The Plan to catch a murderer..

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Allie needed to keep a low profile, and that meant keeping Joel in the dark for a while. Maybe keeping the fact she was actually involved in investigating the death of her sister wasn't a good idea to lead in with. “Oh hey Joel Im investigating my sister’s death, got any tea?” Yeah probably not a great idea to lead with that. She did not want him freaking out when she started asking him questions. Boy this wasn’t going to be easy. She drummed her fingers on the desk and tried to rehearse the conversation she was eventually going to have with Joel. She could always use the fact that they were once lovers and trusted each other explicitly. The fact she was going to be there to uncover the truth, well maybe the lovers angle was a bit of a stretch. She had to get Joel to talk with her. She needed him to be forthcoming and willing to talk.Well, unless he had something to hide. Then all bets were off and he was going down. Her thoughts on the situation were as Bipolar as her father was. She had her ways of reading Joel McBride and training had nothing to do with it. She knew him but on that same token he knew her too. This was going to be a very long difficult case and more than one heart could be breaking at the end of it. She just prayed she could guard hers against the possibility that she would lose Joel and possibly her family members in the process. Allie shifted nervously as a slow burn crept into her cheeks. Joel knew he could undo her resolve and flood her panties with a single wink or a suggestion of things that would lead to her being horizontal and screaming his name. "Pull it together Storm, don't let him sense any weakness." She grumbled before she picked up her cell and dialed his number. She still had the number on speed dial. A slow grin crossed her lips that turned to apprehension as she made the dreaded call. She had to ask Joel if she could come stay a while before going back to New York. She knew this was going to be difficult if the slamming of the receiver in her ear was any indication. Guess the old sneak up was a better idea. She was the only one who could get close to him without him suspecting anything . Well maybe that ship has sailed. She sighed deeply and decided maybe a personal visit was in order. She needs him to open up to her. Get to the bottom of the pile then figure out how to get back on track. Now if she can keep from dropping her guard or her panties when he was near her she would be just fine. Joel McBride was not hard on the eyes. Added to the fact he had that whole 'knight in shining armor' thing down to a science. Yep she was definitely out of her element in this one. "This is going to be one helluva challenge to catch up with Joel before getting caught with her emotions wide open again . I hope I prepared enough for it if not she would lose more than her job." She smiled to herself in the mirror before stuffing the remaining items into her bags. They were partners in the academy before she went to the federal sector in Quantico, Virginia. It was not her first calling for sure. She wanted and preferred to be near Joel but she thought better. She did not want to be the girl who chased someone who did not want her. It was too pathetic, her sniffing after Joel, who was obviously into her sister. Joel never knew where or why she left, he must have figured she was not built for the trials of being a beat cop. Not many people were. It is the most grueling and uncelebrated position on the force. If you had an ego to stroke, this was not the sector to dive into headfirst. It was a grueling life but you had to love serving the people who were in need of your help. She rummaged through her bags making sure she had her tools and her bag of tricks. She did not want to trap him but people did and said things in the shadows they would not say aloud. She made sure to stock up on bugs and listening devices before she left New York. Allie chewed her lip nervously and took inventory, pushing away her doubts. She had only three weeks left on the case and her superiors needed answers. But Allie also wanted answers. The gnawing pit in her stomach was becoming an all too familiar feeling when it came to her father. “It’s show time Storm, no more excuses time to close this thing down. As the cab headed to Joel's, she tried to breathe and give herself a mental shake. She knew seeing Joel again would do things to her she had long since forgotten. He always could send her over the edge of stability. Ever since he married her sister and broke her heart, she still faltered when it came to self-confidence. She wasn't a whiny, clingy female who cringed and cried when someone was gruff with her, but Joel was different. He was the love of her life , the man who took her virginity and then married her sister. Her self doubt surged again and she got lost in thoughts of what if. She was startled when the cabbie stopped and sat staring at her like she had ten heads before she figured out he had more calls and wanted her to pay him so he could leave. She slid slowly out of the cab and retrieved her bags when the cabbie popped the trunk. Her gut clenched and she fisted her hands at her sides. She hadn't seen him in years and here she stood like a scared teenager about to do the deed. Focusing on her feet, she willed them to move, to propel her up the walk to his front door. She twitched nervously again and rang the bell. Hoping he would be more receptive then the phone call. She needed to have the element of surprise. Maybe surprise was not the best choice. She needs to wrap this case up in a neat little bow for her supervisors. Her father did not suspect a thing and was very candid about what he thought about Joel and his family. She gleaned as much information as she could from their hours of conversations which usually ended in her father yelling. "Joel McBride is a pompous ass who killed your sister, my daughter. Where is your loyalty Allie? He screamed while slamming the phone down and refused to answer it again . Allie looked heavenward and thought this surprise could backfire on her in a big way. If her gut that was twisting in a knot proved her hunch correct she may be proving Joel McBride innocent. Then that would mean her father would possibly be charged. Allie, exposing this secret would forever change her family dynamic. She blew out a breath again and hit the bell.
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