Chapter 5-Awkward

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(Max) Well, this has officially been one of the most awkward evenings I have ever had in my life. After dressing up in the light blue dress my mom gave me, a limo...yes, a freaking limo picked us up and we drove to the finest restaurant in the city. It's called Eleven..which I was confused about..but I guess it's because they are famous for their Eleven-course meals and it's a Michelin-star restaurant. They didn't even have the prices on the menu..that's how you know it is way above our budget. The whole way over Leon asked me questions as my mom practically clung to his side the whole time. She was never even this clingy with it was kind of shocking to see. Leon asked me about my studies and where I was thinking of going to college. He even said he knew I loved art and my mom had shown him some of my stuff from before. I was kind of pissed about that, considering I don't paint anymore. I haven't touched a brush since Dad died and it was a sore subject for me. My mom bought me some new paints for my birthday the year after it happened and I still haven't touched them. I can't bring myself to do it. I was kind of surprised my mom told him so much about me. I thought she would act like I didn't exist like she did with this guy to me. I admit he seems pretty nice but it's all just so weird..I don't know how to act or what to say. "You ladies look absolutely stunning tonight." Leon said for the third time since we left the house and I just smiled politely before looking down at my lap and fiddling with a small bead that was sewn into the dress. It felt weird not being in a hoodie and pants..I felt completely bare. At least this dress is long-sleeved so it hides everything. "My son Noah is around your age too Max, I think you two will get along great." My eyes darted up to meet my mom's. Now there is a son involved and I have to meet him? "After I lost my previous wife and oldest was hard on us, but things are finally looking up." He added, making me swallow hard as I let out a shuddering breath. "I'm sorry...that must have been hard." My heart ached for him and I suddenly saw my mom's eyes tearing up, which surprised me. She never cried in front of people. I have honestly only seen it a few times myself. "It was ten years ago, but I guess that doesn't make it go away..I can honestly say though that it does get better Max." His words were thoughtful and full of kindness but I just felt bitter... Yeah, it gets better when you don't feel so freaking guilty..I felt guilt every damn day of my life for having my dad pick me up that night. I feel like he would still be here if it wasn't for me. "Max, are you listening?" My mom asked with annoyance lacing her voice, making me clear my throat and lift my head to meet her accusing gaze. "I'm sorry, what was that?" I have never been this spacey before..I can tell it's getting on my mom's nerves too. "I said you will love the school up there..they have a great art program and the high school is one of the best in the country." She tried to act all happy and passive like what she just said was information I should already know. I dropped my fork mid-bite, causing a loud clatter to echo through the room and make a few people glance over at our table. Did I just hear her right? She was talking about New York.. correct? " New York?" I stammered, making my mom nod her head as anger began to boil up inside of me. I never get angry..I always am understanding and passive. I haven't put up one single fight this whole damn time because I felt like this was all my fault..that I deserved to be separated from my friends and family but I have to move again and not only that, but possibly live with this random guy and his son?! "When are we moving?" I asked through clenched teeth, my hands balling into fists under the table as I tried so hard not to break. I was on the cusp of losing it. I had held on all this time..but this might just push me over the edge. My mom glanced over at Leon, guilt flashing across her face like she suddenly realized how this all impacted me or something. "In a week." She stated quietly, making me stand up abruptly and almost knock the chair back behind me. "Please excuse me, I just need some fresh air." I announced in a monotone voice, holding in those emotions and willing myself not to cry. Not only are we moving yet again, but this time it feels so much more different. I always felt like when we moved my mom and I both didn't belong, and that's why she would move us again. Because we never found our place..but my mom was going to find her place, and me, I just won't belong again. I walked through the restaurant, trying to hold it all in as I headed for the door, not looking anyone in the eyes. As soon as I burst through those doors I ran..I ran so fast I didn't even know where I was going but I continued running down the sidewalk until I came across a construction site where it looked like they were building apartments. I don't know what I was thinking..I didn't have my phone or anything but I just walked past the caution tape and slipped through the chain link fence before walking toward that empty building. I wanted to be alone..I wanted to run away and never come back. Right at that moment I wished with all of my heart that I could be someone else. I slipped inside of the building, all that filled it was the bare wood that made these walls and I slunk down, hugging my knees to my chest. I felt lost..the memories of what happened that night swirled around me as I begged..pleaded with the universe that all of this was just a nightmare. That I would wake up and be back in my room with the smell of my dad's cooking wafting through the house and the sound of my mom laughing filled the air. If I close my eyes hard enough...I swear I can see it..I can see that old life. The sound of footsteps began to approach me, causing my head to snap up. "Max, I know this is a lot to take in." Leon's deep voice echoed through the bare room, making me jump as my eyes locked onto him standing a few feet away from me. "How did you find me?" I breathed, wondering where my Mom was as I looked around the empty building for her. "Lucky guess." He shrugged, making me look down at my feet as guilt now filled me. "I'm sorry for ruining your guy's dinner." I apologized, hoping he wasn't too mad. I don't want this to affect Mom and him. I hope she isn't too disappointed with me. "Max, you didn't ruin anything, I promise." Leon said softly before squatting down in front of me and brushing the hair from my eyes, causing me to look up at him with surprise. "Not to speak poorly of your mother, but she should've told you about us from the start, it wasn't right for her to keep you in the dark." Leon declared firmly, his presence so strong and powerful, I truly had never met anyone like him in person before. I can see why my mom fell for him so fast. "It's okay, I'm kind of used to the moving's just all the other stuff..I am happy for her..for you guys..but..I don't know." I trailed off, feeling embarrassed to talk about this stuff with this guy. He is practically a stranger, so why was I telling him all of this stuff? "You just miss your dad..and it feels weird to see your mom with someone else." Leon finished for me, making my eyes snap up and meet his blue-grey ones. "How did you know that?" I mumbled, wondering if I was really that easy to read. "Remember, I have a son who also lost a parent. He too struggled at first when I started dating again." He explained, making me nod my head as I let out the breath I had been holding. "Max, I'm not looking to replace anyone. For your mother, or you..I fell in love with your mom from the moment I met her..and it was different than when I met my previous wife too. Not to say I love one more than the other, but your mom just brings out another side to me I didn't know existed. I want a relationship with you too Max..I'm not going to try and replace your father, but I want to be there to help out when you need it..I want to start as friends." He offered, reaching his hand out to me as his eyes softened with kindness. "Friends?" I sniffled, wiping my cheeks with my dress sleeve as Leon nodded and smiled at me, his hand still extended as he kept his gaze on me. "Friends Max, let's start there." He confirmed and I nodded tentatively, reaching my hand out slowly as I placed it against Leon's and felt his fingers grip around me tightly. "I promise to take care of you Max, to protect you and watch over you." He declared, making me blink up at him in surprise..he seemed so serious about it. "And I promise to give you a least to try to.." I muttered the last part, squeezing his hand back as Leon laughed and smiled widely now. "Good, trying is all that matters..I have a feeling we will be great friends Maxine.." I guess this is more move under my belt before I am eighteen and head back to Washington. At least now I know my mom won't be I just have to survive the school year..that should be a piece of cake..right?
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