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When we got to the hospital it was strange according to, Alex they were all werewolves I had never known werewolves to be doctors or nurses, but I guess they were. He lead me to the children's ward and there was Aaron, in one of the beds. He looked asleep, but once I sat next to him, he stirred, and with very tired eyes looked at me. "Lizzy, you came back." "Hey, buddy how you feeling?" "Sad, I didn't mean to say those words to you, but I don't want to forget my mama." "No, buddy I'm not here to replace her, and I'm not asking you to forget her either, I'm here to listen and help okay, don't worry anymore okay." "So are you coming back with us?" "Umm..we'll see right now I need you to get better okay." He nodded and went back to sleep. "How much longer will he be here for?" "He's been in here for the past, two days, I guess until the doctors say he can go." Almost on cue a doctor came up to us, and like i said Aaron had a break down, but it this case, the doctor said Aaron's wolf has been waken, he's still too young to handle the responsibility but it one we'd have to handle now. "Will, he be able to shift too, or does that come later?" "No, Mrs. Grant, his body is still too young to go though the change." "Oh, I'm not ..." "When will he be going home?" "Tomorrow morning." "Okay thank you." I looked at him in disbelief. "What?" "He thought I was your wife?" "It's not like you'll see him again anyway." "Whatever." Alex actually smiled, and he looked even more handsome, that I couldn't help but stare. "What?" I shook my head and looked away, get real Liz he has a mistress for heaven sake. "So what's next?" "Second I ask you if you'd consider coming back to work for me, Eden really misses you and so does everyone else." I have no idea why, the idea that he missed me made my heart do a little flip, I snapped at myself for being stupid. "I have some conditions." "Okay let's go get a cup of coffee and I'll be happy to listen." "Sure." He placed a hand at my back and even through the clothes it gave me goosebumps. We got our coffee, and were talking on the way back. "Okay so what are these conditions of yours?" "I know I'm not pack but what happened to Aaron and Eden's mother, I really want to understand but if I don't know what happened I can't start." He took a deep breath, and sat down and I followed. "I was gone a lot more after we came out to the world, and things were getting really out of hand, I wasn't home a lot and Shannon was having issues with Eden, she went into labor early, not a problem, but somehow they didn't know Shannon was having twins, the other baby died inside of her, but ofr some reason sense it was still very small it stayed inside of her for a few days, it poisoned her from the inside out, and Aaron found her in a pool of blood. My pack at the time, didn't want her as their Luna, so nobody even bothered to look in on her, until I sent Marsha back , Shannon wasn't answering her phone, and the other were telling they hadn't seen her, but nobody went to see if she was okay." I was shocked, poor Aaron he found Shannon covered in blood and was with her for who knows how long? The pack for their own stubbornness and selfishness let her die. "So that's why you don't have a pack, and how your wife died." "I was so angry, that I walked away from them, just like they abandoned my wife, the irony in all this is that her own brother took charge of the pack, that let his sister die, and blames me for even taking her as my wife in the first place." I felt myself cry for these three people who have lost someone so dear and close to them. I understood why Alex had a mistress he didn't want to give his heart to no one else, and the night terrors for Aaron he was there when his mother died. I touched my shoulder, and remembered how my dad had pushed me away to keep me from getting hurt, but he himself had marked me. Some scars are deeper then others. "That scar you have on your arm, was that from the attack from the wolf?" "Huh..oh, no..it's a long story." "We've got time, and it feels like I don't know anything about you, and I was curious." He wasn't pushing but his tone was curious, I cleared my throat, and looked at my hands. "When I was five, my father was and illegal immigrant, they were in the process of getting that fixed for some reason, my mom withdrew everything at the last minute, and later that night they came for him, I woke up right when they were dragging him out of the house, I just remember clinging to him, so ICE wouldn't take him, but he pushed me out of the way, I didn't even notice what had happened to my shoulder until I woke up in the hospital, I had bled pretty bad, and the next week my mom moved a man into our house, who is now her husband, they didn't care about me after that, as soon as I was fifteen I moved out and never looked back to her." "What was your father's name, if you don't  mind me asking?" "Omar...Omar Gutierrez." Alex's face went really still and hard to read, as he looked at me. Yeah, I guess it wasn't such a thriller of a story but I understood what Aaron was going through, I have never seen my father after that night. "I'm sorry Elizabeth." "For what?" "For everything how I've been acting and not considering what was best for my children, but thank you." I nodded and place my hand over his fora second and felt static go up  my arm, I pulled away quickly. "I'm sorry I didn't  mean to shock you." "It's fine, it's been a while I've felt a good shock."he teased and smiled. I smiled and chuckled, but then I suddenly found it hard to breath, and started coughing up blood like when I awake up from my nightmare. "Help can we get a doctor, please, Elizabeth!" There was chaos and soon the fuzzy room became dark. (Alexander's POV) My wolf was right there was more to Elizabeth then met the eye, but it was obvious she didn't know anything about it, but I was going to find out more just to make sure I ordered some blood test for her, and hopefully it had more answers that we needed. When she touched my hand, that our connection settled, she was my mate, but she won't understand any of this so I had to tread carefully, at least she was coming back to the house, that was a good thing. I walked into her room and she was sitting already, and getting her shoes on. "Hey sorry about that I've been having some issues lately." "When did they start?" "Just after I started working with you, I think." "It's probably stress, come on I'll drop you off and come back." "But aren't you staying the night with Aaron?" "He'll be asleep the whole night that's how heavy the drugs are for him." "Okay I guess." "We can come out early tomorrow." "Okay sure." We headed back to the house where her things were already waiting for her. Eden squealed when she saw Elizabeth, and all but ran toward her. I walked into my office and checked the papers the doctor had handed me, I don't know why it surprised me but it did, but at least now we knew the truth. (Liz's POV) The days that followed were completely different with one work in progress, Aaron was to go to therapy something I never thought exsited with the werewolf world but with change they learned that even werewolves had their issues and needed someone to guide them. The ALpha's were the ones with the biggest part of the job, but other wise Aaron went and talked about what happened to him. I still think of how bad his trauma was compared to mine but I felt like there was more then what I remembered, when ever I blanked out I would feel overwhelmed with the fear, and sadness I felt that day, and the nightmare would show more but I would forget by morning. Alex has been gone more with meetings and things with the council, He and Ben were gone for a lot of the time, but when Alex came back he'd spend time with Aaron ask how his therapy was going, and they bond, Aaron was coming out of his shell, slowly but he was. I would encourage him when Eden and I did some activity where he could join us, 50% of the time he would join the other times he would stay where he was. He was still having night terrors, and they therapist said that's what is going to be happening with time he would be able to dream without too much fear. The same thing they said to me, when I started going to therapy and after about five sessions Mom told me I had to get over it, and stopped taking me. When I was older I took myself to therapy but when the night mare came back I was too scared to face it and I stopped going. The dream was so bad one night I woke up and ran to the bathroom and when I came back found Aaron sitting on my bed. "Hey buddy, you okay?" "What scares you?" "What you mean?" "Yeah, the therapist says we have nightmares of what scares us, what scares you?" I sat down next to him, and took a deep breath. "When I was your age my dad was taken away from me, I saw the whole thing, and i was so little that it's turned into a nightmare in my mind, and as I got older the nightmare feels scarier, but that's because I didn't get the help I needed." "Your mommy didn't help you?" "Not really she wanted to forget what happened, she thought it was better that way." "My daddy always talks about Mommy and what made him happy when she was alive." "That's good, so you kids don't forget her, and the nightmare will go away because you'll only remember good things of her." He smiled and nodded, I got back to bed, and he stood at the door. "Lizzy?" "Yeah?" "Um..can I sleep with you?" "Sure, buddy come here." He jumped back on the bed and cuddled with me. We fell asleep in seconds. The next morning I got them feed and Aaron out the door for his bus, and got Eden out of her chair, she went off to play while I cleaned up after the kids, when Jon walked in. "Hey what's up?" "They closed the good Mexican restaurant yesterday and I really wanted to get tacos." "aww I'm sorry." he gave me a look and looked a little shy," what?" "Well, you're Latina right..maybe you could.." "Did you just assume my race?" I asked teasingly in a serious tone. "I'm not racist I was just wondering?" I laughed at his panic. "Lucky for you the only thing my mom ever taught me was to cook, but I don't make just those crappy hard shell tacos I make the real thing, and it's not that hard it takes time, but it's not hard." "I can help, what do we need?" I  looked into the fridge and we needed everything. "We need to go grocery shopping, these kids have this fridge running low." "Let's go." "Let me get Eden ready." After getting Eden ready, we went in a Tahoe, to the store. "Jeez how many vehicles does this man have?" "Enough believe me." We got there went into the store and split the list of things we needed and started shopping. I was just getting my tortillas and looking at the list, and ran into someone. "I'm sorry I wasn't looking...Mom?" we both froze and looked at each other. "Lizzy, baby is that you?" My throat went dry, I couldn't speak, and my anger was boiling, she was with a young woman. "Oh, Lily this is my daughter, Elizabeth, Lizzy this is your sister, Ray's daughter." "Nice to meet you, if you'll excuse me." I forced myself say, and tried to walk away. "Is that your little girl, she is adorable!?" Eden looked up at her, and gave her a smile and a little wave. "No, but I can't say, so if you'll excuse me I am in a hurry." I walked away and went to find Jon, I found him struggling to tell the difference between parsley and cilantro, I had to laugh, and went over to help. "The smell for a werewolf your nose sucks, dude." "Hey, my nose is fine, I just don't know the difference, I've never cooked with any of this." Okay I've got the rest are you done?" "Yeah, but are these jalapenos okay, these are jalapenos right?" "No, those are serrano jalapenos." "See...what's the difference?" "These depending on how light or dark will give you a mild salsa, these you put two in your mix will burn a hole through your mouth." "Oh, I like spicy." "Then I'm making two one for you and one for the rest of the family." I doudle checked for everything we needed, and headed to check out, we were just putting the stuff in the Tahoe, when. "It's looks like you're having a party?" I looked up and there was Mom again. she was eyeing Jon, I didn't bother I already know her answer. "Hi, I'm Jon." "Oh, I'm Lizzy's mom, my I must say you're very handsome young, my daughter is a very lucky girl." "He's not my boyfriend, Mom!' "Oh, that's a shame you two would make really cute grandbabies." "Mom!" "Oh, only with my mate sorry ma'am." "Mate?" "Jon, I got this can you wait for me inside please?" "Sure, Um.. nice to meet you ma'am." Mom was glaring now, I closed the back, and turned to her. "You're hanging out with those people again?" " It's a job Mom." "As what a s*x salve, a salve for the big man!" "See why I don't even call you to tell you about anything, you hear supernatural being and you get all upset, for what?" "They're trying to control us Lizzy,  they don't respect women!" "I didn't see Jon yelling at you just now!" "I gotta go, I have things to do." "You know my door is always open to you, Lizzy." "Unless I talk about Dad." She went quiet. "I thought so." I got in the Tahoe and we drove off. "She looks like a nice woman." "Please if she had a silver bullet you'd be dead." "Hey at least she liked me as a son-in -law." I smacked his arm playfully, the truth was she didn't want me in this supernatural world, I've never had a problem with it, but she just seems dead set on keeping me away from it, but I wasn't a little girl anymore and I didn't need her permission.
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