Allie home alone maybe?

1489 Words
Allie started reading through the pack of papers Joel thrusted into her hands. The first thing she noticed was that Delron was all over it, which meant that she would be seeing some very familiar names. She wasn't surprised when she finally found the names she was looking for. Her father’s and his attorneys names were all over it. But why? Yeah her sister died but this seems very overkill to her. She looked at the date and pulled out her phone to note the date on the document. Her sister wasn’t even buried yet and this paper was delivered and notarized. There was no way this document wasn’t prepared before hand meaning someone had a contingency plan. This is a nightmare of epic proportions. Not only was he losing everything he worked his life for he was on the hook for millions more if he lost this case. Seems dear old daddy was up to dirty deeds. Allie drug her hand down her face and groaned. Apparently, her father wanted financial reimbursement for the loss of his daughter. She could see why Joel was in a sour mood and she could not blame him. Her father has been making his life hell since Callie died. But that in itself made Allie even more curious. The more questions she asked the more she realized her father was in a-lot of questionable activities. Why did her father have such a hard-on for Joel? When she got the news Callie died she did not jump to Joel killing her. Not in her mind at least, and to be completely honest with herself she first asked if Callie had stumbled upon something shady their father was doing. Allie knew then she needed to drop all her preconceived crap and follow the leads. Leads her father obviously did not want exposed since he would not send her the files. She had the feeling of being the last rat on a sinking vessel and she didn’t like it one bit. Her gut was twisting and telling her she got it all wrong at first glance. It was too neat to open and shut. The really unnerving part was everyone including Joel's old friends and supporters turned their backs on him. "What the hell is going on here?" She whispered tightly as she thought about what she knew about the case. She now had a gut feeling about it and it was not in the best interests of her father. Allie drew her brows in tight and ground her teeth triggering a nasty little stress headache. She made a note to find some pain relievers when she unpacked. Or maybe a nice strong drink was in order. Right at that moment she glanced at something in the corner of the room. It drew her attention and her anxiety peaked she knew what she was looking at. Now the question begs did Joel see this? It wasn't flashing so it must be dead but it is definitely a Delron electronics camera. She nudged it off the wall using gloves and placed it on the table and grabbed a small plastic bag she always carries in her pocket. She needed to show this to Joel when he returned later. Putting it back into her pocket she went to her suitcase and popped the latch to retrieve a small evidence box and stored the camera inside. If this was the DX2000 it means that the camera has a microchip inside it. She would upload the chip file to her cloud storage. She struggled to drag her bag upstairs to her room. There was a file box full of papers and pictures on the bed. He must've forgotten he had already moved it she shrugged and continued into the room. She looked into the box and pulled a picture out. Staring at it numbly, she thought that is what her sister's life amounted to: a box sitting in the middle of a room. There is no way this was all there was. Something was missing and by the looks of it there was a-lot missing. A cold chill whipped down her spine and her head pounded in response. This picture looked familiar but that's impossible. She saw this picture before but where and when? Her head pulsed again and she pulled out her phone and took a picture then tapped her contacts and sent it off along with the chip file on the camera. “Let’s see what they were looking for shall we?” All this could wait a while, there was more here than meets the eye. Her head was screaming as the tension that was between her eyes now settled stubbornly between her shoulder blades. Her finely tuned radar was setting off alarms in her mind. She peeked out her door and scanned the hall, Joel wasn’t back, so she could poke around a little more. Allie was being nosy and wanted to investigate while Joel was out. That was another tell in itself. Why would he leave her alone in the house if he was hiding something? More questions than answers. Allie snaked her way through the house upstairs and down. She mentally checked off questions as she walked around and clicked a few pictures she knew she had to preserve the images of the house incase things came up missing or something. The fact was the house looked exactly the same since Joel’s father had been here. Joel never changed anything. Even the butter yellow kitchen that his mother seemed to adore. In the master bedroom she looked at the bed, her sister's side was still made and her gown laid in the same spot she always had it. It was folded, ready for her to slip into for the night. The one thing about Callie was she was OCD about her rituals and how she laid out her belongings. She opened and closed drawers looking for anything that screamed divorce or unhappiness like the press release insinuated. What she found quite the opposite. She needed to go look for more and made her way around the house and back to her room. She was sure to also take inventory of every room and hall she was able to see. Documenting everything with pictures and cliff notes. He still had all their mementos out and pictures still on the walls. This was not an act of someone trying to erase his wife from his life. Then again, Joel knew how to work the system, being an ex-cop. That is another thing her father pushed the mayor for, Joel's resignation. He was systematically trying to destroy the man who married his daughter. Allie drummed her fingers on the lid of the box. She had so many questions about him. Bigger than that though was why was her father was so determined to get Joel? Was it the actions of a grieving father or was it the actions of someone trying to control the outcome? She shrugged and sighed. One thing was certain, she was not jumping to any conclusions like her family has in other words her father playing judge jury and executioner. She wants the truth. If he is innocent she will prove it. She started putting her stuff away when she heard the door downstairs shut. "Wow, that was a fast run he is usually gone a couple hours." She thought to herself. He did not announce himself, that was unlike Joel. He knew how cops reacted when startled, especially with a special agent posed as a PI upstairs who learned a thousand different ways to kill a suspect. She grabbed her Browning and moved slowly across the floor. Opening the door quietly she continued to the stairs. She was glad she kicked off her shoes, however, if she had to chase whoever was down stairs it could be difficult in bare feet. Her gun was trained in front of her as she crept down the stairs. One by one, her senses were on high alert as she moved, inching closer to the front door. About halfway down she saw the door swing open and caught the look on Joel's face. She moved a finger to her mouth and pointed down stairs. He nodded and pulled his own gun and moved to the interior of the house. She wondered what brought him back so quickly. To her surprise he whispered. " Delron truck in the alley. Allie was suitably surprised by that bit of information. He motioned for them to move in closer to the den. His eyebrows raised when they heard shuffling of papers. Barely above a whisper Joel to her quietly. I usually run a different route every day. Today was my ally day." Her startled look was almost comical as she walked beside him. "She will find out now what a total bastard her father is!" He thought to himself
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