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BASTIAN   Since my grandfather passed away eight months ago, I have been waiting for the arrival of this festival to finally have the coronation that has been long-awaited by all my relatives , because although my grandfather was one of the greatest kings in the history of our kingdom, for no one it is a secret that since his wife, my grandmother Mary , was murdered, he was not the same, but it was not until after the war against the kingdom of Bloodmoon, where he proved to be as cruel as the overthrown king, that things began to get worse , and the final blow to end what little sanity he had left, was the murder of my father and his only son at the hands of those loyal to the overthrown king, it was a vile and cruel death , because they infiltrated in the palace at midnight and they managed to sneak up to my parents' room where they murdered my father while my mother screamed in horror.   They knew it was a suicide mission, because there was no way they could get out of there alive again , but they still did it, because their hatred for my family was even greater than their desire to live, and although many saw it as a justified revenge, since my grandfather's guards murdered not only King Bloodmoon and his two sons, but also liquidated all the members of his family , the queen, the little princess, the wives of the princes , and even the only grandchild she had at that time, everyone except her, the baby who was born with the last breaths of her dying mother , and who survived thanks to my begging, or at least that is what my mother told me, because, fortunately, I have no memories of that infamous day.   My mother told me that my grandfather took me to the end of the battle to observe the triumph of his warriors, and that was where I witnessed the birth of the only Bloodmoon that still lives to this day , and that she is among us only because of the love that my grandfather had me, his only grandson, and I know that he kept her alive only because he had promised me , for I have witnessed over the years how much it bothered him that her name was even mentioned, and the day my father was murdered, he gave the order to look for her and bring her to the palace to assassinate her in front of the captured men , but my mother secretly arranged so that the guards could not find her for many days, and by that time my grandfather had calmed down enough to forget about her death sentence.   I only remember seeing her a couple of times before, one of them while she was working at the hospital with the woman who was commissioned to raise her , and although she pretended to be cold and distant with the girl, I could see in her eyes that her true feelings towards her were completely opposite, the woman looked at her carefully and explained things to her with motherly patience, and even her face lit up with pride for a few brief moments when the girl did something right , and then she quickly tried to hide it, but I noticed it in the few times that I was able to see them in there; And then there is that encounter in the woods when the rogue was about to finish what my grandfather started twenty-one years ago.   I know that her birthday is approaching, I know it because her birthday coincides with the date of the fall of her kingdom , and I know exactly her age because every year it is celebrated with a great banquet but not precisely for her life, but for the death of her family and most of its people; and as I see her standing next to the strongest warriors in the kingdom , I wonder what my grandfather would think if he saw her right now, and I know that he must be writhing with anger wherever he is now, because although he almost never saw her again after the conquest , he was quite aware of her existence and that bothered him excessively, so it is likely that he would not have let her compete today if he were alive; but he is not, so the decision now rests with me.   She is standing among the warriors, who have turned away from her like she was the plague, and her chin is held high as she bears with the stares and comments of the public , who are too bewildered by her presence, because although everyone knew of her existence in our kingdom, her name became almost like a myth , because apart from the members of her small pack, no one in the kingdom had really been able to see her, or if they saw her they did not know who she was, and now she is here in front of everyone, giving a face to the mythical name that has been the subject of all kinds of legends among the people of the kingdom, for I have heard over the years all kinds of rumors , from those in which it was claimed that she was kidnapped by the Rogues the day of my father's death, or those rumors where it was said that the girl had been born deformed , and the more accurate ones that affirmed that the girl had been born without a wolf.   But none of that is true, not only is she alive and healthy, but contrary to being deformed , she is probably the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, her height stands out among other women warriors participating in the competition , her body is slim and strong, but with curves in the right places, her reddish brown hair is long and wavy even though she has it gathered in a high ponytail, her hazel eyes are large and almond-shaped, framed by long eyelashes and bushy eyebrows, her nose looks like that of a pixie, small and pointy , and her upper lip is slightly fuller than her lower, but that only highlights the beauty of her mouth; and I can see from the face of the public, that I am not the only one who has noticed this, because apart from the looks of displeasure coming mainly from older people , there are also the looks of interest from young men, and some looks of envy from the women.   When my gaze rests on her again, I am surprised to see that she is looking at me with an expression of expectation on her face , and after hearing my mother clear her throat, I know that they are waiting for my decision on whether she can participate in the competition or not , so I turn to my mother and say “You said it yourself, there are no rules in the competition, all the subjects of the kingdom can participate in it, and if we don't let her compete it would be like telling everyone that she is not my subject , and that would be counterproductive, "   "They will be upset if she competes," my mother points out, a little uneasy about the situation.   “They are also going to get upset if we don't let her compete, they are waiting for her to make a fool of herself so they can make fun of her , and if the rumors are true, she is not even capable of a complete transformation, so she will not be able to finish the competition. If she dies during any of the tests , I am sure everyone will be more than happy, so let her compete, it would be worse not to, they will think that we are afraid of her, ” I explain to my mother, and she nods before standing up and give the signal for the competition to begin , which means that we have accepted that she can participate.   As soon as the Bloodmoon girl sees the sign, a smile spreads across her face and a pair of dimples form on her cheeks , I feel my heart race at the sight, but I quickly dismiss my thoughts as the competition has started and my eyes follow her every move, part of me waiting for her to fail miserably , and the other dying of curiosity to see how far the only person with royal blood who is participating in the competition can go. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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