Chapter 6-Staying Optimistic

1161 Words
(Max) After having Leon find me coincidentally, I felt a little bit better after talking with him. Obviously I know nothing about the guy, but I would like to think that I am a good judge of character overall. I have done enough people-watching in my life to see the way he talks and how he goes out of his way to help my mom is all genuine. Maybe that's why I trusted Mitchell so easily too..I could just tell he is a nice guy and a part of me feels bummed out that I have to move away from the first potential friend I made in two years. After walking back to the restaurant, my mom practically knocked me over from flinging herself at me as she wrapped her arms around my body tight. "What were you thinking Max?!" She cried, making me stiffen beneath her.. as I said, my mom doesn't cry much, so seeing her share her emotions like this was odd.. Oh god..she better not be pregnant..I swear. I mean, I always wanted a sibling but this would be too much to handle all at once. "Mom, you aren't pregnant are you?" I whispered, making my mom gasp as she started hitting me on the arm and I couldn't help but laugh. "What the hell Max, you can't just throw stuff like that out there. Can't a mother get emotional over her daughter running away? And besides..I had that surgery before your dad passed..when we decided we weren't going to have anymore." She muttered under her breath, her eyes darting to Leon who seemed to be on the phone, ignoring our conversation. "Sorry, I just haven't seen you cry like this..since Dad, that's all." I explained, looking down at my feet as my mom nodded thoughtfully. "I know..I guess..I kind of turned those feelings off. But since meeting Leon, it's almost like I can finally feel again for the first time since everything happened." She looked down at me, her hand reaching up as she tucked a curly strand of hair behind my ear. "I know I have essentially been running away from it all Max..and I'm sorry. I wasn't there..I..I." She began to cry again, making me reach out and pull her against me. "Hey, it's okay..I'm still here, we made it through and now you are getting your second chance." I spoke softly, feeling guilty that my mom felt bad..none of this was her was all my fault. " what?" Her eyes widened and I looked up at her in confusion. "Your second chance at love. Well, I would hope you love the guy since you already said yes to marrying him." I grumbled, making her relax and laugh at what I said. "Yes, I do love him. But it doesn't mean I don't love your father still too." She quickly added, making me nod my head. "I know that Dad wouldn't want you to be alone. Dad would want you to find happiness, and I do too." I meant it..maybe she can start all over and after this year when I leave, she can truly be happy again. "So you are willing to go to New York?" Her eyes lit up hopefully and I just let out a deep breath and nodded my head once more. "Yes, if that's what makes you happy Mom, that's all that matters to me." I meant every word too. I didn't deserve to have a say, I owe her this much at least. My mom crashed forward once more, her arms practically squeezing the life out of me as she began kissing all over my face. "Oh my Maxie, how did I get such a good kid like you?" She praised, making me laugh as Leon walked toward us now after slipping his phone into his pocket. "Well, it looks like you two made up." Leon laughed, making both of us nod our heads as my mom pulled away and went to Leon's side. "We're all set for New York." My mom smiled brightly, making Leon return the gesture as his eyes locked on me now. "Good, I was hoping that would be the case because something came up and Darling, we have to leave tomorrow." He said firmly, looking at me with a serious expression and for a moment I felt like something bad had happened. He seemed more tense than I have seen him yet. "Is everything okay?" I asked carefully, watching as Leon pulled my mom closer to his side before inhaling a deep breath. Suddenly that calm sense he had before was back, maybe my mom must have a pretty big effect on him or something. "Yeah, just some stuff with the company back home. We just need to get back as soon as possible, and I don't want you girls traveling alone." He stated, making my mom nod in agreement. "What about my school?" Could I really just transfer that last minute? "Everything is all taken care don't you worry. You will be good to attend Hillcrest Academy this coming Monday." He told me and I tried to plaster a smile on my face..but dang this was all happening so fast. I want to be happy but another part of me is scared. I have never lived with anyone else but mom and dad..and what if his son doesn't like me? "Hey, Max..just don't overthink things okay? Everything will be alright." Leon expressed smoothly, causing me to nod my head and let out a deep breath. "Okay, sorry." I said sheepishly just as the limo pulled infront of us, making my mom reach out and grip my hand as she began dragging me towards the car. "We are in this matter what." She tried to comfort me..but I just felt even sadder, because it wasn't the truth..a long time ago I decided to try and live my life doing what makes her happy, even if I am just along for the ride. But I will try to stay optimistic..maybe this will be the best decision of our lives..maybe this is just what we need and our future life in New York will be like turning the page and finding real happiness for the first time in two years. "I can't believe we will be in New York tomorrow..this is a dream come true." My mom squealed before wrapping her arms around Leon's waist and hugging him tight. I smiled at my mom softly before glancing up and seeing Leon staring at me. I noticed him studying me intently, and when his eyes finally met mine he smiled even wider at us. "I am looking forward to the full of happiness and coming together. This is going to be a great start to our next chapter." Leon exclaimed, making me smile at him. I guess I'm not the only one trying to stay optimistic..let's hope it all works out.
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