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I got back to the house, pissed as all hell, when I stormed in, however, Eden's cries and tears made my anger melt away. When she saw me, she ran to me, and when I picked her up, buried her little face into my neck. "Hey, what happened?" I looked at Marsha and just gave me a small "I'm sorry" smile. "Emma's kids started talking about how their Dad left them, and for some reason Eden started crying, when she didn't see you." I understood, and I rubbed Eden's back to calm her, and she shuddered a little as she calmed. Her hold on me tightened as she rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry about that sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare you." I said to her. After a minute even Aaron came up to me and hugged my legs. I looked behind me and Alex was in the door way, I had been so busy helping him, and the kids seemed so happy playing but it never occurred to me they would miss me. After a while Aaron walked up to his father, and Alex knelt down to hear him better. "Daddy, would you be mad if I called Lizzy, Mommy?' We both froze not for a bad reason, I was Alex's mate and I was going to spend more time with them, but I never thought this would come up so soon, I mean I've only been with them for about five months now. "Well, I don't know buddy, you would have to ask her." Aaron asked to be picked up and Alex picked him up and brought him closer to me. Aaron looked me in the eye. "Can I call you, Mommy Lizzy?" "Mommy Lizzy." mumbled Eden. It touched my heart, to hear them say that, they liked me enough to extend me that honor.  I looked at Alex, with happy tears in my eyes. "Lizzy, you sad?" asked Aaron, I shook my head and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "No, buddy, I'm happy, I just love you two so much, thank you, and yes, if you want, you can call me Mommy." He smiled widely and gave me a hug while still in his father's arms, soon making it a group hug, with all four of us. I spent some time with them, while Alex made some rounds and after both kids were in bed, we headed to bed.  I sat there on the bed and just thought about how much things have changed for all of us, how I went from believing i was human to finding out I was a werewolf, now I had a mate, and two kids in only five months, and there was going to be fight between the rouges and the good wolves. "Do you understand now?" Alex asked interrupting my thoughts. "Kind of, I realize I need to be here for them, but what you want me to do not so clear." "You are their Luna, Elizabeth, you are to defend them, and help them get to safety while the men are gone." "Are all eight packs really coming here?" Alex had been in the shower and he walked toward me while drying his hair with a towel, then sat down next to me. "Five." "Five, what?"I asked and he looked at me. "Five packs are coming, two were killed off, and the third was attacked but not destroyed, but she was to marry an Alpha of an other pack, so five." "William and Britney..." "No, they were fine, rouges  didn't get that far, they took a lot of wolves from each pack, those that don't agree with the politics we agreed on." "So the wolves are at war not involving humans or other groups of supernatural beings?" "Right." I sighed and fell back on the bed, looking at the ceiling. "I'll do my best, Alex, or die trying." I said then turned to look at him, his eyes were shining with pride and desire, but I wasn't going to push it. These past few days have been flowing at a good pace, sense I promised I would give him time to really catch up with what's happening between us. He came to lay next to me and really looked into my eyes.  I could see the ghost of what he was fighting with, the guilt, the pain was so clear. It was heart breaking. But as much as he had that struggle going on, he very slowly leaned down toward me, and kissed me. It started simple, then went up a notch or two. It told me a lot of what he was feeling, he wanted me, but again he had wanted his wife, even when she wasn't his. The anger of not doing anything to help her, the guilt of knowing she didn't belong in his world, but forced her to stay, the pain of losing her. "Alex, we don't..." I said pulling away, but he stopped me. "I can't hold back anymore, Elizabeth, not from you, not when one of us can really die in all this, I don't regret finding you, and I don't want to regret not showing, and telling you how much I love you." "Love?" "You heard me beautiful, I love you, more then I thought I could." Tears of happiness, and sadness fell from my eyes. I might lose this man, in the next few days, and there was no way to stop it. Like he said I wanted to make sure he knew how much I have come to love him too. I kissed him back fiercely, putting all of my heart into it. That night we made love in the most mind blowing way, I really felt us become one in that delicious moment, his skin forever burned into mine, no kiss would ever measure to his anymore, and no body would fill my body with the pleasure and joy he did. By the end of that glorious moment I felt so loved, cherished and satisfied. We slept in each others arms our bodies intertwined, both at peace and resting. The next three days, more wolves arrived, Britney and William, a an other Alpha named Jud and Jennifer, a Alpha named Shawn,  an other couple John and Whitney, and Coal and Jamie. All with packs of their own, I'd meet them in pasting that last few months but it was still surprising to see them again. I think the biggest pack was Britney's and William's, each having lost people with the attacks. Alex welcomed everyone, and they all looked at me, Britney and I were already close enough that she just came and gave me a hug. All the men went to talk in the office, leaving all of us women to talk outside on our own.   We all stared at each other, the little I knew of all of them, they were all fighters and honestly in a fight I couldn't think of a better bunch, but as people, not so much.Jennifer thought herself a princess with higher authority then all of us, Whitney was the breaking a nail the world is falling apart kind of woman, and Jamie was just very quiet and shy. "Well what's the plan?"asked Brit more to ease the tension between all of us, then actually wanting to know the plan. I looked around and I started walking to the old pack house, where I showed them the tunnels and explained how if anything we were to send all the kids and people down these tunnels. "What's that going to gain?" "The point is for them to escape." I said annoyed with Jennifer. "But won't a lot of the people be the ones helping us to defend the weak?" asked Jamie. "Yes, but if push comes to shove, this is the best way for them to get away." They seemed to understand, but I honestly don't think they liked the idea, but it was what it was. We went over a plan, everyone that wasn't going to fight was going to stay in the basement, and those that were a little lighter for the fight, it this case the witches and such, would keep watch, and the rest of us wolves would take the physical part of the job. They agreed and we started to get things ready to put the plan running for tonight. Like he had requested, Congress announced that we were ready to fight, and that the rouges should be wary of us being on the humans' side. We all slept on edge this night, the alpha's having cat naps and checking every so often, soon Ben mind linked that there was activity on the south side of our border, everyone going to the forefront of the fight left that night and me and the other Lunas got the people to safety, Alex kissed me then left with the others. "Be safe." I mind linked to him, he just winked at me, that made me smile. (Alex's POV)   Just her presence alone has given me the strength to go through with all of this, she truly was my mate, my better half. As she ran to get everyone to safety and we headed to really put an end to all of this. I was praying to the Moon Goddess with all my heart that my family made it our of this alive. We all phased and ran to the border, just in time to see how like a swarm the rouges headed right for us, they were many, but we were more. The howl broke through the night as we all charged at them, and all I could think was of Elizabeth and my children. Our bodies collided with the enemies' and all around you could hear, growls and snarls, bodies being ripped into and just full blown violence was unleashed. I looked around, trying to find Jason among all of these wolves, he wasn't here. I fought and ripped through wolves to keep looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found, then a cold feeling filled my whole body. "Elizabeth?" this wasn't just an attack, they were after the women. I tried to run back, but was held back but more rouges. I fought and fought not finding a way through all these wolves to go back and help the women, and Elizabeth... (Liz's POV) The night was quiet we had all the people heading through the tunnels already and more then most were probably already safe, but we weren't slowing the flow down, then the witches put up a wall of magic and right as they did a swarm of wolves ran right into it. The snarled and snatched at it. "Faster, we need to get moving faster!" I yelled, I told the witches to leave, and once they did the wall defense fell. I had sent the orphans and the caregivers a head, it broke my heart to hear, Eden call to me and Aaron sacred to not see me again, but I told Emma to take them. Now it was me the other lunas except Britney who went to help the kids, and a handful of other wolves. soon we could hear the walls shake with how bad the rouges wanted to come in. We waited..for the right moment, when the first wolf broke in, I phased and charged at him, ramming him back into his comrades, soon the others joined me and we fought to keep them out of the house so the others could get to safety. for the first time in this whole time that we've accepted each other, my wolf and I were in sync, she knew what we were fighting for, our family, our mate, and our life. In those few moments I found myself covered in blood either my own or others, never knowing that I could easily kill someone. I ran to help those that needed my help and then came back into the fight. "Elizabeth?" I heard in the mind link, just when I felt something poke me, I looked around, and found Jason, with a..gun, a burning feeling started to fill me, and felt myself go weak, and then my head was burning. I suddenly phased back to human and felt my body seize up, and I couldn't stop shaking.  Then it started going blurry, and I heard my name echoing in my ears, but I couldn't move. Soon, everything went black and cold.
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