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We got to the house, and I put all the chicken to cook, while that was going I put Eden down for her nap, and started to clean the house, with Jon's help we got done in an hour. We goofed around a little, that the chicken started to boil over and we turned it off and started to shred the chicken, I warm up the tortillas and started to show him how to do it, while the oil heated up. We made enough to feed a small army, that's just how much werewolves ate. I was just putting the tacos in the oil when someone came in I got spooked and dropped the taco, for some reason the oil splashed really bad and got Jon on his whole arm. "s**t!" "oh, my go...I'm  so sorry!" "Liz, it's okay it'll be fine." I grabbed a cold wet towel and pressed it to his arm, right at that moment Alex walked in. "What's going on in here?" He didn't yell but I could tell he was mad. "They're getting cozy." "Shut up Suzette, I spilled oil on Jon and just so the pain wasn't too bad..." "His arm will heal, you don't need to make such a big deal." I pulled away the towel and he was right Jon's arm looked fine, a little red, but like no burn ever happened. I pulled away and turned away to hide my blush. "What's all this?" Alex asked looking at the tacos waiting to be cooked. "Crispy chicken tacos, and chicken soup." I mumbled, not looking at him. "So you fry it?" "Yes, sir." "Do you know how fattening the is?" "Nobody's making you stay for dinner Suzette." I said to her as she started whining, but I lowered my eyes when I turned back to Alex. "That sounds fine with me, which comes first the soup or the tacos?" "They go at the same time sir." "Okay you'll join us to show how it's done." "Okay." He and Suzette walked out and Jon finished helping me, he crumbled the cheese and  the lettuce I finished the salsas. Once everything was done, I went out and asked how can we do this. "What do you mean? asked Alex. "The soup obviously would stay in the kitchen to be served if you want more, but the tacos and everything that goes on them go in the middle of the table for everyone to get." "Okay then set the table." I nodded and Jon helped me get everything out I asked if everyone wanted soup and only three wanted some, including Suzette, who didn't want anything too heavy. We got everyone served and then i sat down and I demonstrated how to dress the tacos, and everyone followed suit, then I warned them about the salsas but got mine and I started eating, while feeding Eden, and showing Aaron how to this was eaten without making too much of a mess. Jon obviously loved his salsa, Ben and Marsha seemed to enjoy the tacos too, and to my surprise Suzette liked the soup, Alex was savoring the different tastes and eating calmly. By the end of dinner, one big tray of tacos were still left. everyone was well feed. the kids went to play Jon and I cleaned up the kitchen and put left overs in the fridge. Alex walked in and Jon walked out, leaving me alone with him. "Dinner was amazing, Elizabeth, thank you for taking the time to get it together." "Yeah, it's been a while that I've cooked for such a big group." He got closer to me and put his hand on my shoulder, and again it sent a warm shiver down my back. His touch was just like that on me. I pulled away to put a dry plate away and when I turned back I tripped over my own feet, and he caught me. "You okay?" "Yeah, it's just me not picking my feet up." He smiled as he looked into my eyes it was wired something was telling me to lean in and kiss him, he was close enough. Hello, earth the Elizabeth! I shook my head and pulled out of his arms. "Thanks, um.. I'm going to check the kids, excuse me." "Yeah." Walking away made my body cold and missing his touch. I shook my head and kept walking away I couldn't fall for the boss I just couldn't. (Alex's POV) Her lips were so close, and I almost kissed her, my wolf screamed for me to do so, but she knew it wasn't appropriate, or at least for now she felt it was wrong when i finally tell her she's my mate, I could kiss her and hold her whenever I want. It's getting more and more difficult to stay away from her, the first part of our bond has settled, but sense she's human she doesn't feel it as strong as me. I pulled by her, it's just been a good thing when I'm away because I've been tempted to come to her room, that's the only reason Suzette is still here but I'll need to tell Elizabeth what I found, and then I can court her and make Suzette leave. My children love her, Aaron has opened up to her so much, the moon goddess is definitely moving things around. I need to go visit the packs and it's going to take some time, too much time and I wanted to take everyone with me this time around. I sat at my desk and was looking over some paperwork I needed to file, and told Ben to call Elizabeth up, she was coming and I could feel her nervousness, it made me smile that I made her nervous, she was starting to feel  more attracted to me, and she didn't know why. She knocked. "Come in." "You wanted me sir?" You have no idea how much I want you Elizabeth, but I will maintain control, and composure. "Yes, I'll be going on one of my longer trips in the next few days and I would like to take everyone with me this time." "Oh, um...what will you want me to do while you're gone?" "I mean everyone, Elizabeth even you." "Oh, sure, um what will I need?" "A little of everything, but if you need something I can definitely buy it." "Okay, I will get the children's things ready." "Thank you." On this trip I was definitely going to see what sparked and hopefully in a good way. "Hey, babe, ready for some fun?" "No, Suzette, I've wanted to talk to you actually." "okay, but let's do it in the bed, come on." "No, Suzette, it's over." She seemed to not understand me. "Heh, what do you mean over, I thought we were doing great together?" "No, Suzette, you saw a good bank and nice life, but I know about your other friends, you don't want or need me anymore." She dropped the act and gave me a seductive smile. "Okay, you caught me, when did you find out?" "A while before I hired Mrs. Homes." "So you've been using me this whole time?" She acted appalled, I scuffed. "The pot calling the kettle dark my dear, now get out of my office, I don't want to see you in this house anymore." "Asshole!" She stormed out and left me alone. This was it the real test begins now. (Liz's POV) Over the next few days, I helped Alex get the kids ready for the trip, which for me it was exciting I actually got to see how other werewolves lived. My mind always wondered how they worked together to have things in a state of order, we'll find out I guess. One afternoon I got a phone call from Beth. "Hey Beth what's going on?" "Guess who walked into my hospital asking for you?" "Chris Evens,...No, um Taylor Lautner." "I wish, but no Jo's back in town." My insides twisted in discomfort. "Are you sure?" "Yup, he had the nerve to ask why the hell you sold the house, and where you are now." "You didn't tell him did you?" "Girl, no I've been telling you to drop him from the beginning, but just a heads up." "Thanks, I'll keep and eye out." I hung up and turned to fine Jon standing behind me. "Whose Jo?" "Noneya." "Huh?" "None of your business nosy." He grinned at me, and we finished packing the bags we were leaving, tomorrow not too early but enough to not lose the whole day, we were taking a plane to each place. According to Jon, there were eight packs they were pretty spread out from each other, so there weren't too many turf wars. We went to bed, and I had the strangest dream, there was this beautiful ageless woman, she had the fairest skin I had ever seen, her eyes blue like the sea, and silver hair, and pale pink lips. She gave me a kind smile, almost motherly, and then kissed my forehead softly. "My sweet daughter, be strong." I was just going to ask why, when she turned toward something, and there was a wolf looking right back at me, I felt my heart beating fast, as he don't ask me how I knew, but he walked slowly toward me, his eyes were black, his coat not black but a really dark brown. "Mate." I heard him in my head, and I actually dared to get closer. "What did you call me?" "You are my mate, and I yours." A warm feeling filled me, as I looked at him. "I thought only wolves had mates." He seemed to smile at me, then came and licked my lips. "Find me." Then my alarm went off, and I was laying in my bed. But the pain in my chest, was there not as bad but it was still there. I turned off my alarm and sat there thinking over the wolves words, Find me. It was like we're playing hide and seek or I spy. But my mind was on... a mate..me? If I had known about my mate, I wouldn't of married Joseph in the first place, but what does it mean, how long would I have to wait, to see my mate? Maybe he was one of the wolves on this trip and that's why I just saw his wolf, now I was really excited. I got up and got dressed, I needed to look nice this whole trip not over do it but nice enough, to meet him. I brushed out my long black hair, and did a light make up, and wore a nice top and snug jeans. I was excited I had a mate, and he was waiting for me. I went to wake the kids and got them ready, I was just getting down stairs with the kids jackets, and Jon was getting the last of the things we were taking, when there was a knock at the door. "Were you guys expecting someone?" I asked Jon. "I think it the pizza I ordered when I was 15 they must've finally found my address." I laughed and went to answer the door, and my stomach almost dropped out of my body. "Hey babe." Joseph Homes was a average looking man but with an ego the size of a continent, he really thought no woman could reset him, and he would do anything for money, he once cheated on me with an old woman, once she was on her death bed he tried scamming everything from her, but then proceeded to seduce her daughter who inherited everything. I had no idea where he had gone this time, and I didn't care I wanted my divorce. I stepped out of the house and closed the door behind me. "How the hell did you find me?" "Beth told me." He lied to me, Beth can't stand him. "No, she didn't, now tell me the truth how did you find me?" "Okay, your mom told me, you were working for a rich werewolf." "And you just had to come and check on me did you?" "Well, yeah, I was worried about you." He tried to pull me into his arms, that had worked in the past but now it just pissed me off. I pushed his arms away from me. "If you were really worried you wouldn't of disappeared for three months, but you know what I don't care, I filed for divorce, you can talk to my lawyer and sign the papers through him." He looked really angry, but I knew what was going to happen next. "What? NO, Babe, I'm sorry I won't do this again, I love you, I can't live without you!" "Joseph, you don't love me you care only about yourself and no one else, so don't pretend like you do." "babe how can you say that to me?!" "You emptied my bank account and then disappeared for three months Joseph, you don't care about me, you want me working while you burn my money with your next w***e!" "Come on, babe you know that's not the only reason, give me 15 minutes to prove it to you, help you remember how good I made you feel." He hugged me tightly, and I could feel him get aroused. Then he forced his mouth over mine giving me the nastiest kiss ever. I tried to push him away, but then I brought my knee up hard, he doubled over in pain. "Talk to my lawyer, I'm done with you!" I was just going to turn when he spoke again. "Wow, that dog must really give a nice doggie style if you're leaving me." That really pissed me off and before I could think better of it, I punched him in the face. "Don't you dare compare me to your w****s, you stupid asshole!" He got up and looked at me. "You're still mine, unless I sign those papers." "I might not be able to marry anyone if you don't sign them, but like hell I'm going back with you, and don't you dare come back, I'm done!" "We'll see about that." He walked away and was gone, I went back inside and found everyone there, waiting for me. I guess they heard everything, I put the jackets on the kids and Jon, finished packing the last bag. Once I had the kids in their car seats, and I was about to sit in the back when Alex asked me in the front seat and Ben and Marsha in the other car. We pulled out of the drive way, and down the road headed out of the city, on the opposite way to the airport. "Aren't we going on the plane?" "Not for this first pack, they're about three hours away." "Okay." I fell silent and could feel the tension grow. All i  could think was this was going to be a long trip.
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