1244 Words
BASTIAN   I can see the emotion contained in the faces of the people in the audience, even some participants do not stop looking in the direction of the Bloodmoon girl , and it is no wonder, because the speed she has, even in her half transformation, is impressively greater than many other participants with their complete transformation , and the group is made up of alphas, betas and some gammas, but she is the only one who is officially an omega, although they are all quite aware that her lineage is of alpha kings.   By the time the first fifteen have entered and she is in line with ten other wolves, some of whom are leading , she seems to take a deep breath and with renewed momentum begins to run even faster, and a general murmur of amazement spreads across the crowd , which grows with cries of encouragement as she approaches the third and final stage of the competition, and almost as if it were one , the entire audience breathes a sigh of relief when the girl sneaks into the last moment among the group of twenty that advanced to the third stage of the competition.   But the relief does not last long, especially that of the family that raised her, because as soon as the doors of the combat arena are closed , a fierce and bloody fight begins between the participants to be able to stay with one of the top ten places and secure a place in the elite group, and although at first the participants turn against each other , almost completely ignoring the half-transformed girl, perhaps because her size is too small compared to the rest , she goes unnoticed, but her bliss does not last long, since the participants do not take long to recognize her, and in a couple of minutes she is already surrounded by at least six wolves ready to tear her apart , either by competition or by the thirst for revenge, since many of the families of our kingdom lost loved ones in the war and blame the Bloodmoon’s for it.   When the first wolf attacks, I am surprised by the speed of the girl, who with a swift movement dodges the first blow and manages to dodge the others for a good couple of minutes , until one of the wolves manages to connect the first blow and sends her flying over another wolf until she lands with a thud in the sand, and it is evident that the air has left her lungs momentarily , the gasps of surprise that are heard in the audience do not make it to the combat arena, so there is nothing that can distract the competitors in their fierce fight.   The girl stands up quickly and after dodging a couple of more attacks, a second blow cuts her right arm open and screams are heard from the audience , by now the other fights between the other participants have suddenly stopped, and the first six wolves were joined by another three, while the others remain on the periphery watching the fight and waiting for their turn to attack; The girl continues trying to avoid bites and claws , but her speed is diminished with a large wound that opens on her leg, breaking her pants and revealing her red-hot flesh.   The audience is clinging to the fences and I am sitting on the edge of my chair, my hands clasped on either side of my thighs , my mother has her hands firmly clasped together, and I notice that even the members of my personal guard are completely attentive to the fights, and while most people's faces show expressions of surprise and expectation , the members of the little pack to which the girl belongs look genuinely concerned, while her host family is overwhelmed and the mother is crying desperately, while a big guy comforts her , the alpha of the pack continues to shout instructions to the girl, and when another blow manages to open a wound on her chest, the girl's father , a huge man who looks more like a bear than a werewolf, seems to be about to jump into the sand and stand in the middle of her and the wolves.   And not only him, but his two sons seem to be holding back not to intervene, fear and concern is evident on their faces , and I am sure that the reason they have not jumped into the sand is because they know that it would bring certain death upon all of them , including the girl; I feel my heart pounding in my chest and I don't remember ever being so upset by a fight that I wasn't involved in, and I find myself wishing for the girl to transform completely , or for some unexpected event to interrupt what will be a sure kill, but a new blow, stronger than the previous ones and that throws the girl into the air, makes everything seem to go in slow motion, and a lot of things happen at the same time.   A deafening scream full of terror, which comes from the woman who took care of the girl all these years , echoes throughout the place and reaches the depths of our bodies, making us shudder with the distant memory of a war already fought and won decades ago , the woman seems to be about to collapse, and just when the girl turns her head to see the woman screaming in despair, something seems to click on her and a second later , before the astonished gaze of everyone present, she transforms completely into a huge wolf with white fur with brown, almost golden, spots, and piercing golden eyes.   The crowd falls silent, and that silence spreads rapidly through the place, and it is not for nothing , because the she-wolf is not only a beautiful beast that seems to be taken from a fairy tale, but it is also gigantic , and I can say with certainty that she is the largest wolf that has been in the kingdom in decades, her alpha blood is evident, and her royal lineage leaves her competitors as mere amateurs , almost like fairground dogs playing at being wolves , but only when I listen to my mother cursing under her breath, I realize the enormous power she has and that it could threaten my reign. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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