Joel Looses his cool.

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The slamming of doors and the sound of cursing rent the air. One didn't need to see his face to know he was not in a good mood. Good mood hell he was pissed off and letting everyone who had the misfortune of risking the ringing of the bell know it. "I am coming, damn it." She heard his angry reply to the bell's cheerful chiming. He was coming apart at the edges and rightfully so. Allie knew how hard nosed her father and his cluster of sharks could be If Joel was innocent, he just lost everything that was dear to him. Because of Ron Delmont. Allie wrinkled her nose in thought.She remembered a time when Joels father had run in with Ron and it also ended with death. Allie stood waiting for his first initial reaction those are the ones that tell you what you need to know. She knew Joel was going to be in orbit for her showing up here who would blame him? If he is not innocent he is going down that's a fact. It is her job is to prove it, one way or the other. He wrenched open the door, irritation clearly magnified in his features. And, there it was the first reaction she was looking for his anger and despair written on his face. The thing about Joel is he is very transparent when he has hit his limits you can be sure you will know. He looks like he has not slept a night in the past year and that aged him. He didn't look like the happy go lucky guy she remembered. He was a shell of his former self. He was still amazingly handsome but, there was a look in his eyes that said he was tired and done. He didn't have to say anything about the damage done to his credibility and life itself. She knew some of Joel's life and it confused her how a by the book cop and decorated detective goes so far off the reservation. They say he staged the scene of her sister's death. However the IAB said that things were not adding up. There were too many questions and not enough answers to pin it to Joel. By looking at him and his face she then there knew she had been mistaken about him. "s**t Joel!" She swallowed hard and looked at him with sympathy. "Why did you just give up Joel? I mean the evidence it tells a different story." She eyed him as he shook his head. There was blood where it shouldn’t be. There was also blood evidence inside the motor compartment that didn't match Joel's. There was fingerprints belonging to her father who said he was changing her oil. Ronald Delmont didn't know a dipstick from a spark plug. Things were looking so convoluted and out of place that Allie struggled to keep her head clear. There was also recent recordings that seemed to seep to the press of vicious fights between Joel and Callie. The press claiming protected sources. She needed to get in there and do some inspecting on her own. That was the only way she could do her job and clear Joel or send him to the gas chamber. Allie rubbed her hand across the twill blue pants she wore. Her palms were sweating so shaking hands would probably make it worse. Damn humidity. "Yeah that's gross, like shaking hands with a water balloon." Allie thought as she pulled her hand back quickly. She dropped her gaze and shifted nervously when his glare settled on her. Shivering slightly, it reminded her that she was the one who once had feelings for Joel but he brushed her off for her twin sister. His piercing brown eyes were raking across her body and a dazed look crossed his features like he was seeing a ghost. She looked just like Callie, but that's as far as it went. They were twins but different as night and day. Shaking off the initial shock, he narrowed his eyes and glared. She smiled warmly and spoke softly. "Joel, it's so nice to see you again." He furrowed his brow and ground out the next words through clenched teeth. "Yeah, as nice as chewing glass." She sighed softly and thought "Yeah piece of cake. He will never buy the Im stopping by to catch up with my old friend excuse. Joel is not a fool. He knows what he’s facing. This was going to prove to be more difficult than she originally thought. Not just her memories are in play but Joel had his guard up along with the McBride temper. He could have a short fuse, but she never saw it cross any lines to a physical assault, mainly a lot of yelling and a few curses and running hands through his hair but never physical aggression. The old feelings she once had resurfaced and she had to remind herself, he blew her off. The hurt she endured was excruciating to her ego. It was not like she told him she had a thing for him but she thought he knew. If the blushing and carrying on wasn't enough Joel McBride was panty soaking, jaw dropping gorgeous. Women usually crawled all over themselves to get him and she was no exception. Seeing him again brought back every pain-induced memory of his rejection to date her twin. That is when she went to the federal sector. She could not deal with the man she loved going for her sister. Callie and Allie were identical twins and their parents often confused them. Hell, most people confused them. If it wasn't for the fact that Callie always needed their father's attention there would be no telling them apart. Allie has had a boyfriend or two of Callie's tweek a n****e or end up in a kiss. She thought back to a time when she walked into the room and even Joel confused them. Before she could move or open her mouth, she was in a kiss that stole her breath. His mouth was soft as velvet and his tongue stroked the roof of her mouth lingering in the taste of her. She felt his hand on the globe of her ass and she did not even try to break away from it. She let her tongue mix with his, tasting him, drinking in his essence like a vampire. His kiss almost knocked her to her knees. It was hot and over way too fast. Her face was beat red when Callie decided to make her appearance known. "Hey babe, do you like kissing my sister? Joel was suitably shocked and looked at Allie who had just been thoroughly kissed by him."It seems like we can even fool you." She winked evilly at Allie and joined the two in the room. Allie wished she had been more aggressive and wanted her man but, her loyalty to her undeserving sister won out at the end of the day. He let go of her so fast she stumbled and almost crumbled to the floor. If it were not for him holding her up, she would have. He blinked a few times trying to register it in his mind. Did he forgot they were twins, because that kiss was mind melting good. She sighed softly. She never let another man get that close again. There was only one man for her, and that was Joel McBride. Clearly he was not happy seeing her again and he made sure that was clear when he slammed the door in her face. He wanted no more to do with her or her family then one wanted to do with a rattlesnake. "Come on, Joel ,open the door stop playing." She complained trying to sound light hearted and not like the death weaver on his doorstep.
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