Talking to Dad.

1177 Words
Allie went upstairs, snatched her cell off the dresser, and dialed her father's number. She was raging pissed and needed to reign in her anger. If her dad had even a small part in this she was going to make him regret it. She was determined to get to the bottom of the matter. No more games of cat and mouse, she wanted to give him something to think about and see how he redacted, the phone was picked up on the 2nd ring. “ Hey Allie Cat hows everything going?” Humm she hummed softly to herself he sounds very happy. "Hey daddy,, how are you?" She chirped brightly into the phone. Her father sounded almost giddy and obviously occupied with someone in the room. "Fine dear, how's New York?" he answered. Clearly he was enjoying his evening and about to get a little sock from her. She drug her hands through her hair, he didn't know she was in Atlanta with Joel. One thing can be said for her father, if it was not important enough to him he didn't pay attention to her or her plans. He had called her career plan " playing cops and robbers." He thought she was a private investigator a rent a cop he had said making the whole thing sound like a slur. He had confronted her on several occasions because he thought her career choice was an attempt to get his attention. He said that she should get serious now because her sister was dead and that she " Needed to step up!" How oblivious could one person be. She had not told him she was a FBI agent for the simple reason that he represented everything she was opposed to. Allie didn’t relay the information that she was going to see Joel because she didn't want him to be warned of her involvement in this case. She planned to say that she was concerned about her sister’s belongings and decided to stop in and secure them before they were thrown out. Time to let the cat out of the bag. She thought to herself with a sly smile on her face. She shifted from one foot to another to keep herself from yelling at him. "Well daddy, if I was in New York it is probably fine. But I am in Atlanta at Joel's. I just got here and he accidentally let off tear gas in the house." She belted a laugh that was clearly fake but her father would not know the difference. There were several ticks of the clock before he would react. She new if he went nebular that she had him. She was going to gauge her father's reaction to what happened. If she were right, he would be none too happy about her proximity to Joel right now. Her father's voice went from happy singsong to a virtual explosion all at once. "Allie, what the hell are you doing in that murderer's house?" He demanded in short puffs. Like someone just knocked all the air from his lungs and he was gasping to breathe. Bingo she thought to herself. "I told you I was on a case that I would be pretty close to home soon. I was close to Joel's and stopped by to get Callies personal effects." Clearly, her training paid off because her agitation was not sounding in her words. No doubt she goading him. Allie knew how to manipulate her father into conversation. Choosing not to tell him about the attacker or the gas. Allie decided to act like she arrived after the fact. He was clearly upset with her proximity to Jole if his cursing and yelling was anything to go by. She listened to him bluster and blow his fuse. She promised she would be leaving tomorrow morning to get on her case. He was happy with that plan and continued to work her about what a absolute animal Joel McBride is . If she didn't know better she would have fell for everything he just told her. She wondered how her father had so much insider information. She rubbed her eyes and hung up her phone after promising again she would not buy his story. Which again made her hackles rise and her sense of unease exponentially worse. She was spent and just wanted a hot bath. Her mind was racing through all the possibilities. The what ifs and maybe's started stabbing her brain more with every unanswered question. Allie looked towards the bathroom and she slipped out of the rest of her clothing. Nothing like a hot soothing bath to calm her nerves and settle the anxiety that was clearly running just under her skin. She ran the bath and put the temperature up a little hotter than normal. She located the foaming bath under the sink and poured some in. The bath was nice and hot to her oversensitive skin. She tipped head back against the edge and smiled almost savoring the feeling of the hot water seeping into her pours. She started to doze off indulging in the little daydream she always conjured up of how her life could have been different if only. She sighed softly and thought what would feel like if someone was washing her back, each gentle caress and soft kiss to her shoulder. A murmured word of love and affection. She abruptly switched her focus to other matters. Nothing good was going to come of her s****l fantasies about Joel. She was deep in thought about her father's reaction to her being here, when the doorknob began to turn. She couldn't believe the knob was turning. She wasn't expecting Joel to walk through the door. Her eyes were fixated on the door as it slowly slid open. Joel came through the door and into the bathroom . "Hey Allie you know that cam..Jesus Christ, you’re naked!" He barked and turned around quickly. He heard her giggles and resisted the urge to turn back around. He saw those beautiful breasts that teased his memory and her silky white thighs. At the juncture of them was a cute little tuft of curls neatly groomed the rest cleaned and shaved. Not that he would ever give the impression he was totally ogling her naked body and envisioning so many different things he could do to make her scream his name. This was not helping the pulsing member between his legs at all. He squeezed his eyes shut trying to rid the vision from his mind. "Yeah, Joel, one has to be naked to take a bath." Her voice held a slightly huskier than normal tone. His member throbbed with his pulse rate. He tried to think of anything to make his erection go down. Cleaning the drain, tear gas anything that he can do to not visualize her beautiful body just a few feet from him in all of her naked sexy self. Jesus he needed to get a grip before he did something that he may regret later.

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