Allies First Impressions

1217 Words
Allie could hear his retreating steps as he left the door after slamming it in her face. His tirade of cursing in the hall. With phrases of never again will a Delmont take him for a fool. He was cursing the day he met the "Damn Delmont sisters and the whole damn family." She could not blame his irritation, she would probably be the same or much worse given the circumstances. Allie pressed the button again. The bell chimed and she hoped that there would be a different outcome than the slamming of the door in her face. She heard his curt reply from inside the study. "Go away, Allie. I don't want to play "stake Joel out by his balls today. If you haven’t already guessed I don’t want you anywhere within a 100 mile radius of me.” Having heard his clear aversion to her being near him Allie cleared her throat and yelled . "Honestly Joel, open the door so we can talk." She heard another round of swearing she only hoped he would let cooler heads prevail and open the door. She paced nervously on the steps waiting for him to answer again. He had already barked at her for ringing it. Maybe she should piss him off again? As glorious as that would be she needed to act like an adult and not aggravate the situation. He was her first and only love and now she couldn't believe he would kill her sister but, she had to find the truth no matter what. She definitely didn’t need to be thinking with her lady bits thats for sure especially about Joel McBride. Allie kept her feelings locked down tight. She would convince herself that she had no feelings for Joel McBride not a single one. Nope that ship has sailed and it is lost at sea as far as she and her lady bits were concerned. Now she would nope the hell out of all that stupidity immediately if only she could get her body on board with the fact. She rang the bell again, because clearly she couldn’t resist the pull of it, knowing it might send him into orbit. She snickered a little hoping he didn’t hear her on the other side of the door. A angry voice sounded from inside. “Touch the bell again Allison Jaynes Delmont,Im warning you!” Did he really just full name me? Im sorta glad I rang it now. She glared daggers and extended a finger to press the button again. She knew she shouldn’t antagonize him. She was an FBI agent after all, and she was a trained professional. Spotting the ring bell cam she made a face poking her tongue out at it. His growl of irritation could be heard through the speaker on the device. “Why are you still here and what age are you making faces at my ring cam like that?” He barked into the speaker sounding every bit the pissed off man he was. A small giggle emitted from deep within her. She got a perverse pleasure from the thought of pissing him off. Plastering her 'sweet me' smile on her face she watched him approach the door again. He wrenched the door open huffing in irritation. Allie knew she was pushing the envelope a bit to far. There was a grim line that settled between his brows where there never used to be one. A smile used to be there instead of the permanent scowl that resides there now. The playful smile that invited more than its share of compliments now a thing of the past. That sexy smile used to melt her heart with sensual fantasies, now just tugs at her heart in sympathy. She made an initial gut response to his appearance and attitude. He appears to be withdrawn and irritated. Pretty much in line for a person falsely accused of a crime and lost everything. Though he looked worse for the wear mentally, the physical aspects were much less obvious. He did look like he had aged considerably in the year, but he still had that s*x appeal she was not immune too. And by appealing she meant her panties were already soaked and her n*****s were hard and rubbing against her lace chemise. Thank goodness, she was smart enough to wear a light blazer and loose slacks. He was in jogging shorts and a T-shirt. His chiseled muscular chest pulled the fabric taught showing every ripple. She could just imagine running her fingertips across them as they jumped under her touch. As her eyes worked down his body, she took in his slim waist and his muscular thighs. Squeezing her leg muscles, she stifled a moan that lingered dangerously close to becoming airborne. Her eyes opened wide and she held her breath. There was a notable outline where his manhood laid off to the left. "Damn but those shorts should be outlawed in all 50 states and Canada."Her mouth watered just looking at him again. She kept her attention on his package for just a few seconds too long. Too her total mortification he also noticed her longing look. A hint of amusement crossed his lips and he stared at her and raised his brows. "Inventory done Allie, or are you trying to see if I buckle under pressure?" He asked tightly. Joel focused on anything that would defeat his arousal from becoming noticeably more evident in his shorts. A hot flood of wetness soaked Allies panties and she shifted under his glare. s****l tension bounced in the air between them. Lifting her eyes to meet his once again all she encountered was a cold blank stare that once held her in place with wanton desire. She cleared her throat and shifted her weight. "Can we try this part again. "Hi Joel, long time no see." She whispered and held out a hand. His eyes narrowed at her and he growled. "If you're here to pin this on me too, get in line behind your old man. He is the first rider on this train wreck of my life,”Allie chewed the inside of her cheek and blew out a staggered sigh. This might be more difficult then she thought. If his mood is any indication of how well it will go, she was sunk. She may need more than three weeks. She blinked looking up at him shifting from side to side. He had a packet of papers clutched in his hand he thrust toward her. "Whoa there, Joel, chill. What the hell are these?" She asked taken by surprise. "Read them for yourself. If you want to stay your room is at the top of the stairs on the left. I am going for a run. I'll move the rest of the files in there when I'm done . No doubt you'll want to play 'crucify my ass' like your old man." He stormed out of the house and slammed the door behind him. She walked further into the house. Looking around for some tell tale signs of a set up. She stopped at the door to the study and looked around. Nothing was out of place. This was going to be a long hard case to crack.
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