Chapter 8-Saying Goodbye

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(Max) I stayed up all night tossing and turning in my bed..I couldn't believe we were moving today. This was all happening so damn fast and I was even gaining a freaking family literally overnight. Apparently I'm going to have a stepbrother and I couldn't be filled with more anxiety. To make things even worse, I felt horrible about having to leave Mitchell..I know it sounds weird, I have only known the guy for one day really but I feel like I'm leaving the only friend I have made since with all that stuff yesterday and how he held my hand..I guess I thought maybe it could blossom into something more. But that just might be revealing how naive I really am. I'm probably overreading the whole situation and he does that with all his friends..but I felt sad for some reason. Since our flight wasn't until 4 p.m., I made sure to set my alarm for school time so I could meet Mitchell downstairs since I didn't have his number and I didn't want him to be late for school. I quickly hopped out of bed and went to take my shower, I felt like my stomach was tied in knots as I pulled my damp hair up into a bun and slipped on some light-wash jeans and a navy blue knit sweater..yeah, I don't know why I'm dressing up nicer than usual... I even put on some of my mom's makeup.. I quickly slipped on my black sneakers and made my way downstairs, just leaving the door unlocked since my mom was home sleeping. I was going to be gone for only a few minutes anyway. I jogged down the three flights of stairs and bit my lips nervously as I started to approach where Mitchell said to meet up. Maybe he wouldn't be there..he could've forgotten. Or maybe he was just trying to be nice. I began spiraling down that negative rabbit hole as I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the certain rejection I now expected..trying to convince myself that this guy wanted nothing to do with someone like me. So you can imagine how surprised I was when I lifted my gaze and saw a beaming Mitchell as he waved his arm happily toward me. I couldn't help but return that smile as I walked over towards him, every step making my heart race faster and faster until I was now right in front of him. "Good morning beautiful, ready to go?" He asked in his deep velvety tone, making my knees grow weak as I just stared at him in utter shock. Did he really just call me beautiful? No guy had ever referred to me as that..I mean other than my dad. At least not to my face. Did he really think I was beautiful? "Hello, Max? You okay?" He said while bending down to my level and placing his face mere inches from mine. A handsome smirk pulled at his face as his eyes suddenly darted to my back, causing his brows to furrow. "Where's your backpack? Did you forget it?" He asked curiously, snapping me back to reality as I cleared my throat and averted my gaze. His warm brown eyes were almost too intimidating as he stared at me so intently. "Well, that's the see." What the hell was wrong with me? I became a mumbling mess as Mitchell reached his hands up, resting them on my shoulders, causing tingles to rush through me. What the hell was that?! My eyes widened from his touch as I stared at him. Did he just feel that too? "Hey, you can tell me anything..what's wrong Max?" He sounded worried as he began to search my now red face as I began playing with the hem of my sweater. I feel like a total i***t right yeah, I was anti-social before but this is a whole new level of awkward spewing out of me..but the odd thing was..Mitchell's touch seemed to calm me immediately as I let out a deep breath and nodded my head. Clearing my mind from this brain fog that seemed to plague me as I met his honey gaze once more. "I'm sorry, I won't be going to school today because I guess I'm moving." I laughed before raising my hand and brushing a stray lock of curly hair out of my eyes. "Moving? What do you mean?" Mitchell asked, his voice sounding slightly panicked as I shifted on my feet nervously. "Well, apparently my mom is engaged. She has been seeing this guy for a month or something. He lives in New York..real big guy I swear, I don't even know how I missed him.." I muttered the last part, remembering how Leon towered over me. He was freaking huge. "Wait...New York?!" Mitchell shouted, he sounded completely caught off guard and it really surprised me. He sounded just as shocked as I was last night. "I's really sudden..but honestly, I haven't seen my mom this happy in so long..not since everything happened. And I'm used to moving so don't worry about me, I just felt bad because you were waiting out I mean you probably were just being nice or something and I guess I just don't need to make a big deal about.." I began to ramble, wishing I could stop..please make it stop. "Hey's okay..calm down." Mitchell said much more calmly now, making me feel calm as he reached up and pushed that wild lock of hair behind my ear. Making more tingles erupt across my cheek as butterflies flooded my stomach. "Tell me more about this guy.." He stated, his hand gliding down as he wove his fingers with mine and began pulling me toward a small outside sitting area in our apartment complex. It was hard not to stare down at his large hand engulfing my own. His tan skin looked so soft and smooth, I couldn't help but glide my thumb across his flesh, exploring the feel of him. I swear I just sat there staring at our hands for a good five minutes, and Mitchell just let me..Did this feel good to him too? "Max, do you mind if I ask what the guy's name is?" He whispered, making me lift my gaze as I was now staring at his handsome face. "Leon..I don't remember his last name..I know..that's bad. I'm not really good with names." I admitted sheepishly. "Fuck..of course it is." Mitchell whispered to himself before letting out a deep sigh and running his free hand through his brown and blue locks. "This is going to sound crazy..but is his last name Black?" He asked carefully and I suddenly perked up, yeah that was it! How did he know? "Yeah!" I said a little too excitedly making Mitchell roll his head back as he closed his eyes like he was trying to keep calm. "That's my uncle." He dropped that bomb, making me laugh as I couldn't believe the chances. "Really?! No way!" I gasped, seeing Mitchell nod his head sadly as I began to frown. " that a bad thing?" I whispered, sensing Mitchell was upset about this. "No, my uncle is's just.." He trailed off, looking down at our hands once more before scooting closer to me. "I don't want you to go." He admitted, making me flutter my eyelashes as I tried to process the words he said. He didn't want me to leave? Could it be possible that he feels this too? "I know..I don't really want to go either..but I know this is what will finally make my mom happy..I..I screwed it up before, I don't want to ruin it again for her." I whispered, feeling raw and vulnerable as I bared my true feelings to this practical stranger. "Hey..come here. I doubt your mom feels that don't blame what happened with your dad on yourself do you?" His voice was serious as he moved his hand from mine and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. I couldn't help but bury my head against him, inhaling his earthy scent. It was so calming and filled me with such warmth as it reminded me of home..that's why it felt so reminded me of that forest I loved so much. "If he hadn't picked me up from my friend's house that night, he would still be here." I confessed, never truly admitting this to anyone. I never wanted to put my burdens on anyone else. "Max..I didn't know your dad, but from the way you talk about him I have a feeling he loved you a lot..that being said, I doubt he would ever blame you for what happened..I don't know the whole story, but a loving father picking up his daughter from a friend's house isn't something that would be the cause of this tragedy.." His words vibrated from his chest, and went straight to my heart, soaking into me as I couldn't help the tears that spilled down my cheeks. "Thank you for saying that." I choked out, feeling Mitchell wrap his arms around me tighter as he rested his chin on the top of my head. Why did I feel so comfortable with this guy? What is wrong with me.. "You should get going, I don't want you to be late." I squeaked before swiping my tears away. I felt Mitchell pull back as he peered down at me worriedly. "I know this is going to sound weird..but would it be okay if we exchanged numbers?" He asked nervously, his hand reaching into his front pocket for his phone. "That's not weird." I smiled before grabbing his phone and typing my number into it. I could feel my cheeks heating as I saved it and passed the phone back to him. What the hell has gotten into me? I feel like I'm acting like a real teenager for the first time in my life. "Besides I will probably see you soon. I visit my uncle often so now that you live there we can still see each other." He smiled brightly before brushing his fingers against my cheek once more. "Really?! That would be great." I admitted, feeling some type of hope once again. I don't know why, but learning that Leon is Mitchell's uncle makes this a whole lot better..maybe living in New York won't be so bad..and maybe my new stepbrother will be just as great as Mitchell, for the first time in a while I feel like I have hope.
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