Someone Gases the house.

1187 Words
Joel looked around taking in the scene, the person was looking for something and he could probably guess what. . He was a good cop and great detective. was always observant and kept his eyes open and alert. How did he miss so much? Was he truly becoming so complacent in his life that he missed the signs? . Allie tugged his shoulder and barely above a whisper said. " Theres was a Delron defective camera in the study . I took it off the wall to show you." His expression was startled he had no clue it was there. He clenched his fist and jaw he knew the door was not jimmied or picked meaning whoever was here had a key. Now the question begs who is here and what are they looking for this time? Maybe it was the camera they originally missed. He caught up with her quickly at the door to the study. He didn't realize he stood there for so long. she quietly mouthed. "Did you see who it is?" Her face read her uneasiness. The same as his after the first break in. He learned quickly not to call his brothers in blue after 12 hours in the interrogation room. They actually accused him of staging the crime. What a cruel turn his life has taken. He shook his head no and grabbed her arm and moved her behind him. He most assuredly was not going to lose another of the pricks daughters on his watch. They would seek the death penalty for sure. And a ex-cop at that no thank you. They would call out the national guard for a terrorist attack. Allie leveled a glare that said 'you’re such a guy'. He smirked and smiled she thought he was being a caveman but, selfishly he didn't want to admit he still cared for her it meant nothing but, he wasn't a total ass well that was until he caught the sight of her heaving breasts. He looked away just as quickly God knows he shouldn't be looking at her. Obviously, whoever was in the house caught her off guard and made her nervous. Her breathing was shallow and made her breasts dance behind the cloth that covered them. He suddenly remembered her dire hatred bra's mid evil torture devices she had called them. She explained that it felt like they were choking the very life from her body starting with her boobs. He bit back a groan and thought to himself what he wouldn't give to trace his tongue around one of the turgid n*****s that was calling his attention to her shirt. She oozed sexiness, standing there beside him. He liked a woman who could hold her own and still be sexy as hell but rely on him to protect her a little ego stroking goes a long ways in the love process . But, he definitely wasn't in love not with another Delmont woman not ever again nope not him. She was so different from her sister, even though they were twins. Allie was sexier in her rugged dress out gear preparing to storm into a building to save the day and it didn't stop there Allie was his idea of perfection. She liked to go shoot at the range with him. Especially when they took a weekend for survival training. They would burn off the day's adrenaline kick with hours of hot obstacle course runs in the outside elements. The one thing that would rock his world is that s*x with Allie would be raw and naughty natural and breathtaking. She seemed like she loved wild uninhibited s*x. Callie was closeted and closed off she never liked s*x . Joel knew his thoughts were skirting the line but, looking at Allie was like taking a new breath of air after holding it so long. God what had he been thinking marrying Callie? Callie's idea of survival was having no spa's nearby to get her weekly treatments. He ground his teeth until his jaw hurt and shook his head to clear his thoughts. It was all in the past water well and truly under the bridge never to be crossed again. Allie eyed him suspiciously if she only knew what direction his perverted brain went she would probably shoot him herself. He changed his stance so she wouldn't see the evidence of his thoughts in his pants. "On three we go in. 1.... 2.... 3" He whispered through clenched teeth. They had just started to go in as they heard the crash of the window and blinding, stinging smoke plumed from the room. Burning gas swirled at their feet making breathing hard and seeing impossible. They needed to get outside fast and rinse the burning liquid off. "It's tear gas." He gasped and slammed his hand over his mouth. He ripped his shirt off to hold it over his nose and eyes. He darted for the door dragging her with him. She did the same with her shirt, the thin material gave no resistance to the gas fumes seeping through it. The little chemise under her t-shirt showed every outline of her small but perky breasts. Breasts he was diligently trying hard not to leer at. Beings they were just tear gassed out of his own damn house. His eyes immediately began to water and his lungs burned with a vengeance. They say tear gas makes your eyes burn but, your lungs feel like you just deep boxed a carton of smokes all at once. They both staggered out into the air gasping and choking. Allies face was pale and she had that what the hell just happened look. "Yeah, welcome to my world sweetheart!" They stood half bent over drawing in healthy lungfulls of clean air. He grabbed the water hose and turned it on full blast squirting them both down to get the gas off them. As sharp and startling as the water was Allie was glad to get the gas off her so she could breathe a little better. She grabbed the hose and soaked the back of him. To say she was pissed was a understatement . "Who in the hell was that?" She demanded, fear and aggression making her voice raise an octave. Tucking her gun into her waistband she eyed him skeptically. Her fists balled at her sides as she waited for a answer. Shaking his head he looked at her his eyes sparking with deadly intent . "Go ask your old man, I am sure he is having a good laugh . Maybe you can let daddy dearest know your here so he doesn't murder another of his daughters. I am going to open the house." He stormed off, grabbed a gas mask out of the garage. He could see Allie still standing in the same spot shell shocked at his last statement. He said he spotted a Delron truck in the alley but, it was probably long gone by now. Her jaw clenched and she nodded. Seems like her and Daddy are going to have a nice conversation soon.
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