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(Alexander's POV) Two days we've been looking for two days, after I feel Elizabeth push, a thought through our bond, Dungeon, Jason, and Shannon. I went to the condo he had bought, nothing, we went to their old house, weer there family use to live, both parents now dead. My father had kill Gregory after he had put a price on Omar's head, five years Omar had disappeared from the face of the earth, we had heard rumors of Omar going back to Mexico, but that wasn't true our connection down there never saw him. My father had been worried, Omar had thought he was betrayed, but not by us, his pack.  Finding Elizabeth, was the biggest surprise in my life, more when I found out who her father was, the daughter none of us knew existed. She was a lot like her father a fighter for sure, determined, and hard working. Life hasn't been easy on her and yet here she was, kind and loving to those she cared for. I haven't been able to sleep, or really eat, sense they told me my family was taken. I needed to find them, think Alexander think, where would he take them? "Alexander, here you need to eat." "I'm not hungry." "You need to eat!" I looked at Emma, she said it with anger, which caught my attention. I took the plate of food and picked at it, but ate what I could. "That's better." I looked up at Shawn, who was glaring at me, ironic, Jason threw her away now she had an other Alpha after her, Shawn had told me he thought she was his mate, but when he saw her kids, I explained he would be her second mate, he had really thought about it, but realized the pull was too strong, but poor Emma was either really ignoring him or really had no idea. "Thank you, Emma." She nodded and walked away, with my plate, as I looked around my home I realized that the reason it was a home was the friends and family surrounding me, then a thought slowly dawned on me. "Ben!" "Sir?" "Gregory's cabin where is that?!" "Not sure." "Get me a map!" Gregory had a cabin where he took the family every year, on a camping trip. Shannon, had once told me it was the only place she ever felt at peace somewhat, Emma came up next to me and we both looked at the map spread out in front of us. "Here Ghost Canyon, Jason always told me he wanted to take our son there." "That's mostly witch territory." "What?" "Like I said I have no idea how this man, did what he did, but he did." I looked at Beth and Jon. "What?" "We need you." "Like hell you do!" said Jon, he was angry. "Jon, it's the kids and Liz, we need to." Jon glared at me, but he listened to Beth, he nodded. They both turned to me ready to listen. "We need to ask permission from the witches to pass through there the cabin isn't that deep in but I would rest easier that they knew." Beth nodded and pulled Jon with her, I was glad Beth was here after I meet her I looked into her too, this was her old coven, so she would know what to do to get the permission from them, in the mean time an other thought came to me. "Ben follow me." Both he and Marsha, did and we headed to the one place I thought I would never go again, the cemetery. It was rare for a wolf to die of old age, but it doesn't mean we didn't die, My father was killed in the last fight it might not of been a war but we did fight like now against the rouge to keep things under control, I had been eighteen and had the chance to fight along side my brother and father. Mother died of sickness, she had been human, but loved us all the same, a love like theirs was what William and I wanted, I remembered this one moment when they wold just dance to no music and just be lost in each other, at the time we both thought in was corny but now that I think back, they were in love til the end. "We're here." I jumped out of the SUV, and walked right to Shannon's grave. Ben handed me a shovel and we both started to dig. Once we got to the bottom I ripped open the casket. We all went still and just stared. "She's not in here."stated Ben, but my mind was back to the message Elizabeth sent me. "Shannon is with Jason and they both have the kids." "You really think she would hurt them?" "Eden was just a baby when she died, Marsha, she's never known her, Aaron does maybe a little but poor kid is probably so confused and sacred." "They just accepted Liz, as their mom..." "We need to get there fast." I said jumping out of the hole and headed back to the SUV. Ben drove us back, Beth and Jon waiting for us. "What news?" I asked walking toward them. "You have and hour to get in and out." "That's all we need, how many can go in?" "Only one other." I looked around at my pack, then my eyes fell on Emma.She understood and nodded. "Let's go." I said and headed to the SUV, my pack and Beth headed to the border, and all the time, me thinking hold on I'm coming. (Liz's POV) I have no idea how long we'd been here but it felt like a week, Jason would come down and drop some food in front of the kids, then would come over to me and fondle me, whenever that happened I held on to the anger then pulled at the shackle, it was coming loose. Until one day it came off completely, I easily pulled the other one out too, and I ran to the kids, they hugged me. and cried softly. "Okay you guys we need to get out of here, come on." Once we walked out of the dungeon a whole thing of tunnels met us. "What way do we go?" asked Eden. "This way." said Aaron pointing to one on our right. "How do you know Aaron?" I asked curious on how he figured that out. "Daddy, always tells me to follow my nose." He said pointing to his nose, I gave him a boop on his nose he laughed and we headed out, soon we came to a door that was locked, I thought about our options: If I waited for someone to open, they would smell us, if I broke it down it would alert the others, but I had nothing to pick it anyway. I looked around we could hide and wait, I told the kids that and they agreed, it felt like hours, but soon Shannon came with a plate of food, and she didn't know how to use her nose so well. silently I stepped out and checked the coast, right when I thought we were home free, Eden suddenly screamed at something behind me, then I felt that person's hand in my hair as they pulled me back. "Thought you were sneaky did you?"snarled Shannon in my ear, this time I turned and punched her in the face it knocked her back, but she came right at me. I phased and went at her as did she, we were a ball of fur and claws, snarls and growls filled the room we were in. The kids hid in a corner, the small moments I could check on them, I saw them look out the window which was high, we must still be in a lower part of the building or whatever, Shannon just kept coming, until I heard Aaron say. "Daddy! Daddy right here," Aaron banged on the window then he shouted in anger and fear, "no, daddy, leave him alone!" Jason must've been on guard and was now fighting with Alex. But I didn't have time to worry Shannon kept trying to go after the kids, at one point she had Eden by the pant leg, I pulled her back and kept her busy, and from the corner of my eye I saw Emma, taking them, I distracted Shannon, so they could get away. When she landed on top of me, I used my back legs and pushed her into something, that impaled her, she went still. I phased back and ran up stairs and found the door to outside open, there was Alex hugging and kissing the kids, when he saw me, he started to come toward, I was leaning on the wall. Then he ran, I turned there was Shannon, in human form too, she jumped at me. "He's mine!" we phased again, and tore at each other again, until I grabbed her by the neck with my teeth, and bit and twisted hard a loud c***k sounded. "NO!" I looked up at Alex as he stared down at us, had he really wanted to stop me from killing her? I opened my mouth and Shannon's now lifeless body fell to the floor. I could feel the sorrow and the hurt he felt through our bond, I looked down at Shannon's body and realized she was right, she was in his heart, and will always be.With that knowledge I walked past him in my wolf form, not looking at him. I went to the kids and they hugged me and I licked their tears from their faces. Soon Alex came out. "Let's head home." he said not looking at anyone, He phased and Aaron climbed on his back, Eden on mine, and we headed north east, until we found a group of people: Ben, Marsha, Jon, and Beth. Beth ran at me and hugged me tightly. While Eden slide down my body and walked to Emma who had food for them. "Don't scare me like that again, woman!" she shouted at me, I phased back, and hugged her again. "I'll try not too." I said to her, I could feel Alex's eyes on me, but I didn't look at him. Beth noticed, " Later." She nodded and handed me some clothes, I put them on, and we all got in the SUV and headed home. Everyone welcomed us back and as we took the kids to bed, Beth and I had sung the lullaby for them and they slept soundly, hopefully all of this was just a bad dream, the next morning. "So what happened?" Beth asked as I stepped into the shower, I explained everything to her, and how the kids weren't even Alex's, and how hurt he was when I really killed her. "What does that mean for you?" I wondered that the whole time we were headed back, he was still hung on her, even when I thought we had already past that hurdle. "I don't know, but if he wants to break it off with me, then what can I do." "You think he would?" That cold thought washed over me, and it brought tears to my eyes. "I have no idea." A knock came to the door. "Yeah?" "Liz, you need to get dwon stairs there are people here to talk to you!" "Thanks Ben!" I quickly got done, dressed and brushed my hair back. Then both me and Beth headed down stairs, from the balcony I could see, a group of five, and the one in the front was a handsome man, with dark hair and lights brown eyes, almost honey colored. There was tension in the sitting room,  the man's eyes following me as I walked down the stairs.  Once on the floor, I looked at Ben then to Alex, nobody spoke. "Hello, you needed to speak to me?" The man walked up to me and then circled taking me in, I stood still. looking at the other men, there was one that really stood out to me, almost like looking at a mirror, he couldn't be that much older then me either. Then the one that was circling me touched my hair, as a reaction I slapped his hand away, he smiled, which made him look five times more handsome. This man was a whole foot taller then me. "Now is that anyway to treat your mate, my dear?" He said what?
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