Chapter 13-The Warning

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(Mitchell) I began pacing back and forth in my room. The ache in my heart grows more and more the further my mate gets from me. It sucks but it's manageable right now. If Max were eighteen and her bond would've reached back, yeah, there is no way in hell l could let her go. So we have two f*****g months to figure this out. It was crazy learning my uncle was mated to Max's mom...I didn't want her to go, but I knew she would be in good hands with my Uncle Leon and Uncle Alex. My Uncle Alex ended up being Leon's Gamma, so he will help watch over Max and has sworn to keep an eye on her for me. I am terrified of what that asshole Noah is capable of.. He hates the idea of his dad being mated to a human and I know Noah almost better than anyone. We used to be best friends..that was until he started to shut me out. He shut everyone out..especially his dad. Noah isn't a nice person..he used to be. He used to be kind and outgoing but he is just a hostile prick who has a f*****g spoiled brat attitude. I know Noah has been through shit..but how can we f*****g help him when he turns into a humongous prick and pretty much burned every bridge he had. Even his pack members are terrified of him. I have seen it first hand..he flies off the handle and takes it out on the first person he sees. I don't want that to be actually, I will make f*****g sure it isn't Max. If Noah lays one single finger on my girl, he will regret it. I don't know how Leon is going to handle this..but we talked about how Noah will react and Leon decided to place Max on a totally separate floor with her own guard. Now that we know Max's dad was a werewolf, she is most likely going to shift on her eighteenth birthday in November. Leon said he didn't know much about Max's dad. He couldn't find out what pack he was from or why he didn't want Max to know what he was or what she could be. Yeah, she might not have a wolf, it is a possibility but since learning about her dad being one, Blaze feels like he can sense it deep down in her now. Like something clicked once he realized her dad was a werewolf. Then he went searching in our bond and swears something powerful was lying dormant deep inside of her. Another obvious giveaway is how open and trusting she is with me. She is accepting of the bond more than most unshifted she-wolves would already be. She just most likely thinks it's a love-at-first-sight situation though. Which I am playing into as well...I just don't want to freak her I have been testing some boundaries and feeling where she stands. She is on the same f*****g page as me so I can't help but feel optimistic and thrilled. I will be a damn perfect gentleman throughout this and not push her too far. Luckily I have had a huge support group, Mom has been incredible since I met Max. She has helped me vent and taught me how to control my urges..she is like my best friend and I probably would've freaked out more than once by now. My mom and dad were thrilled to hear Max most likely would get her wolf..but I want to be there when it happens and I want to be the one to tell her what she is before she does shift. So we are making arrangements that I will move to New York with her a few weeks before she turns eighteen and then we will stay until the end of the school year and come back to Fire Stone after we graduate. My uncle actually owns Hillcrest Academy. It is a special school for our kind and Max will be the only "human" attending, even though I do believe she does have a wolf...most of the kids there don't even have their own wolves yet though so it shouldn't be too much of an issue..but to say I am nervous is an understatement..I am freaking terrified of what can happen to her. Noah Black runs that damn school and I know he runs it ruthlessly. My mom Sara, who is Leon and Alex's sister, has spoken with a few of her old friends who have kids our age and made it a point to have some support for Max. She is so antisocial to begin with just from her previous trauma so I pray to the moon goddess that she makes some friends and stays the hell away from Noah and Courtney. But I wanted to take care of this myself too..that is why I plan to call Noah and speak with him..I know if I go the threatening route it will push Noah over the I have to try and keep my f*****g cool. As hard as that will.. I quickly looked down at my phone, staring longingly at the picture of my beautiful Max that I made as my wallpaper..Yeah..I know, it's a bit extreme but that picture she sent me earlier made my damn heart explode the moment I saw it. She was f*****g radiant..just seeing her soft smile made a warmth unlike anything I had ever felt flood through me..she truly is my sunshine. The light of my life.. ' better keep your f*****g cool..I'm not kidding..' I hastily reminded my wolf, knowing he would be the one to blow his top before I did. 'Well, if the asshole doesn't say anything to provoke me..then I will. I'm not making any promises.' He said firmly and I could feel the hostility pulsing off of him already..why do I feel like this is going to go horribly? I pulled up Noah's number and hit call before placing it to my ear and began pacing my room. "Funny, and here I thought you had forgotten about me." Noah answered the call, making me grit my teeth as his cocky attitude began to irk me already. "Noah, I need to speak with you." I cut right to the chase, not wanting to play into his little game. "Is that how you greet your best friend? No hi, how are ya? Or what have you been up to? I'm quite hurt Mitch." He said sarcastically before clicking his tongue, making me grip my phone tighter as I tried to stay calm. "And what makes you think you deserve that?" I growled angrily, my voice laced with hostility and venom..fuck..not a good start. 'And you thought I would break first..' Blaze snickered, making me glare at him internally. "Ah, there's the Mitch I love so much. You know, you and I really aren't that feel it too, how your wolf has this deep anger.." Noah began in an arrogant tone as he knew just how to rile me up. Yes, Blaze has a temper..but we have an understanding now. At first, it was hard to control but now we are connected more and it's manageable..I am nothing like Noah..he is a f*****g monster. The first time I saw him choking one of his pack members and smiling down in his face as the man's eyes became lifeless I had a chill run through my body..Noah was a killer..I mean we all have those instincts to protect our pack and kill all those who threaten it. But Noah kills for was almost like he enjoyed it. "Cut the s**t, Noah, I want you to leave Max alone. She is coming with her mom now and I think it's best you just stay away from them." I know he wants nothing to do with them, to begin with, so this shouldn't be that hard of a request. "What makes you think I am even letting them in my house?" I could hear the smirk in Noah's voice and it made that familiar anger start to bubble up. "Just stay away from her..Max is my you need to understand that if you are messing with are messing with me." My jaw clenched as I rolled my head back and let out a deep breath. I could feel Blaze trying to calm down as we became even more in tune with one another. "Ah, there it is..I was wondering why you were even f*****g calling about this. I never took you for a human lover Mitch..I mean, first Hannah runs off with a rogue and now you are mated with a human. Your parents must really be proud." He scoffed and I swear I almost threw the phone against the damn wall. Hearing Noah speak my sister's name infuriated me. "Maybe I don't want to leave her fact..I am quite interested now to meet this mysterious mate of yours. Even my dad is protective over her and you know he doesn't give a s**t about anyone but himself. But yeah, I will take your threat into consideration..thanks for the heads up dude. Don't worry dude..I will take great care of her.." And with that, he hung up. I threw my phone against the wall, shattering it completely, and regretted it in an instant. I hated losing control..I vowed to never do this in front of Max and knew I needed to work on it more..but he was threatening my mate..I can't f*****g do this. I can't let her be there with him all this time. 'Well, that went well.' Blaze joked, making me roll my eyes as I let out a deep breath. One thing I know for sure is that I need to get there sooner than I thought because there is no way in hell I am letting my Max be in the same house as Noah Black..that I'm certain of.
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