Chapter 22

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YEAR 1882 THE DAUGHTER OF THE KING WAS BORN. Love has nothing to do with one's true identity. For more than a decade, Andrex Iverson and Liona Sarbien had always believed in such a saying. Andrex was a dhampir and Liona was a human, but despite their difference, they loved each other wholeheartedly. Andrex was the 'Prince of the Dhampirs' during their time. He was always in their kingdom, so he was always getting bored. He was not allowed to go outside without the permission of the King and Queen who were his parents. If ever he would be allowed to go outside, his bodyguards should go with him as well. In everything he was doing, there was always the assistance of their servants. He got irritated by this, so he had resentments to his parents especially to his father. "Dad, please let me live my life alone. I'm old enough for this! I don't need someone to assist me, I can handle things," he said to his father. "Andrex, don't you get it? You're the prince of this kingdom, that means they should serve you," his dad replied. "If that's being a prince, then I don't want to be a prince anymore." He left and went to his room. Andrex had no one to run to whenever he was in need. It was always his room that served as his fortress when he was feeling down. The moment he entered there, he cried all the pain he was carrying. He was so mad to the point that he almost destroyed the things inside his room, even the most important. Freedom was all he needed, why couldn't they give it to him? When midnight came, he planned to run away because he just wanted to live a free life. Unfortunately, it was hard for him because the security in the kingdom was rigorous. If he was going to escape from the window, they might catch him because, in every corner, there were watchers. So he thought of another thing to escape. Instead of jumping from the window, he went out of his room and proceeded to the first floor. "Saan po kayo pupunta, mahal na prinsipe?" one of the servants asked him as he walked by. "Magpapahangin lang sa labas," he answered. "Ngunit hatinggabi na po. Ipinahintulot po sa amin ng mahal na hari na hindi kayo maaaring lumabas." He didn't care about what the servant said, thus he just continued going to the outside. The servants tried to stop him, but he gave them a sharp look so they halt following him. When he arrived outside, he was asked by the security the same question; he replied the same answer as well. But then again, they also tried to stop him. "Magpapahangin lang ako saglit, bakit hindi n'yo maintindihan 'yon? Ano bang mali sa pagpapahangin?" "Hindi po ba't mahangin na sa inyong kuwarto, bakit n'yo pa po kailangang lumabas?" "Dahil gusto ko." "Paumanhin, ngunit hindi po maaari." He gave them a sharp look. "Hahayaan niyo ba akong magpahangin nang sandali o gusto niyong matanggalan ng ulo't lamanloob?" "H-hindi po. P-paumanhin po, mahal na prinsipe." They bowed down. Andrex smiled widely the moment he stepped his foot out of the gate. He turned around before he could even continue walking. They didn't close the gate because they were watching over him. So, he thought of something he could do to get away from their sight. He picked up a stone and threw it from them. When they looked at the thrown stone and turned away from him, he took the opportunity to run. Since he was the fastest runner of all the dhampirs, they didn't notice him. Morning came when he saw himself leaning on a tree. He wandered his eyes all over the place, and what he found out was a beautiful and peaceful mountain. Then he realized how he got there. He smiled knowing that their servants weren't able to follow and find him. He stood up and smell the fresh air. He also sang and danced with his eyes closed because of the happiness. Finally, he could embrace liberty without anyone stopping him. Not until... "Parang tanga?" A harsh yet sweet voice said from nowhere. He opened his eyes. There was a young stunning lady standing in front of him; she was wearing a white blouse tucked in a long hoop skirt while holding a basket filled with fruits. His eyes were stuck on her. "Hoy?" the lady waved his hands in front of his face, but she received no answer from him, so she repeated doing it. "A-ah?" he stuttered. "Anong a-ah? Anong ginagawa mo?" "N-nothing. Just feeling the fresh air and dancing with the wind?" The lady chuckled. "Ngayon lang ako nakakita ng ganito dito sa bayan. Masaya ba?" "Yes, of course, it's a happy feeling. Why?" "Ah wala, wala," the lady said. "Puwede na ba?" "What?" "Ah, I'm getting some fruits. Puwede na ba akong pumitas ng prutas diyan sa punong 'yan? Baka kasi sasayaw ka pa at makaistorbo ako, Mister." "A-ah, sure you can get some." Starting from that day, Andrex's life wasn't the same anymore. He was moved by that lady, so he waited for her until she finished getting fruits. It all started from there and so on. Since that day, he built his own house in the mountain. He lived a simple life, yet prosperous with love. He and the lady named Liona were seeing each other every day. They had a good quality time. They were sharing stories, laugh, and tears until they had fallen for one another and confessed their feelings. "I love you with all my heart, Liona. Since the first day I saw you, I have loved you." Liona smiled. "I love you too, Andrex. Kahit na mukhang tanga ka noong una kitang nakita, mahal pa rin kita." They laughed. "But, Liona," Andrex said. "There's something I want to tell you." "What is it?" "Just please promise me first one thing. Promise me you won't be afraid of me once I told you this." Liona raised her right hand. "I promise I won't be afraid." Andrex took a deep breath. "Liona..." he held her hand. "W-we aren't the same." "Anong ibig mong sabihin?" He held her hands tighter. "You're a human, and I'm a... I'm a d-dhampir..." "Dhampir?" "Yes, a dhampir. I'm a half-human and a half-vampire." Liona's eyes widen when he heard Andrex said that. She didn't know if she would believe him or not because she hadn't yet seen a vampire nor a dhampir in her entire life. She laughed. "What are you up to?" "Liona, I'm serious. I'm really a dhampir. If you want proofs, then I will show you." "No," she said. "I believe in you." "Y-you do?" She nodded. "Basta sinabi mo, naniniwala ako." "Aren't you afraid of me?" "Bakit naman ako matatakot? I was amazed, actually. I'm a big fan of vampires, kaya nagulat ako na nag-e-exist pala sila in real life, at meron pa ngang dhampir." Andrex didn't help but to smile. "Are you damn serious?" "Oo nga. Andrex, I love you so much at kahit ano ka pa, mahal kita. Sabi nga nila, when you love someone, there's no reason why you do, basta mahal mo siya." Andrex didn't expect her to say that. And because of that, he loved her even more. They lived together for more than ten years. With that, Andrex thought he was already living a good and happy life, but he was wrong. In a movie, there would always be an antagonist, there would always be the conflict. Andrex and Liona's love story was also like a movie, a tragic one it might be. When they thought it was a happy ending already, but the villain was just yet to come. The king ordered the servants to go and find Andrex. Unfortunately, he got caught. He tried to fight, but he didn't win. He was sent to the palace again, while Liona was left all alone. To make sure he won't escape again, his father locked him in his room and made the security even more strict. He tried to run away again, but he failed. Meanwhile, Liona was crying every day since they took away Andrex from her. Since that day, her life became miserable. She wasn't having a good sleep every night. She couldn't even eat properly, neither she could move nor speak aright. A few weeks later, she was feeling dizzy every time. She was always vomiting. She thought she was just anemic but then the following weeks, she found out she was pregnant. She told her mom about it, so she could be guided all throughout her pregnancy. Then one day, a cry of the baby was heard. Liona was sitting in the tree wherein she first saw Andrex, as she was holding her baby. There was sadness, but there was also a joy because of the gift Andrex left him. She remembered one day, they were both talking about their future baby. Although it was so early for them that time, they planned what would be their baby's name. If it was a boy, then it would be named Darby. But since the baby was a girl, she named her... Margot.
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