Chapter 10-Packing

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(Max) After meeting with Mitchell I couldn't help but feel a new sense of happiness that seemed to make my chest tighten and my stomach tie into knots..he asked for my number. He wants to see me again and keep in touch. This was uncharted territory for me and I was trying my hardest not to freak out. I honestly thought that after today I would never see Mitchell again and he would just go on with his life as he did before, but no..he wants to keep in contact and Leon is his freaking Uncle..what are the chances?! So he might even come and visit sometime. Ever since meeting Mitchell yesterday, I swear I couldn't stop the butterflies from fluttering in my stomach..just one touch from Mitchell and my knees automatically turned to jelly. I have never felt anything like this..not even before everything happened with my dad. I mean, I had small crushes now and then, but nothing like this. The closest I had ever gotten to having a boyfriend was Peter Chapman. I had known him since grade school and one day after the high school football game he came up to me and kissed me randomly, I was shocked. It didn't lead anywhere and he ended up dating a girl named Amber two days later, but that's about as far as I've gone with a guy, besides hugging friends. So with Mitchell, this is all new and I feel like my heart races every time he crosses my mind, which is quite often I must admit... Before I could even say goodbye, Mitchell ended up calling in sick to school, which I wasn't too thrilled about..I was afraid he would get in trouble. But he offered to help me pack and I thought that was really I couldn't refuse. I don't know what came over me but I said yes, now he was in my room helping me pack up the few things I owned. He even called his uncle and told him how he knew me, and then stepped outside and seemed to have a pretty lengthy conversation with him. I wondered what they were talking about and just chalked it up to getting caught up on things. "Do you paint?" Mitchell suddenly asked, yanking me from my thoughts as I turned my head towards him and noticed that he had found a few of my old paintings. I almost forgot about those, I kept them way in the back of my closet behind some boxes of my dad's stuff. My mom got rid of a lot of his stuff because it was too hard for her to keep around the house so I kept a few of his shirts and pictures in there. I saved a couple more on my phone that I always scroll through every night before bed, but those are all I have other than the two in those boxes. "Umm, I used has kind of been hard since my dad passed." I explained, wondering why I just confessed that to him. I haven't even told my mom that fully..she just guessed since she never saw me painting anymore. "Wow, Max, you are really good." He exclaimed, his eyes lingering on one picture in particular. It was a painting of the forest with a black wolf howling at the moon. I decided to paint this scene after I witnessed it with my very own was incredible..I remember that day so clearly. We were on our annual camping trip and for some reason I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep. So I snuck out of my tent and walked down to the lake that wasn't too far away. I never felt scared in these fact, it felt like a second home to me. I was sitting on a rock when I noticed a black wolf a few yards away. For some reason I didn't feel frightened, the wolf and I just stared at one another for a few minutes and then my mom called for me and I went back. That night always stuck with still does to this day. "Thanks." Was all I could muster in response, feeling kind of awkward and not sure what to say exactly. "Maybe one day you can paint me something." Mitchell whispered, his eyes now staring at me intently, causing my stomach to flip. " want me to paint you something?" I stuttered, my blue eyes gazing into his brown ones. "I would love that Max." He said warmly, making a smile form on my lips as I nodded my head, and for the first time in two years, I suddenly felt the urge to paint. What was this guy doing to me? "I will try when I get to New York. You said you visit often?" I didn't want to sound too eager but just the mere idea of seeing Mitchell again excited me. "Yep, so don't think you can get rid of me that easy okay?" He teased, making me laugh as I smiled to myself and continued wrapping up a few snow globes my dad bought me. Suddenly there was a soft knock at the door, making Mitchell turn his back towards me as he went to open it. I was surprised by how comfortable he felt here already. "Hey Uncle Leon, we are almost done." He announced, making me blink my eyes as I watched Leon walk into the room and look between the boxes we had already packed. I noticed the way he patted Mitchell on the back lovingly before turning his cool gaze towards him. "Thanks kiddo for helping Max out." He smiled softly and Mitchell returned it but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes, making a pang of sadness jolt through me. "You're mom just ran to the apartment manager's office to fill out some paperwork." Leon explained and I nodded my head gently. "What time are you guys leaving here? Maybe we can all go out to lunch before you go." Mitchell's voice sounded hopeful and I couldn't help but feel it too. Going to lunch with Mitchell sounds great.. "We won't have time, the movers are coming in half an hour and then we are heading to the airport. Sorry Mitch.." Leon looked truly sorry as his brows furrowed together and his mouth was set in a frown. "It's sure you don't want me to drive you guys?" He offered, well maybe pleaded. He must be really close to his uncle and wants to spend as much time with him as possible. Yeah, that has to be it. "Actually your mom called, they want you over there after this." Leon informed Mitchell, he sounded serious and suddenly my stomach dropped. I hope Mitchell doesn't get in trouble for skipping school..did his mom find out from the school? "Okay, I'm going to just help Max finish up and then I will head over." He replied cooly..not seeming bothered one bit.. Just then Leon's phone began to ring and he swiftly lifted it up to his eyeline before scanning the screen. Within seconds his demeanor changed as a disapproving look flashed across his face causing him to let out a deep sigh before excusing himself and leaving the room. "Mitchell, you're not going to get in trouble because of me are you?" I whispered nervously before biting my lip and looking down at my lap. Before Mitchell responded, I felt him coming closer to me as he suddenly kneeled down in front of me and reached his hand out, gripping my chin gently. "Beautiful girl, don't worry about me okay? I know the principal, he is a family friend." He smirked, causing his lip ring to move as my eyes darted down to his mouth quickly. The urge to reach up and touch it rose inside of me as these weird emotions continued to surprise me. I had never seen a guy pull off a lip ring as well as Mitchell does..he is just so freaking handsome and the way his blue streaks blend in with his brown hair, it makes him look so sexy. Wait..did I seriously just think that?! I could feel my cheeks burning red as Mitchell slowly tilted my head back, his eyes burning into mine as I swallowed hard. "What if I told you I really wanted to kiss you?" He breathed, his mouth mere inches from mine as his warm breath fanned against me, making me shiver. "Can I kiss you Max?" He asked, making my lips part as I slowly nodded my head, feeling stuck in some type of trance as I couldn't believe I just nodded my head. But I wanted him to kiss me..really bad. I watched as Mitchell moved down, his eyes darting to my lips and that's when I fluttered my eyes shut. I swear my heart was about to beat out of my chest as I felt his soft lips brush against mine. It was as if thousands of fireworks went off inside of me. My head began to spin as I reached my hands up, gripping Mitchell's shirt as he pressed his juicy lips against me. I felt like I was suddenly engulfed in a rush of passion as I sunk deeper and deeper into Mitchell's touch, letting the feeling inside of me consume me completely. Mitchell's hands slipped up, his fingers weaving their way into my hair as I heard him growl against me, causing me to whimper. What the hell is wrong with me?! I just met this guy yesterday! Suddenly I pulled back, the fog clearing as reality hit and I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth in shock. "I..I'm sorry, I don't usually do that." I blurted, feeling like an i***t just as the words left me. I felt like I couldn't even look Mitchell in the eye..feeling embarrassed for my actions as I suddenly heard a low chuckle before Mitchell reached up and gripped my wrist, pulling my hand down away from my mouth. "Max, look at me." He whispered, making me drag my eyes to his face as I saw a goofy grin now filling it. "I know you're not that kind of girl..and to be honest, that was my first kiss ever." He confessed, making me gasp a little too dramatically. His first kiss?! How the hell is that possible? Mitchell is a freaking god..he is so gorgeous and I have heard what the girls at school say about him. I didn't realize who he was when I first met him but after the name clicked I realized he was one of the most popular guys in school and every girl wanted to be with him. "Is that so shocking?" He laughed, making me nod my head yes which caused him to laugh even louder. "You're just" I confessed, stating the obvious as I saw him now grinning cockily. "You think I'm hot?" Mitchell teased, making me frown and slap him playfully on the chest. "Come on, you have to know that..I just thought you would have kissed lots of girls by now." I grumbled, the mere idea causing a fit of jealousy I didn't like to rise up. Why did that make me so jealous? "Nope, just you." He beamed, making my cheeks redden as my stomach flipped uncontrollably. "Well..I just had one kiss wasn't really a kiss more like a surprise..and it was definitely nothing like..that.." I rambled out, making Mitchell scoot closer to me as his hand reached up to touch my cheek. "No other kiss will ever be like that. Or like this." He whispered before bending down and claiming my lips once more. This time I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him. Those same sparks like before danced across my skin as Mitchell's lips glided against me. Feeling the metal from his lip ring was a sensation I quite liked as it brushed agaisnt my skin, tickling me.. He tasted so sweet, and for a moment I wondered if he was wearing some type of scented chapstick or something..he tasted freaking amazing. I felt his tongue glide across my bottom lip as I moaned softly, causing a deep growl to rumble from his chest as I swear my panties became instantly soaked, surprising me completely..Holy shit..what just happened? Just as I was really getting into it, there was a loud knock on the door, causing me to jump back from surprise as Mitchell looked towards the door completely annoyed. "What is it, uncle Leon?" He grumbled, making me cover my eyes with my hands from embarrassment. How did he know it was his uncle and not my mom? "The movers will be here in fifteen, so you better finish up Mitchell." Leon informed us, saying Mitchell's name more sternly than I had heard before. "Got it." Mitchell answered back before letting out a deep sigh. "Come here." He whispered, his hands reaching for me as he pulled me into a warm embrace. "I want you to call me as soon as you settle in okay? And Max..just stay away from Noah. If he gives you any trouble you just tell me and I will handle it okay?" He explained and I just nodded my head. Would Noah not like me? I mean..I am coming into his house and kind of maybe I should just not get in his way... "f**k, why am I already missing you like crazy?" He breathed, making my heart ache as I pulled back to look up at him. Was he feeling the same way I was? "I'm going to miss you too." I confessed, making him lean down as he placed a kiss on my forehead, resting his mouth against me for a few minutes before inhaling deeply and pulling away. "We will see each other soon..and I want you to call me whenever you want okay? No matter the time...I'm serious Max." He said firmly and I nodded my head making him smile down at me sweetly. "Good girl, now let's finish packing up before my uncle comes in here and kicks my ass." He winked, making my cheeks flush as I nodded once again..yeah, I think I'm pretty much speechless..what the hell just happened?! And why does it feel like Mitchell is my boyfriend now? Wow..what a day so far..Can't wait to see what happens next.
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