Men In Black

2892 Words
After the burial, my mom and I spent the whole night in our hotel room. I asked her what places she traveled to. I laughed so hard when she described the time she landed in India. The woman shrieked when she saw my mom naked inside the tomb of Taj Majal. During our chat, we had room service. My mom ordered a lot of food and we tried everything. It was nearly dawn when we laid ourselves down to bed. My mom massaged my head while she hummed a famous lullaby. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are," she sang softly. I felt her hand disappear and at that moment I knew she was gone. Tears fell from my eyes; I fell asleep drenched in tears. I opened my eyes to broad daylight. I reached for my android phone to check the time. Three in the afternoon. I wiped the dried tears off my face with my hands. Now that my mom was gone, I did not want to get up. After a while my door opened. My aunt entered and Maggie was trailing behind. On second thought, I would rather get up and be someplace else. My aunt pushed a cart of food, "I brought you a snack." I smiled at her, "Thanks, Tia!" She smiled back then walked out of my room quietly. I made my way over to the cart and fixed myself a ham and cheese sandwich. I plopped myself on the blue sofa, legs up to my chest. I looked at Maggie as she sat on the same sofa with a grin, "Is there something you want to say?" She yelped, "Oh I don't know where to begin! Do you remember? I met a guy yesterday at the elevator?" Her eyes sparkled as if lost in fantasy. "No," was my nonchalant response. "You were there, remember? You saw them! Four guys in black suits?" she asked with widened eyes. "Oh yeah, I distinctly remember you told Aunt and me to take the next one." I made it sound insulting but her response was to simply smile. "Anyway, they are staying in the same hotel as ours, four of them occupy the fifth floor." she continued. I rolled my eyes out of boredom. "I'm dating one of them. His name is Jared, Jared Flockhart." Maggie added. What kind of name is that? Sounds like a made-up name to me! Ugh! I'm so judgmental. I'm adopting Maggie's unlikable attitude. This is bad! I shook my head in disbelief. I looked my cousin directly in the eyes, "Maggie, have you seen the movie Taken, Liam Neeson?" She turned to her perfectly cut nails, "I don't watch movies, okay?" "It's a movie where his daughter was taken. Kidnapped by bad guys in Europe then the girls got drugged and raped." I explained further. Maggie's left eyebrow went up, and responded, "For your information, I know self-defense and besides Jared is a vampire he can protect me." I took the last bite of my sandwich. Why am I even trying? Vampire? Right! He would protect you after he drained all of your blood! My cousin just lost her mind. I got up and rushed over to my luggage and felt Maggie follow behind. I rummaged for my earbuds. I longed for my parents so I decided to call my dad. I wanted privacy and I hoped Maggie would give me that as soon as possible. "Listen, the only reason I'm here is because I have a date again tonight." Maggie stated. I scrunch my eyebrows together, "So?" Who cares? "Well, my mom and Dad will not allow me to go without you or Phil, so I decided to choose you over Phil." Bingo! Maggie needed my help. "Wow cuz, is this the first time you ask me for a favor?" I said with sarcasm. "I'm not asking for a favor, okay?" I smiled at her lame excuse. "So, then what are you still doing here?" I was taunted. Don't you just love having the upper hand! "Fine, maybe we can categorize this as a favor. Look, I really like this guy, so just do this for me? Just one night." Maggie's annoyed voice lingered in my ears. "You really are something!" I commented. Maggie batted her eyelashes. "Is that a, yes?" "Whatever!" I said when I found my earbuds. She grinned and made her way out the door, "Oh! And wear something stylish!" Sometimes it was really hard for me to accept that Maggie and I were related. I placed my earbuds in and dialed my dad’s number. Conversation with my dad was like a breath of fresh air, he's a Filipino musician. I told him everything that happened to me yesterday and today. Then I mentioned my mom which he answered with a long pause and he changed the subject. He told me that I should stop calling Maggie a bad cheetah. Which left a smile plastered on my face. After my phone call, I decided to take a shower. I was about to go inside the bathroom at five thirty when my phone rang. It was Maggie again. "What?" I said with a scowl on my face. "I'm getting ready, you?" she asked. I sighed, rubbing my temples, "I'm about to take a shower, Magz." I smiled; she hated that nickname because it rhymes with rags. "Stop calling me that! Meet you in the lobby at seven thirty. You got that?" I hung up then rushed inside the bathroom. ***** I wiped the steam created by the warm water from the mirror. I noticed my rosy cheeks and went out of the bathroom. "Nice cheeks!" Aunt Marie commented while she walked into the room, "What are you going to wear?" "What?" I paused, shocked at her statement. How did she know? "I overheard you and Maggie, mind if I suggest something?" I smiled at her, "Sure! Fairy Godmother." I looked at myself in the mirror and inspected the jeggings, black sparkling top, a cream-colored silk cardigan, and the slim ballet flats that my aunt made me wear. "I checked the weather, it might be cold outside past ten o'clock, so don't stay late," Aunt Marie instructed while she walked me to the elevator. We decided to let my long black hair down with a silver headband. Shiny teardrop earrings and a shoulder black bag as my accessories. When the elevator door opened, I made my way inside before my phone rang again. My mind was so occupied that I didn't notice that there was someone else in the elevator. I gasped when I saw his reflection on the golden door. I quickly turned to see if he was real. He turned to me as well. I made a mental note of what he wore—an all-black ensemble. The hood of his jacket was hiding his head so I couldn't see his face. I looked up for CCTV cameras—with this hotel's five-star rank—it should have one. I began to panic when the elevator door finally opened. I rushed out and walked quickly. "You're two minutes late!" The prima-donna said as soon as she saw me. I glared at her. "How do you know him?" Maggie asked as she looked behind me. "Know who?" I asked in confusion. Then I suddenly felt someone standing at my back. I turned and saw the guy from the elevator. I looked at him then at Maggie. "Come on, I think I heard Jared's Ferrari," Maggie said as she walked away. We got out of the hotel main entrance; a black Ferrari idly waited. It was like time had stopped; everyone's eyes twinkled with admiration as they stared at the car. As for me, I was about to kill my cousin. The Ferrari only had two seats! It was maddening! "Cuz, you are going to ride with Gabe." The cheetah said. I took a deep breath. "Maggie, who's Gabe?" Maggie ignored me. A red motorcycle revved at the back of the Ferrari. The hooded guy rode on it, my eyes zoomed in on my cousin. Maggie strutted over to the Ferrari and comfortably sat in it. This is outrageous! We didn't even know these people or vampires or whatever! "Cuz, let's go!" Maggie said with an overexcited tone. I inhaled then exhaled. I walked over to the Ducati bike. The hooded guy handed me an extra helmet without a word. Good thing my dad owned a bike too, so I had experienced joy rides before. I quickly buttoned up my cardigan and put the helmet on. I rounded the bike then straddled it. "Hold tight." I sighed when I heard the mysterious voice inside my helmet. His helmet obviously had a mic or something like a CB radio. I huffed in hope that he heard it. I wrapped my arms around his strong body tightly. As soon as he stepped on the gas, a force of wind blew my hair in all directions. I was glad I had grabbed on tight because this bike could really go fast. After a few minutes we stopped. I looked ahead and saw traffic. How are we going to get through this? I lost track of time, it's probably eight already. I guess it was just the same as Manila, rush hour. We were still at the back of the Ferrari when Gabe came through the speaker, "Jared I'll go ahead, see you there." "Take care of my cousin, okay?!" Maggie cut in. I scrunch my eyebrows together. She had been with these guys like what? More than twenty-four hours and she acted like she's "one of the gang" now? "Em?" Maggie asked, "Are you okay?" "Yeah Magz, I'm okay!" I replied, wishing she would stop. These two guys could hear our conversation. Privacy was very important to me. "Emerald, don't call me that!" she yelled. "Bye Maggie!" She was getting under my skin really bad! Gabe obviously knew the way out of traffic. We entered a street that passed my standard of romance. It had cafeterias, bistros, restaurants, you name it. We passed by a band singing Bossa music, it reminded me of Sitti, a Filipino singer. I was snatched from my reverie when Gabe revved so loud and killed all the sexy music in the street. He slowed down as we near a carpark. I could see the entrance of a well-known park from here. As far as I could remember, that was El Retiro Park. I remembered we went there on my birthday when I was ten years old. "We're here." I heard Gabe say in my helmet. I got off the bike and removed my helmet. I untangled my hair using my hands and looked around. My estimate was, from this carpark it would take us five minutes to reach the Alcala entrance. I felt the weight of the helmet so I handed it back to Gabe and said, "Thank you." My mind was occupied with many thoughts. Did Maggie intend this to happen? What the heck was I supposed to do? And why are we here? I glanced at Gabe, I contemplated if I should ask him but I decided not to because he still had his helmet on. I waited for him until he parked his bike and left our helmets in the secured car park. We walked quietly. Gabe just strutted ahead of me without a word. To be honest, I couldn't sense any fear at the moment. Gabe and I didn't know each other so it was fine to me if we did not talk to each other. I did my research on Madrid because the last time I was here was eight years ago. I read an article that said people here in Madrid had their dinner around 9 to 9:30pm. Which was late compared to the Philippines. We had our dinner around 7 to 8pm. This walk was kind of helpful to me. Because I could stroll and appreciate the place. When we reached the entrance Gabe led me directly to the playground. I blew out air and created an O in my lips to relax. I glanced down because I felt beady stones crunched beneath my flats. I saw the swing and walked towards it. Sat on it and gave myself a little push, swung back and forth. What kind of vampire is he? I thought about Jared. I have not seen his face yet, even Gabe's. "We have to go back," Gabe said, as he placed his phone back in his front pocket. "Something came up." I had to catch my breath on our way back to the carpark. Gabe and I did an alternate walk and run so we could reach the carpark faster. I ran towards the bike and grabbed the helmet from Gabe. As soon as I was safely seated, we sped away. "What happened?" I asked. I knew he could hear me through the mic. "They got held up." He answered. "What do you mean?" I asked again. He didn't answer. My heart started to beat fast. My hug tightened when we accelerated. My hair was blown in all directions. After maybe fifteen minutes we arrived at the hospital. Gabe parked in a very secluded and very dark area of the parking lot. My hands started to tremble. All I could think about was Maggie. I got off the bike and removed my helmet. "What is going on?" I didn't wait for him to get off the bike. I wanted an answer immediately. "Your cousin tried to drive the Ferrari and..." Gabe tried to answer but I didn't allow him to finish. I pushed the helmet into his hands and ran to the entrance. I started at the Nurse's station. There were two people wearing masks and surgical gowns. I asked and used Maggie's name, I waited for answers but they didn't understand. I asked again if they could speak English. One of them answered. "Lo siento, no hablo ingles." The other one walked out of the station. When she came back, she had someone with her. A man who wore a scrub suit. I rushed over, "Hi! Do you speak English?" He removed his mask and answered, "Yes." "Thank God! Do you know if Margaret Quintanar was admitted here?" I asked quickly. He turned to the nurses; they shook their heads. My small hope disappeared. The man looked at me. "Did you try the emergency room?" He asked me. My eyes widened. Why didn't I think of that! "Can you take me there, please?" I pleaded. Maggie suffered from a dislocated elbow and bruises because she tried to drive a muscled car. I called her parents and Aunt Marie. Her Dad signed some papers then they left. Just like that. Aunt Marie hugged me and tried to comfort me on the way back to the hotel. Only the two of us in the limo because Maggie's parents brought their own car. We arrived in our hotel room with my blotched face and exhausted body. I cried really hard. My cousin could have died! In a way, I felt guilty, maybe because of lack of better judgment on my part. My Aunt thought I would go into shock but I told her I was going to be okay. She never left my side. When I woke up, I was alone. It was still dark. Instinctively I reached for my phone near the nightstand. The good thing was a friend of mine gave me a glow-in-the-dark phone case. I found it easily. I looked at the time, it was three in the morning. "About time." I froze as a deep voice resonated in the darkness, "Your spoiled brat of a cousin will ruin everything." I strained, the voice sounding familiar, "Gabe?" His monotone voice responded. "Expecting anyone else?" I sat up, "What are you doing here?" "I came to warn you." He pauses. "Your cousin knows too much." I blinked and tried to locate him. The first thing I saw was his silhouette with the help of the light from outside the window. I had enough of a threat for one day. I turned my phone torch on and got off the bed. Gabe grabbed my hand and snatched my phone. "Hey!" I screeched. He towered over me. I estimated he's around Phil's height, so maybe six feet? I looked at my phone which he held in his hand, "Give me that!" "Are you even listening to me?" Gabe said. He held my wrist. This jerk! I snatched back my hand, and pointed to the door, "Get out!" It silenced him. It was a long day and I felt like everyone got their way with me because I let them. "If I'm a jerk, then your cousin is what?" he mocked. Is this his way of making a conversation? I sighed, feeling drained, "Gabe, what do you want?" He was silent for a few moments. "We are watching your cousin. They have a flight tomorrow with her entire family. She is going back to Manila and she is not going to escape us just like that." I scrunch my eyebrows together. "Us?" He didn't answer, instead he walked to the window and said, "See you in Paris." 
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