Chapter 12-Private Plane

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(Max) Well, apparently Leon is filthy rich..I'm talking private jet type of rich. I was so confused when we came to the airport. When Leon told us he got us a flight for 4 p.m. I was thinking we would be going through long security lines, having to race through the airport to find our gate, and maybe picking up a Starbucks on the way..but no.. Our driver took a separate exit and ended up on the damn tarmac driving towards a private jet. It was mom and I shared a look of shock as Leon swiftly exited the vehicle and reached his hand out to help my mom. Surprisingly he lingered for a short while, helping me next as he smiled down softly before bending down and whispering something into my ear. "Are you excited to go to New York now? Maybe take a picture for Mitch so he knows we got here safe." He suggested as I nodded my head and fumbled with my phone. I was surprised he even thought of doing that. "Here, you stand with your mom and I will take it." Leon offered before yanking the phone from my hand and nodding towards my mom. " we have time for this? I don't want anyone to be waiting on us." I felt bad and slightly awkward. "Max, I own the plane..they won't leave until I say we do." He spoke firmly and I swallowed actually owned this..I can't believe it. "Smile Maxie! This is the start of our new beginning." My mom cheered, gripping her arm around my shoulders as she held her other hand up into the air posing. I wrapped my arms around my body and tried to hide as much of myself as I could. I know my scars are hidden..but for some reason, I'm always afraid people can see them somehow. A small smile touched my lips and I saw Leon take a few pictures before smiling brightly towards us. It was kind of funny seeing this big man moving around and taking pictures like this was some type of model shoot..he was dedicated..I will give that to him. "Okay girls, let's go!" Leon announced before walking over and handing me my phone. "I already sent a couple to Mitchell." He told me and I just blinked my eyes in response. Did he realize I had a crush on Mitchell or something? Maybe it's that obvious..I am wearing his hoodie and have been sniffing it all day. Oh gosh..I am a creep. Now I know what Nicole was talking about all those years ago. Speaking of Nicole..I have to tell her what's going on. I completely spaced since meeting Leon..she is going to flip. "Mr. Black, we are ready for you to board." A woman who was dressed in a blue pencil skirt and matching jacket informed us. She had her hair in a tight bun and looked very professional. "Thank you Molly." Leon nodded politely and took my mom's hand before placing a soft kiss on the back of it and helping her up the steps of the plane. I couldn't far Leon has made an incredible first impression. I felt really comfortable with him and I can tell he is trying not to overstep which I really appreciate. He informed us before we left that it would take four days for our stuff to get to New York, so he had us pack a bag so we had a few essentials while we were there. He said we could buy whatever we needed but I honestly felt bad and packed as much as I could. "Let me take your bag for you." A man behind me said, startling me. This guy looked to be in his mid-twenties and had tan skin with dirty blonde hair. His eyes though were a beautiful light shade of green and it was hard not to stare at them. He was ridiculously most of the men I've met since Leon came around. "Oh, thank you." I said politely before giving him a soft smile. He returned it with a huge grin as he threw my daisy-covered bag over his shoulder and brought it onto the plane. Was he one of the pilots or something? I noticed the driver from earlier get on the plane as well with a few other men I didn't even realize had been following us. They looked like security or something..just who was Leon Black? "Thanks Alex." My mom whispered sweetly at the guy carrying my bag. I noticed he gave her a quick wink before going towards the back. Did she know all of these people? "Here Max, sit over there." She pointed at the seat across the way and I nodded my head. "You don't want to sit with her Darling? I don't mind." Leon whispered barely loud enough for me to hear. "I want to sit with you. She will be fine, Maxine likes to be alone anyways." She waved her hand in the air dismissively and my heart ached. Is that what she thinks? That I like being alone? I guess I could see that..but is that the truth? Far from it... I quickly looked down at my phone numbly, feeling Leon's gaze on me as I tried to ignore it. Don't show weakness don't deserve pity. Remember this is all for Mom...this is her second chance. I mustered up the best smile I could and shot it Leon's way. He nodded thoughtfully and then looked back down at my mom who was practically drooling over him. I had never seen her so clingy. Maybe Dad wasn't the overly affectionate type..I guess I never thought about it. When we were always together we did stuff as a family. I remember him kissing and hugging Mom though but it never made me feel isolated or uncomfortable. Not like this..but maybe I am just older now and not used to it. "Mind if I sit here?" The man from earlier who took my bag asked and I quickly nodded my head before scooting closer to the window. "I'm Alex by the way, Leon's brother." He smirked at me, making my eyes widen as I shook the extended hand he offered me. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Max. So you are Mitchell's Uncle too then?" I blurted before I even realized what I asked. Okay, if Leon suspected I liked Mitchell..this probably confirms it. "Sure that why that kid has been texting me non-stop the past hour?" He asked slyly, as he glanced towards me sideways. "Should've known it was about the pretty girl with the strawberry hair. And here I thought he just loved me." He clicked his tongue before shaking his head. I couldn't help but laugh as my cheeks warmed and I began fidgeting with Mitchell's sweatshirt nervously. "I'm sure that's the case." I muttered, feeling embarrassed. "Nah, I love the kid..but he can't lie worth shit." He whispered, making me giggle nervously. Why was I acting like a damn schoolgirl right now? Before I could respond, the pilot began speaking over the intercom and we were instructed to put our seatbelts on. This was only my third time flying and the other two times were nothing like this. Surprisingly I didn't feel as nervous as I thought I would. I quickly checked my phone one last time and saw Mitchell had texted me. From Mitchell: Wow, you look so a bright ray of sunshine. From Mitchell: Ughhhh. I can't stop looking at your picture. You are so freaking gorgeous, seriously. I bit my lip nervously, my fingers hovering above the keyboard as I read his words over and over. Would he still think I am beautiful if he saw my scars? To Mitchell: You know I'm the one in the hoodie right? :P Okay..I guess I use deflection against compliments now. I don't even know how to react.. To Mitchell: You are the handsome one though..and we are about to take off. I have to put my phone on airplane mode now :( Also, I am sitting next to your Uncle Alex. He seems nice. I sent it right after the last one, trying to get it all out before I have to switch my phone over. From Mitchell: Oh god, don't believe a single thing he says!! And text me as soon as you land..miss you already Sunshine..and please, send me another picture when you can. My heart practically burst as I read his text..he called me sunshine..and he wanted another picture!! Dang..I miss him so much already..this is so crazy. "So, did Mitchell tell you about the time he got his head stuck in the monkey bars? It was f*****g hilarious." Alex laughed, causing Leon to sit forward and glare at him. "Language Alex.." He scolded his brother and it was hard to keep a straight face as Alex lifted his hands in surrender but immediately turned towards me and began mouthing the word 'f**k' over and over again in spite, making me slap my hand over my mouth and try not to burst with laughter. I could see who the goofy brother was. They seemed to have such a big age gap so I wondered if Alex was the youngest. " are going to love New is awesome where we live and is so freaking beautiful in the fall. We will have to go apple picking one of these weekends and there is also a lake down on the property. Oh, and the Pack house..." He began rattling on as I nodded my head but before he could continue Alex's voice boomed across the aisle. "Alex..let the poor girl rest." He yelled, his voice startling me and causing me to jump as I looked between Alex and Leon with confusion. Suddenly it was as if they were speaking to one another but weren't saying a word..just staring..that seemed to last a few more seconds before Alex lifted his hands and pretended to zip his mouth. "I didn't's okay, really." I felt bad, I really didn't mind Alex talking to was actually pretty nice. But Alex just winked at me before shutting his eyes and putting some headphones in..I guess it's back to being on my own.. Maybe Leon is just stressed. I had never heard him speak like that yet though.. I hope it wasn't something I did..I just ended up looking out the window and eventually drifted off to sleep. I guess this is the start of our new least I met Mitchell. It makes all of this even better..
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