Chapter 4-Breaking News

1186 Words
(Max) I glanced between my mother and the door, wondering what the hell was going on and who this mystery person was. "Max, I was hoping to tell you before Leon came over..but..sweetie..I met someone." My mom said casually..dropping the biggest bomb on me. I swear my vision began to tunnel and my heartbeat pumped through my ears loudly as the sound of the door opening snapped me back to reality. That's when I saw the biggest, most intimidating man I had ever seen in my life duck down and walk through the door. He was unreal..almost God like I swear..maybe some type of Viking.. I'm talking muscles and a sharp suit..something you would see walk off of a magazine. He was handsome with slicked-back blonde hair and deep blue-grey eyes. He had to be in his forties maybe..I was never good at guessing people's age. Studying this man, I didn't quite understand what my mom was telling me..this giant..this was who she was seeing? How the hell did I not notice this?! "Max, this is Leon Black. Leon, this is my Maxie." I couldn't help but flinch from the nickname..she would call me it now and then, but she knew that was Dad's name for me. Speaking of which, my heart began to suddenly hurt..I knew this day would come. Of course it mom was thirty-seven after it's not like I expected her to stay a widow her whole has been two years and yet it still feels so sudden. Why didn't she tell me she was dating? "It's lovely to meet you Max, your mom has said wonderful things about you." This Leon guy reached his massive hand out, offering for me to shake it. I tentatively slipped my hand in his and let him take the lead as I just stood there with my mouth open like an i***t. "It's nice to meet you too." I muttered, wishing I would have heard wonderful things about this guy as well..but instead, I heard absolutely nothing. I shot my mom a look, watching as she shrugged her shoulders and bit her lip nervously. "Well, Leon wanted to take the three of us to get to know one another better." My mom said excitedly before she sidled up next to Leon and wrapped her arms around his waist. Causing that sharp pain to shoot through my heart as I turned my head and looked away slightly..why was it so hard to see my mom with someone else? It felt..wrong. "Uhh..are you sure?" I mumbled out, still unsure how to fully grasp what the hell was going on. "Come oh honey, you can borrow one of my dresses." My mom added cheerfully and yet again..I was left shocked. A dress? I haven't worn a dress in a long time..why do I have to wear a dress? Before I could protest, my mom let go of her new man..boyfriend..boy toy..I'm not even sure what he is..but she walked over to me and dragged me to her room before shutting the door and locking it. I watched as my mother began humming to herself happily and started looking through her closet. Seriously..she is going to act like my world wasn't just flipped upside down? "Mom..what the heck is going on?!" I blurted a little louder than intended, making her eyes widen as she walked towards me. "Keep your voice down, Leon is going to hear you." She whisper-yelled, making my mouth drop open once again. " long have you been seeing this guy?!" I felt like I was becoming hysterical but seriously..what the hell was going here?! "For a month.." She confessed, her eyes filling with guilt as I raised my arm and swiftly ran my fingers through my hair. A month...a whole month. "Max, I wanted to tell you..I just wanted to be sure first..I wanted to make sure he was serious before I introduced him to you." She began, walking over towards me as she gripped my shoulders and looked down at me. She was a few inches taller so she had that intimidation move locked down. "A month.." I mumbled, trying to think back to these past five weeks and where I have been to not realize this. I just thought she was staying late for work.. "Where did you meet him?" I wondered out loud, feeling her hands relax their grip on my shoulder. "It's kind of cliche..but we were at a coffee shop and the barista called out my order. When I went to grab it, Leon reached for the cup at the same time I did, thinking it was his. Then I swear soon as our hands touched, I felt sparks..actual sparks." My mom gushed..making me feel like I wanted to yack. Sparks?! What the hell.. "I know it seems like this is happening so fast..but Max, he is the fact..I wanted to wait for dinner to tell you but look." My mom added before plopping her hand in front of my face and showing me a huge ass diamond ring. I yanked her hand over towards me, my eyes blinking rapidly as I tried so hard to focus on what was happening right now. "He proposed..and I said yes Maxie." My mom squealed and lunged forward, pulling me into a tight hug as her words began to sink in fully. My mom was, engaged to be married. "I..I'm happy for you mom." I said numbly, patting my mom on the back as I pushed all of that hurt down. My mom deserved this..she deserved a second chance and I honestly haven't seen her this happy since Dad was around. Who am I to destroy that? I already took her husband away from her..I ruined her life and she was forced to have to look at me..the reminder of what happened every damn day. Maybe this is for the best..she can start over.. "Did you hear what I said?" My mom interrupted my thoughts as I shook my head no. "I said he lives in New York, in the countryside." My mom repeated herself, making me almost choke. "New York? What is he doing here then?" I blinked my eyes, studying my mom's expression as I saw her dart her eyes away and I knew immediately she was hiding something from me. "Well, he was on a business trip, and just decided to stay until we figured things out. Come on..let's get dressed so we don't make him wait too long." My mom shoved a light blue dress with long sleeves at me before grabbing a black one for herself. "We will answer all of your questions at dinner. We will figure this out together okay?" My mom said, patting me on the shoulder as I just nodded my head and swallowed the nerves that threatened to spill out as bile reached the back of my throat. Just when I thought this day was the best one in a this had to happen..and why do I feel like it's about to get a lot worse?
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