Chapter 7-Finally

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(Mitchell) I was finally able to talk to her and it was f*****g amazing. I had been trying to keep a low profile since my wolf Blaze scented her out as our mate. I had to be sure..she definitely is a human, I don't sense a wolf in her, but sometimes it's like that until you turn eighteen. I remember the first time I saw her..the smell of strawberries and honey wafted towards me and I knew. She was it...she was mine. I didn't want to come on too strong so I watched her like the creepy ass stalker I have become. She happened to live in a smaller apartment complex in town so I decided to rent a place I could watch over her of course. Okay, that's definitely not helping my stalking case. But I promise it's better than the alternative.. 'Yeah, we should've taken her to our house and kept her in our room until she turns eighteen..then we can claim her.' Blaze barked in a gruff tone, making me roll my eyes. 'That's called kidnapping dude..' I laughed into our link, making him scoff. 'Not when she is our mate, the future Luna to our pack and mother of our pups. Mate is our everything. I want her now.' He whined like a damn puppy, making me roll my eyes once more. See what I am dealing with? So you can understand why I opted for moving closer to her. So far from what I have seen, Max looked like she had been through something. At first I was afraid she was being abused at home, but I soon found out it was just her and her mom. But now I know heart f*****g broke for her. She seemed so sad..her father must've meant a lot to her. Stupidly I came up with some s**t about my sister..yeah, it was wrong but how can I tell her that my sister was mated with a Rogue and decided to run off with him? That's the real drama going on and my parents are pissed. So when my dad, the Alpha of Fire Stone Pack, learned my mate was a human..he actually welcomed the idea considering she wasn't some lone wolf that would steal his son away..or he said something like that. But they wanted to meet her immediately and I told them I was still trying to figure stuff out so they were okay with me moving into the apartment for the time being. I used to live on our pack lands which was 100 acres of housing and a small community deep in the woods about thirty minutes from here. My parents wanted me to go to public schools to familiarize myself with the people and culture. Right now my uncle is visiting and I haven't been able to meet with him yet, but he said he will stop by on the way before he has to go out to dinner. I guess he recently found his second chance mate in a human as well and has been out here for a few weeks staying in the city. I know for a fact my cousin Noah is going to be pissed. Not only does he think humans are weak, but he refuses to let one run his pack, Howling Ridge. That's why he wants to take over as soon as he graduates high school. He might even take a chosen Luna from what it sounds like. Courtney Humphreys..I have met her a few times..I'm not one to use the b-word..but man is she a b***h. Perfect match for Noah if you ask me. I walked into my apartment and couldn't hide the stupid ass grin that pulled at my face. I couldn't believe how much she opened up to me..I even held her hand! f**k did my skin practically burst with fireworks as one touch from her traveled straight through my veins and settled into my c**k. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to kiss her, or let my fingertips roam her body. Fuck..okay, I don't need to think about that. I have never felt this way in my damn life though. Honestly, I haven't been attracted to any girls..only because I knew my mate was somewhere out there for me, so I decided to save myself for her. I could tell by the way Max's eyes widened when I touched her that she saved herself for me too..well I mean, she doesn't know what mates are..but maybe subconsciously she did. A beautiful girl like her has to have guys throwing themselves at her. She is the most stunning woman I have ever seen..the way her blue eyes sparkled in the sun and the small freckles all across the top of her cheeks and nose..fuck I wanted to kiss every damn one of those freckles..and I vow to do just that when she gives me the chance. I walked over to the refrigerator as I opened it up and pulled out a bottle of water. I knew my uncle would be here any minute so I quickly hopped into the shower and might have released some pent-up frustration from Max touching me.. After rinsing myself I stepped out of the shower and quickly dried myself off before pulling on some sweats and a hoodie. I can't help it..I have never been sexually attracted to someone before and I swear this feeling with Max is all-consuming.. Just as I was getting lost in thoughts of Max again, I could sense my uncle right outside the door just before he knocked. I twisted the door handle and pulled it open, seeing my huge ass uncle standing right before me. He had a big grin on his face and quickly pulled me into a hug. "Mitch, give your favorite uncle a hug." He boomed, squeezing me tight as I returned the favor, making him laugh. "Come on in Uncle Leon." I said before patting him on the back and leading him into my place. "When did you move out here kiddo? I was surprised when your mom gave me the address." He asked curiously as I walked to the fridge and grabbed him a bottle of water. "Well, I kind of found my mate." I mentioned casually, making him freeze in place as I couldn't help but smirk to myself. My Uncle Leon was nothing like his son..he was more accepting and understanding than anyone. Plus he is in a similar situation.. "You're kidding!! Congratulations kiddo!! When can I meet her?" He asked enthusiastically, his eyes lighting up with excitement as I handed him the water. "Well, like your mate, mine is also human and she is only seventeen. So I want to take it slow." He nodded thoughtfully before sitting on the brown leather couch in my living room. "Luckily Faith was married to a wolf before, so it was easy to explain. But her daughter has no clue..that will be the hard part." He explained, making me turn my head as I watched my Uncle carefully. "Wait, so the daughter is half werewolf and she doesn't even know?" Wow, she was going to have the surprise of her life on her eighteenth birthday... "Her mom doesn't want to tell her until she knows for sure, just in case if she doesn't shift considering she is half-human. But we have to tell her at some damn point or else she is going to think we own a lot of big ass dogs." He chuckled, making me laugh as I shook my head. " are in a pickle, that's for sure. What does Noah think?" I asked apprehensively, feeling my uncle's Alpa aura pulsing off of him. Yeah, must be a sore subject. "He will have to f*****g accept it. He isn't Alpha yet..not until I say so." He growled, making me raise my hands in surrender as he let out a deep breath. "Actually, I better get going. I just wanted to stop by and see you but my mate actually lives in these apartments. I am taking her and her daughter out for dinner." He said before standing and giving me another hug. I patted him on the back and smiled softly. "Maybe next time you see me I can bring my mate along with me..if it all keeps going the way I think it will." I was certain Max felt something for me..she has too..I can't f*****g wait to show her off and treat her like the princess she deserves to be. "Sounds good kiddo, and don't be a stranger..come to New York any time okay?" And with that, he was gone..I genuinely hope everything goes well with his mate and her daughter..because I can't wait to show everyone my Max and it would be nice to have my uncle on my side. Considering we are in the same situation..but I just know deep down Max will be the best Luna..I can feel it in my bones.
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