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Tia - Spanish for Aunt Abuela - Spanish for Grandmother Beso - Spanish for kiss Lola - Filipino for Grandmother Airport, Manila, Philippines I jumped out of the van with my small backpack, the only carry on that I was allowed. I looked around. Unlike morning and afternoon flights, the airport was not filled with people. Families hugged each other with tears in their eyes. I felt nostalgic all of a sudden; I didn't want to leave the Philippines. I was born here and all of my childhood memories were made here. I turned eighteen yesterday, which was the same day that one of our great great-abuelas, Lola Josefina, passed away. It was saddening to know that the day I was born was also the same day that my loved one passed away. "Move over!" said Maggie, my cousin from my mother's side. "Daydreaming again," she commented as she stepped out of the van in Prada boots. Maggie stood tall, about five foot eight. It was no surprise that winning beauty contests came easy to her. The fact that her mom had been a supermodel and a beauty queen at a young age gave her advantages that were strikingly obvious. One thing about Maggie that I disliked was that she was so full of herself. I walked to the back side of the van and got my luggage. It was black because Maggie did not want me to get pink, like hers. Fine with me, black was elegant. "Hurry up, girls!" Aunt Marie called. She has been my legal guardian since my mom was always away. Aunt Marie was the youngest of the four siblings. Uncle Tony was their eldest brother. Maggie's mom was second, and my mom was third. I lifted my luggage, placed it down on the pavement, and walked with my stroller. "Emmie, get your passport and ticket ready," she said to me. Emmie was short for Emerald, named after my birthstone. I was born in the last week of May. "Please bring it out now Em, before we go through security," Philip commanded. Philip, Maggie's eldest brother, was twenty. He had always been very important to me, like an older brother always watching my back. Unlike his sister, Phil was kind hearted, the reason why girls adored him. One time when we were in high school, a girl had a dark stain on her skirt. Assuming it was blood. Everyone teased her for her monthly period. They would ask "when did it start", and snicker about how she was "safe." When Phil found out about the poor girl, he escorted the girl to the restroom and made sure the teasing stopped with a few nasty stares. It was a proud cousin moment for me. I didn't even hear the bell rang and I was running late! I opened my bag and got my passport and ticket out. We were headed to Spain to attend the burial of our abuela. Soon enough our luggage was checked and immigration done. I hated flying. This was not my first time, but I hated it nonetheless. I found my seat and landed clumsily. Great! I was seated near the window. "Wow, cuz! Time to face your fears, yeah?" Maggie giggled. Good thing Phil was sitting beside me. That was my consolation. Aunt Marie stood up and turned to us. "Please turn your phones on airplane mode and I don't want to repeat myself again." "Oh my gosh!" Maggie exclaimed. "I left my iPhone in the van! My life is ruined! I can't sleep without music!" Aunt Marie pretended she didn't hear Maggie; she just checked her own bag. I closed my eyes and placed my arm on the armrest. I hoped we took off soon before my cousin had her fit. She could be so dramatic when it came to things that she wanted and couldn't get. She would pester Aunt Marie about her freaking iPhone until she passed out from exhaustion. And when she started to ramble, I inserted my earbuds in. I selected "Rude" by Magic. I relaxed in my seat and hoped to sleep. It would be a very long flight, even longer if Maggie wouldn't shut up. ***** Madrid, Spain It felt weird when you walked into a tube, entered a plane, and flew out to another country, in which everything was different. From the Spanish that everyone spoke to all the signage in that language. I walked while I removed my earbuds. I rummaged through my backpack and tried to find my passport. Which I soon realized was in my other hand that pulled the luggage. I slowed down to switch hands but then I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw a guy. He gave me a glance then he continued his stride. I closed my bag and looked for my family. I saw them instantly. Well, Maggie's annoyed face. "Here comes the VIP!" Maggie rolled her eyes, "I left my iPhone okay. I really want to make a phone call to Manila so keep up!" Phil gave her a look, the “stop it” look. Maggie ignored it and looked away. Out of the Arrival we waited for a cab. I had hoped that one of our relatives would pick us up. I didn't want to get lost and listen to Maggie complain about everything. My overthinking stopped when a black limousine glided in front of us. Uncle Anthony came out of it. I sighed. Uncle Tony, you just saved my poor ears. "Buenos dias!" My Uncle greeted us. The driver opened the trunk and picked up our luggage. Maggie went inside the limousine without a word. Aunt Marie hugged Uncle Tony and gave him a beso on both cheeks. Phil shook his hand. His eyes finally found me. "Esmeralda, ¿Cómo estás?" He reached out and gave me a cheek-to-cheek kiss. (Emerald, how are you?) "I'm good, thanks!" I didn't want people to call me by my full name. For me, Emerald was already a long name. I went inside the limo, as everyone else did too. Then we left the airport. I looked out eyes wide as we came to stop in front of a very beautiful hotel. I knew abuela's family was well off, but I never thought she was this rich. "Aunt Marie, are we staying in this gorgeous hotel? Because if we are, I didn't bring enough dresses." Maggie's eyes glittered with excitement as she said those words. Aunt Marie did not answer her, and instead she walked out. We all followed in her steps. As my aunt and legal guardian, I waited for her. Like always, we would share a room together. As soon as we stepped in, I was amazed. The hotel lobby itself was beautiful. Colors of brown, red and gold were all around the huge space. I was so amazed that I tried to absorb everything in a matter of seconds. The ceiling was the loveliest, as it had a painting of clouds and angels with gold trumpets. "Let me guess, you love the ceiling?" My wonder disappeared as I turned to my ever-annoying cousin Maggie. I wished she would stop being herself for five minutes. "Maggie, Philip, your mom and dad are at the penthouse. They're waiting for you," Aunt Marie explained, after she finished her conversation with the receptionist. "Where are you staying, Tia?" Philip asked. "Third floor," she answered right away. "Good luck with that! Sounds like a cheap room to me," Maggie said, as she made her way to the elevator. We waited in silence for the elevator door to open. The sudden feeling of jet lag settled within me. My neon pink Tom's shoes were killing me. My neck, back, and hips ached. To ease the pain that I felt, I turned my neck from side to side. My eyes traveled to the door when it opened. The elevator was already crowded with four guys, all wearing black. I noticed their shoes were all the same too. Maggie went in excitedly. After Phil entered, she told us, "It's already full, go get the next one." "Let's take the stairs," my aunt instructed. I groaned; the idea of climbing was already bad news to me. Oh well! At least I was wearing flats. If my mind was not clouded by sleepiness, I would have given the beautiful paintings on the wall a little appreciation. Aunt Marie said they were paintings of the kings and queens of Spain. When we finally reached our room, I noticed the beautiful white and gold double doors. I estimated it was around six feet high or more. I could not tell because I stood five foot five.  My aunt opened the door on the right and said, "Get in." I immediately followed. I wanted my nails and toes to be released from near death. I rushed straight to the yellow sofa and pulled off my shoes and feet from the stockings. I scanned the room with my mouth hung open. Mermaids, shells, sea creatures, colors of blue and aquamarine filled my eyes. The door on my left side produced Aunt Marie. "Em, come to bed, take a nap," she said while she held her copy of The Devil Wears Prada. Forgot to mention, my aunt was a stylist in Manila. She has styled famous celebrities there. She had made us proud. The bed cover was white with gold stitches of shells at the sides and came with ten pillows on it. I dived in, it felt heavenly. "Emmie turn your roaming on and call your dad." my aunt stated before I drifted off to sleep. ***** "Em wake up, you have to get ready." My aunt hurriedly instructed me. As I opened my eyes my aunt stood before me. Her brown eyes were emphasized with the eyeshadow palette that she used. My Aunt's skin was fair. She has soft features and a very symmetrical nose. She stood two inches higher than me. Quintanar clan has one prominent feature, our hair, which is mahogany brown. Well, theirs because my hair was black; a feature from my dad. "What time is it?" I asked after I saw that it was dark outside. "I think, six," Aunt replied while she checked herself in the mirror. "Take a shower." I jumped out of bed and opened my luggage. I fished out my toiletries and undies then ran for the bathroom. I was so late! I took the fastest shower of my life and went out in a robe. "Here's your dress." My aunt stood calmly beside a black mannequin with no limbs and no head. I have a dress? It was black, beautiful and looked chic. It would make my fair skin stand out more. I got my Dad's Asian features, black eyes and black hair. But I got my Mom's Spanish nose, which was not pointy and was symmetrical, a little bit like Aunt Marie's. It was actually fine in my opinion. I inspected the details of the dress, maybe my aunt had a designer friend here in Madrid and borrowed this. Her luggage literally had no space for extra clothes. "Wear this." She handed me a ballerina flats. "Hurry up, we have to blow-dry your hair." I looked out the window of the limo, we were driving to the cemetery at night. Creepy, right? What kind of people bury their dead at night? Well, unless you were a murderer maybe. We parked very far from the mausoleum because a lot of cars had taken up the closer spots. Aunt Marie and Uncle Tony went out first, then I followed. Maggie and Philip drove with their parents. We walked in line with the parked cars. I noticed that they were very luxurious, like the kind you see at Top Gear. The wind felt cool against my face, but not too cold that I would freeze. I breathed in and stared at the mausoleum. It was made of marble and a bit big. When we got there a lot of people were outside, they gave way for us to pass. I was not used to everyone staring at me so I walked beside my aunt quietly. The tomb of my ancestor was the first thing I saw. His name was engraved in the casket-like marble. Aunt Marie touched the side of it but did not stop walking. I just followed her. She went to the foot of the tomb. Wait! What? Where are we going exactly? There was an opening at the foot of the casket-like marble, and my aunt went inside. Okay! This is another level of creepy! Uncle Tony gave me a mild push forward. My eyes widened as I got a feeling that if I went down there, I would stoop on the skeletons of my ancestors. I squinted and saw a spiral staircase and nothing else. The casket-like marble was a disguise to hide an entrance. What a waste of money! I went down with a lot of thoughts in my head. Aunt Marie waited for us at the landing. She held out her hand and guided me while we walked. The only sound came from Aunt Marie's stilettos. I blinked several times so my eyes could adjust; the lights were dimmed for some reason. We walked for about three minutes before we finally approached a room. My Aunt turned around and faced me. I looked her in the eyes. "Mija, don't stare all right? Whatever happens, just look at me or Tony. You can look around but don't stare, it's rude, okay?" My eyebrows shoot up. What is this all about? She took my hand again then we entered the room or I could say a marble space? It was large and full of people who all wore black except for one group. That group was clad in white, seven of them. My Aunt released my hand as we formed a circle with the others. The center was the urn of my Abuela. I looked at the urn, it was blackish-purple. I turned to my left and saw Aunt Marie just closed her eyes, her hands clasped together. I turned back to the urn when someone held my right hand. I saw her, my Mama. "Ma." I whispered and hugged her so tight. I felt happiness spread within me in this moment of sadness. The last time I saw my mother was a year ago. She was a time traveler, I know, I wanted to break it to you in the smoothest way. And every time she went away, it broke my heart. I would never get used to it. I wanted to ask her a lot of questions, but the priest had stepped in and the prayer began. I released my Mama from the tight hug but held her hand. We bowed down together like the others. I squeezed her hand and she squeezed back. The prayer was shorter than I expected. The priest blessed my abuela's urn with holy water and then he shook all of our hands. Well, only the family member's hands. He seemed to be in a hurry to leave the place. I turned to my mother. "Ma, I missed you so much!" Her eyes teared up. "I missed you too!" Someone touched my shoulder, which broke our mother and daughter moment. I turned and saw my other great great-grandmother. "Lola Adelaida." I regarded her. She was the twin sister of Lola Josefina. I had little memory of my great great grandma. We seldom saw them when my dad and I visited Spain when I was young. I hugged her. She must be very heartbroken by her sister's death. She hugged me back. "Esmeralda." She continued in Spanish; my knowledge of the language was very poor. I tried to translate her words. Well, I thought she said that I was pretty and then I didn't understand the rest. I just answered her with a smile. "Margarita," Lola Adelaida uttered. Meaning Maggie was around as that was her Spanish name. Okay! Time for me to evacuate or disappear or whatever! Bad cheetah is here. Maggie answered her in pure Spanish, it was her advantage, both her parents were Españoles. I scanned the area for my mom and spotted her with Aunt Marie. Maggie elbowed me. "Find anyone cute?" she asked while she fixed her dress. I just stared at her; my eyebrows scrunched together. "Too bad for you, I have a date later," Maggie said as she walked away. "He's a vampire and he drive a Maserati." I just looked at her back. I was left astonished with her incredible statement. Now, maybe you were wondering what kind of world I live in? Well, I was just getting started. 
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