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BASTIAN   When the horn sounds announcing the start of the competition, the shouts of the public are deafening and all the participants start running in a frantic attempt to arrive before the others to the agility tests , in them, there are all kinds of obstacles arranged in such a way so that only those who have more control over their body can be able to get around them with ease, and although there are more than fifty participants , my eyes only focus on her and the way her body jumps, climbs or dodges the obstacles of the track, in how her feet seem to dance over the balance obstacles , and in the ease she has to pass through the biggest competitors and make them look like slow and bland giants.   The grace of her movements and the elegance and haughtiness that emanates from her being when she overcomes obstacles , is a sight worthy of admiration, and I am not the only one observing her attentively, because it seems that today all eyes are on her, and that façade of coldness that I knew that her family had to make others believe that they did not care what happened to her, has definitively fallen today , because one would have to be blind or foolish not to realize the concern that emanates from each of them , how they hold their breath when she is about to overcome a particularly difficult obstacle , or how they sigh in unison when she manages to pass them successfully, and by the time she is reaching the top positions at the end of the first stage of the competition , her family is yelling and cheering her on, and surprisingly, half of her little pack is doing the same, starting with the alpha, who has been following her along the track yelling instructions at her as if he were her coach.   " So, they were all just pretending, " I hear my mother murmur next to me as she carefully watches her family and her pack.   “ They were probably afraid of some kind of retaliation from Grandpa, ” I answer absentmindedly and still staring at her , who is currently crossing a small swamp in the middle of the track.   " That is exaggerated, nor that the king would have murdered them for treating her well," my mother says , and I shoot her an incredulous look, as she knew better than anyone my grandfather's fits of anger.   " Well ... okay, maybe he could have, but not the whole pack, anyway … I think they were waiting for this moment, " she says with a shrug.   " What moment? " I ask her as I watch the girl climb a gigantic tree with impressive ease, reach up to the top, grab one of the thirty flags and then jump over the fence that divides the first stage from the second , while her entire pack explodes into shouts of joy, and even some other viewers are clapping as well.   “ The moment the king died, it is obvious, the girl had never been seen before , so, if she is here at the festival now, and not only that, but competing in the blood moon , it means that she was not only afraid of your grandfather, but clearly that she doesn’t feel that same fear for you, the new king, ” my mother says, narrowing her eyes as she watches the girl trying to solve the first of the three riddles of the mental agility stage.   “ You are seeing things where there are none, mother, it is not that she is not afraid of me, and in fact, she should not be, she is one of my subjects now , she must not fear me but respect me; I think she just got tired of being in the shadows , after all, she has alpha blood, and you know perfectly well that alphas are not made to follow orders so easily, ” I tell her, and she nods with a wry half smile.   " That is precisely my point, she not only has alpha blood, but she also has royal blood, which means that she will not bow her head even in front of us , she is the heir to the throne if you were to die without having an heir, and if she decided to appear again after your grandfather's death, it is because she knows this very well and wants to take what she thinks belongs to her, ” my mother replies with a severe tone.   " You are overreacting, mother, we don't even know if she can win the competition, " I tell her, and at that moment the shouts of joy are louder than before , so we turn to look at the track and see that the girl has completed the third test.   " You see, more and more people are supporting her, if she declares her intention to regain the throne , how many of these will follow her? " my mother asks out loud, and I shake my head in exasperation.   " Stop with the conspiracy theories mother, she is just a girl, she can't end an entire kingdom, so don't worry," I reply , but my eyes are fixed on her as she tries unsuccessfully to transform into a wolf completely so she can run towards the third and final stage of the competition. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -    The murmurs spread throughout the palace grounds as people begin to realize that she is not capable of a complete transformation , and little by little all those who were cheering on her, except for the members of her pack, stop clapping and yelling, and it's not long before people start giggling and pointing fingers at her, while she looks distraught and desperate.   " Well, you might be right, after all , I don't see any reason for us to worry about her yet, " my mother sneers, and I scowl at her.   “ Use your emotions, Elina! Don't let them control you, you must control them, ” I hear her alpha yell at her from the side of the court , the desperation in his voice is evident, and I wonder if he obeyed my orders to teach her to transform completely.   Finally, the girl completely stops her attempts to achieve a total transformation and runs with all her might, the sounds of surprise that come out of the crowd reach the platform where we are sitting with my mother and the royal guards, and my mother exclaims:   “But what does she think she is doing? She must be completely transformed if she wants to move on to the next stage, "   "It is not like that, there are no rules in the competition, she just has to get in the top twenty to the combat arena, if she succeeds then she will be in the last stage," I point out, and my mother looks at me incredulously.   “How is she going to make it to the top twenty without completely transforming? She will not be able to speed up all the other wolves that have completely transformed, ” my mother responds, and when I look towards the track I see that she is right , almost all the participants who are finishing the three tests of the second stage start to transform completely and run into wolf form, but the girl is fast, much faster than some wolves , but I don't know if that will be enough for her to get in the top twenty. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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