Chapter 11-Texts and Awkward Car Rides

1954 Words
(Max) I couldn't shake this sad feeling from my chest..leaving Mitchell was much harder than it should've been and I think he was experiencing the same thing because he has been texting me non-stop since I left. From Mitchell: you guys almost there? To Mitchell:Think we are about thirty minutes away still :( I wanted to tell him I missed him already but that would be weird, right? From Mitchell: f**k, I feel like I miss you that weird? I swear I almost burst out laughing from that text..what, can he read my mind or something?! Maybe he really is feeling the same as far it seems that way. To Mitchell: Honestly, I feel the same way and thought you might think I'm weird so I didn't say it haha.. Why did I feel so much more confident talking over text? I feel like I can say things I might've been too shy to before. From Mitchell: Well, I know what is wrong with me.. you must be some type of witch and put a spell on me. ;) I almost scoffed out loud as a goofy grin spread across my face. Yeah..I'm the one putting a spell on him...I have never felt this comfortable with anyone in my life besides Nicole. It's crazy.. To Mitchell: Is this like one of those things where you are blaming me for the exact thing you did? Are you a witch Mitchell? Or do you call yourself a wizard? Is Harry Potter real?! I joked before sneaking a look at my mom briefly and noticed she was staring at me. "Who are you texting Max?" She c****d her eyebrow, making me place my phone down as I cleared my throat awkwardly before glancing between her and Leon. Leon was trying to act busy on his own phone but I could tell he was most certainly listening. "Mitchell, he just asked if we were almost there." I shrugged like it was no big deal. "Hmm, I see." She said, her eyes narrowing at me as I went to look out the window once more. Earlier this morning my mom was totally shocked to see me bring home a friend..and the fact that it was a boy seemed to melt her brain as she just opened and closed her mouth like a damn fish when I first introduced them. After I practically dragged Mitchell to my room, my mom kept popping her head through the door after she came back from signing the papers Leon told us about. Then she proceeded to ask Mitchell a million questions that embarrassed me beyond belief.. Did she seriously need to know what grade he scored on his last math test? Was that relevant in any way?! She seemed pretty impressed though when Mitchell told her he got a 98 out of 100..but still..why is that important?! She also asked to see his driver's license for some she was a damn cop or something.. Then when my mom finally stopped talking long enough for someone else to speak, Leon thankfully dragged her away. I apologized profusely for my mom's behavior and hoped it didn't freak Mitchell out. He seemed okay with it though and I couldn't help but feel relieved. Who knew my mom would act like that..I honestly thought she would just be happy that I made a friend..well, he isn't just a friend though is he? Ugh..I don't even know what he is. I can't set any expectations on this considering I am moving. I know it wouldn't be fair to Mitchell but I can't lie..I think I am falling fast as crazy as that sounds..maybe I'm just not used to having a guy's attention and I am practically starved for it..but another part of me feels like this is this is something completely beyond that. I don't want to toss out the words "Soul Mate" so loosely..but if I were to imagine meeting the one made for you, this is how I would picture it going. Of course, I would never admit that to anyone else, it probably would totally freak Mitchell out if he knew I was thinking this way. So I will just let him take the lead.. After leaving the apartments and saying goodbye, I felt like I could cry..I just felt deep down that I was leaving a part of me here and I have no idea why. So I just sucked it up and am trying to stay as positive as possible. Mitchell ended up giving me his hoodie.. I was completely shocked but I am wearing it now..and I can't stop smelling it. That forest scent just calms me..I'm afraid to wash it in the future... My mom wouldn't stop staring at me as we continued to drive to the airport and I finally had enough...I could tell she wanted to say something but was holding back. "What is it mom?" I asked while looking out the window and fighting the urge to check my phone as I felt her eyes burning into the side of my head. She was shocked to learn Mitchell was Leon's nephew when Leon told her, but that information still didn't seem to make her trust him completely. "Are you and that boy dating? Oh didn' didn't give it up to him did you?!" She gasped, making my eyes widen as my head snapped to her. I could see Leon shifting uncomfortably in his seat next to her. How freaking embarrassing..seriously?! "Mom! I just met him yesterday..and no..I didn't do THAT..jeez, what the heck mom." I muttered, feeling my face growing more red by the second. "Well, it was just the way you were looking at you guys had been intimate or something. You are wearing his hoodie for goodness sake." She grumbled, making me slap my hands over my face. Can this get any worse? "Maybe we should get you on birth I need to teach you how to put a condom on a banana? Did they teach you that in class?" Never got worse..much much worse. "Can we not?! I have no plans of doing that..not for a while..geez..why are we talking about this so openly?!" I snapped, wishing the ground would just open up and swallow me whole. She seriously had to do this in front of Leon? Did she not realize I was freaking seventeen and this is a little too late for that type of talk?! Like I know she has been MIA for the past two years but this is extreme. Since when has mom been able to talk so openly about s*x anyway? We never talked like this before...of course, she chose the worst time possible. At least Mitchell didn't end up driving us..that might of made me lose it completely. "Okay okay, I just have never seen you so smitten with someone before." She said softly, making me let out a long sigh as I turned towards the window once more while furrowing my brow..why was I so taken with Mitchell? Even now I wish he was here.. "I don't know..I guess he is just really nice and actually seems to want to know me." I admitted, shocking not only myself but my mom as well. We sat there in silence for a few moments as my words settled in, making the air grow thick. "Well that's good Maxie, I'm glad you are finally opening up. Your father wouldn't want you to hide yourself..he would want his old Maxie back.." She smiled encouragingly, her voice was gentle but what she said made my stomach drop. I know she meant no harm..but those words hurt..they hurt me bad..that old Max died the same day my dad did. I don't know who I am anymore and I don't think I could ever find that old me ever again. But with Mitchell, I felt like I was discovering a new side of wasn't the same Max from back then..but this one..I kind of liked too. I just don't know how to be her fully yet, he just has brought it out of me so far. So this is all new to me and I am just trying to figure everything out. "Darling, why don't we just let Max rest, she is probably tired from packing all day." Leon suddenly chimed in..did he notice how my mom's words hurt me? Or maybe he just felt awkward..But when I glanced over at him, I saw sympathy in his eyes. He seemed sad..was that pity for my situation? Or maybe he could relate..because he too lost someone a while ago..I have to remember that we might have more I'm common than I realize. After my mom nodded her head, I turned towards the window once more and felt my phone vibrate in my hand, causing me to quickly flip it over and see I missed a few messages. 2 Missed Texts From Mitchell: I prefer witch, I mean, why does it have to be gender specific? well..If I was a witch that is..which I'm not..I might be something much much more dangerous ;) From Mitchell: You okay? I didn't freak you out, did I? That was just my lame attempt at flirting. I couldn't help but feel my heart flutter as I read his texts..why is he so cute? To Mitchell: Sorry, my mom was just talking to me. And no, you didn't freak me out. I thought it was cute :) Oh god..I'm definitely not good at this. Why is this so nerve-wracking?! From Mitchell: Oh thank God, I thought I scared you away. To Mitchell: To be honest, I don't know if you can do anything to scare me away. I don't know why I said that..every text I send I swear brings me closer to having a damn stroke or something. From Mitchell: Do you really mean that? I read his words a few more times, trying to think of one thing that he could do that would push me away, and honestly...I came up with nothing. Well besides the obvious..but Mitchell doesn't seem like that kind of guy. I was his first I know he was kind of in the same boat as me in that department. I bit my lip nervously and began typing out my message. To Mitchell: Yeah, I do..I don't know what it is Mitchell, but with you, I felt happy again for the first time in a long time. So thank you for talking with me and being so kind. Even if we end up just being friends I am grateful I met you and that I can call you that. I quickly hit send and put my phone in the front pocket of Mitchell's hoodie. I didn't want to see his response..I didn't want to feel like a fool for being so vulnerable and baring myself like that..maybe he would say we would just be friends..and maybe that made my heart ache because I think I want more..a lot more. Just as I was spiraling into my own self-doubt, I felt my phone vibrate and slowly took it out, bracing myself for what he said.. I took a deep breath and glanced down. From Mitchell: I don't think I can be just friends with you Max Prewitt. No, let me rephrase that..I don't want to be just friends with you Max. But I don't want to rush you, so we will do this slow, and we will do it right. Then I will show you exactly what I mean. And when you are finally mine, I will never let you go. Well, that's not what I expected..
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