Chapter 21

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What the hell When the morning came, Hayley woke up with everyone shouting, she set up looking around, Darryl wasn't in bed, she got dressed then rushed downstairs, everyone was shouting at someone. I had to raise my voice, because I didn't even know who was here. I suddenly got pissed, as I shouted, Everyone shut the hell up, moved out of my way and let me see who the hell is here, they all turned looking at her shocked, one by one moved out of the way. Her eyes wide when she saw who it was, The vampire king David and his mate, she screamed "David oh goddess I'm so sorry for these fools, come sit, what brought you here, she smiled at his mate Trish, Darryl set beside Hayley,  Darryl POV I tried telling these fools, that this vampire was the vampire king, they wouldn't listen they kept screaming at the man, I knew all this screaming was going to wake Hayley, and that's what happen, right when I smelled her scent, and I moved out of the way, I knew that she was pissed, being woken up so early, when I heard her scream, I knew not to say anything just moved out of the way, and let her take control, just because I'm king now, doesn't mean I'm going to take over, Hayley been queen longer, I'll take the lead when the time comes, until then little miss grumpy pants will be taking the lead today,  Keith pov  Keith watched on, standing beside his brother. He never thought the vampire king would appear on the steps of the queen, he didn't even look like a king, he looked too young, but they did say vampires age a lot different than wolves, when he heard his sister yell for them to move out of the way, he was stunned. The power in her voice was powerful,  It made us stop and turn around to look at her, then move our asses out of the way, now I'm just standing there with my brother and our mates, I see Hayley turned then heard her tell us to relax and sit down, we did what we were told to do, I for on don't want to feel the wrath of the queen, especially when she gotten woken up because of our screaming, we all watched on while they talked,  Hayley POV So what brought you all the way here David, it's been a long time, he nodded in agreement, yes it's been awhile, I'm sorry I wasn't here when your parents passed, please forgive me,she nodded, there's nothing to forgive david, you had your own things to deal with, I heard about your father, I'm sorry as well, David nodded,  It's alright, he knew it was time for him to go, he could hardly get up, and move,or even feed, But I didn't come here for that, the reason why I came, is because I had a visitor yesterday, he was loud and obnoxious, he claims you took him from his throne of Alpha, and then you cut his hand off of him, he wants you dead, or he wants Trish to over through you as queen and take your throne, I for one thought he was insane, but I went with it, so he would go on, he said he tried to get rogues, to Join him, but they wouldn't get killed not for him, he wants to take you, torture you abd then kill you, when I finally objected, he got angry, and said he would even have me killed after he takes over, Trish got upset, then threw him out of the castle, she wanted to do more, but I calmed her down, Trish chuckled softly,  You should of seen his face, when I pulled him out of that chair by the collar of his shirt, he went nuts, I tossed him out on his ass, Hayley started laughing  The reason why I took him off his throne from Alpha was because he couldn't figure out how in the hell to keep rogues off his territory, he doesn't have that many guards or warriors, I pointed Charlie as alpha, the reason why I cut his hand off, was because he decided to put his hand around my throat, so I decided to only leave him with one hand, So he's been a little bit busy since both his mates rejected him, "my, my, my," "what to do, what to do," Well since you are here, we were going to head to their territory today, but I know how long it takes to get home from there, was he walking or did he drive,  I didn't see a car anywhere when I tossed him out, he was probably running in his wolves form, Hayley nodded, I say let's head there now, to there pack and let's wait for him to return, I think it will be a site to see once when he returns thinking nothing is wrong, he can't shift because of his one hand, so he was driving something or had someone drive him, we need to see what was done to Charlie and his mate, David stood up, holding onto Trish hand,  "I'm ready when you are," Darryl stood up, I'm ready as well, I'm sick and tired of this fool running around, David had forgotten about Darryl, he stood there looking at him, he was thinking, wasn't he one of Hayley's guards, then he saw the mark on his neck, he nodded, at him,  "You must be the new King," My apologies, to not speaking to you first, Darryl shook his head, none needed, this is still Hayley kingdom, I know I'm king, but I still have a lot to prove. He turned to Hayley as she stood up, she sighed,  listen I know this might sound crazy, but the moon goddess came to me last night, she told me something that no one knew,  he told me Ted was the one that sent the rogue to kill my father, he wanted to overthrow my father and become King, but I guess it didn't turn out that way, I guess he didn't think I would be one Queen, well I did, and I want him for myself, he will learn not to f**k with me or my family, "So I'm asking all of you today, "will you help me?" She looked at each and everyone of her friends that she called family to her, what she didn't  think, that Ron and Tesha came into the room, she heard him first,  "I will help my Queen," Tesha spoke up, I will help as well my queen, one by one stood up, bowing to the queen, one by one spoke, I will help you my queen, Darryl stood beside Hayley, he felt so much power coming off of her, he looked at her with so much pride in her, we will all help my love, we will revenge your father and mother, we will take him down, and regret ever coming here in the first place, she nodded,  Let's get everyone together, and let's get going, I want to be there. Before he returns, 
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