugged his little sister, still shaking a little, but for the most part a little more under control. "Feeling a little fiesty are we, Liz, let me help you out with that." Jason punched me repeatedly in the face on my body, not once did I cry out or ask him to stop. Until he finally stopped, he seemed happy with what he did, and Shannon adding more hurt to injury slapped me twice. Both not even thinking about it or saying anything walked out of the dungeon, leaving the kids here with me. Once they were sure their uncle and mother were gone the kids ran to me, hugging me. "Mommy!" cried Eden as she hugged me. "It's okay, baby girl, it's going to be okay." It had to be, even if it was long enough for Alex to find us, I felt down out bond, but the silver fried it for the moment, I pushed hard, thinking dungeon, Jason, Shannon, and hoped to God he got it.
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