City of Lights

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Paris, France Aunt Marie opened the door of the apartment. She said she would have two weeks of training on different kinds of buttons and belts here in Paris. I guess a part of being a stylist was never to be outdated on anything. We had an argument on the plane, I asked her what was I supposed to do in Paris for two weeks? She enumerated the activities she had for me: she enrolled me in a yoga class. She bought me a pair of running shoes so I could run in the morning. To top it all, she bought me the latest Valentino shoes. She said, "If that is not enough for you, I don't know what is." Our apartment was situated where you could see the Eiffel tower from afar. I opened all the blinds in excitement. I could already imagine Paris at night, full of wonder and beautiful twinkling lights. "Hate to break it to you, but we need to unpack. Training starts early tomorrow at eight in the morning." I turned to my aunt as she carried her luggage straight to her room. I strolled over to my room and halted in my tracks. I stared in awe. Everything is white! The bed, cabinets, bookshelves, even the curtains, and windows. The room reminded me of a mental asylum from a movie that I had seen before. I opened the window so that the cool air could circulate my room. I took off my shoes and opened my luggage. I sighed at the mess inside my bag. I basically threw everything in when Aunt said we were leaving. I dug through the bag and aimed for anything short. I peeled off my pants and put on the first thing that I got—neon pink shorts. I fixed my hair into a ponytail and scanned the white space again. I would bring color to this room no matter what. I arranged all my clothes in the cabinet and lined up my shoes in front of the bookshelves. I placed my cell phone, laptop, charger, and headset on my bed. I dragged my empty luggage and parked it beside the dresser. I placed my hands on my waist and looked around for the third time. If the room could talk to me right now it would probably say, nice try. I jumped when I heard the doorbell ring, "Em, Pizza!" My aunt yelled. I got the pizza and placed it on the kitchen counter. As soon as we saw it, we devoured it. My Aunt and I ended up on the sofa with our feet up on a chair. "Let's call it a day." I smiled at her comment. "Thanks for everything." I reached over and kissed her temple. After a while, we got up and threw the boxes and coke cans away. When we were done, we walked slowly back to our rooms. I felt the heavy effect of pizza in my belly. As soon as I laid down on the bed, I checked my phone. Thankful that there is Wi-Fi in this place! My eyes widened when I saw my sss was flooded with messages from Maggie. I thought about opening one, and then changed my mind. I scrolled up and looked for an email from my dad. I smiled when I saw that he had sent me a photo of his class at the University of the Philippines. I honestly missed my dad so much! I remembered my mom and the sadness within me crept in. I got up and made my way over to the window. I stood by the window and looked over at the tower. I chuckled because I imagined my mom landed naked at the bottom of the Eiffel tower. Now, that would be epic! I yawned as the jet-lag settled in. I promised to shower tomorrow. I went to the cabinet and grabbed my pajamas. I changed my top and crawled under the covers. Sleep, let's do this! ***** "Em wake up!" I groaned, as my aunt tapped my shoulder, "Yoga class at eight, remember? It's expensive, please don't be late and complete the session." I waited until she closed my door. I turned my body flat while I stared at the ceiling. I contemplated between being lazy and productive. "Get up Em! Here is my Gucci bag. I think your after-yoga clothes will fit in here. Hurry up! I have to drop you there." I showered. Picked out some black spandex leggings, a white shirt, and my running shoes. I put on a baby blue hooded sweater to protect my semi-wet hair. For sure it would be cold outside. We made our way out of the elevator and my aunt put out a remote that belonged to a Mercedes-Benz. I raised my eyebrows, "You bought a car?" She got into the driver's side, "No, I borrowed this from a friend." I opened the passenger door and got in. We placed our bags at the back of the car and drove off. If my Spanish was poor, my French was zero. I nervously walked to the French woman who I assumed had the attendance paper. "Hi! I'm Emerald Borja," I introduced myself. I hoped my aunt registered me with my dad’s last name. "This way please," she said with her cute French accent. When we reached the room, I placed my bag on the bench like the others. I removed my sweater and shoes. I tied my hair in a bun. I looked over to see a girl who got a mat and sat down. I copied her and looked for the best place to put my mat on. I wanted to see the instructor's moves so I went to the front center. Yoga was a breathing, balance, and control exercise. I perspired everywhere. It felt good, my muscles were strained but still good. After the session, everyone clapped in appreciation for a successful first day.  I called my aunt while I combed my hair. She told me to go to the café near the gym and wait for her there. I walked out of the building into the street. My hair cascaded down my back, I pulled up my hoodie. I placed my earbuds and strolled slowly. I noticed a red Ducati bike near the parking meter. Well, many people could buy a bike! So, I turned on my phone's mp3 and chose Christina Aguilera's Somebody's somebody. I was about to cross the street when some high school students crowded the pedestrian. I walked with the crowd. I was surprised when someone snatched my left earbud. I turned to the student instantly. "Do you know that you can die if you're walking with earbuds in?" Gabe said as he walked beside me. I ignored the jerk and placed my earbuds back in. See you in Paris, indeed! I walked inside the café, I had one hour to wait for my aunt. The bell in the café door chimed and a guy in black entered. It was Gabe. He looked around. When he saw me, he smirked and made his way to where I was seated. "Is this seat taken?" He pointed to the chair across from me. I looked away and ignored him completely. A waiter walked up to our table and spoke directly to me in French. I opened my mouth to reply but Gabe cut in and translated the words to me, "He is asking if you want to drink anything?" I looked at the French guy, "No, I'm just waiting for someone. Thank you." I hope Gabe translated it correctly or else. I think he didn't! The guy took a menu from the cashier and gave it to Gabe. I just stared at them both. I heard a mademoiselle, then they glanced at me and they both smiled. If this jerk is making fun of me, I will punch him! After three minutes of discussion, he let the nice French man go. Gabe stood up and said, "Let's go!" I stared at him, "Go where?" The French guy introduced himself as Maurice and guided us into a more secluded area. "Gabe, I don't have any Euros with me. I only have a credit card and I don't want my dad making an overseas phone call because of expensive food." I explained. He grinned, "Relax, it's all on me." "What are you smiling at?" I asked, irritated. "You're cute in Yoga clothes." I saw him held in a laugh. I crossed my arms, "Voyeurism is a disorder, maybe you need help!" He scanned me up and down, "I did it using a high-definition camera, and it's fun seeing you burn those calories." I gasped. I'm out of here! I stood up and grabbed my bag but was stopped when he took hold of my arm. "I'm sorry, it didn't go out the way that I intended it to. Maurice is a nice guy. This is his part-time job, a working student, so let's help him out." He defended his actions. I studied his face for sincerity. I plopped myself down again and hoped that I made the right decision. My eyes widened as soon as I took a bite of the food. I understood now what the fuss was all about. French people take their food seriously. Thank God for Yoga class tomorrow. I would burn all the cholesterol I ingested here. I checked my phone. There was a text message. From: Aunt Marie Honey I'm so sorry we got extended for 30 more minutes. I feel bad. Where are you? Please reply. I looked away from the phone and stared at the bar stool, what am I going to say? "Let me guess, your aunt will be late?" Gabe said while I frowned at him, "I can take you home if you want." I looked over at him, "Just text your aunt that you bumped into your long-lost friend and that he offered to give you a ride." He said proudly. His offer was tempting. I considered the fact that I was tired and sleepy. I finally decided and texted my aunt exactly how Gabe instructed. We walked towards his Ducati bike. I stopped and waited for him to give me the helmet. He grinned at me. "That's not mine." He chuckled, "Though I like the idea that you remembered my bike." I was embarrassed! This moron was enjoying himself. He continued to walk and veered to the left. There, under the tree, a white convertible Porsche was parked. He got in and started the engine. I opened the passenger door and went in. When I looked up, he was staring at me with an unreadable expression. "What?" I put my seat belt on. "You're too cautious," He commented "Try danger sometime. You'll never know your strengths if you're too careful." "Thanks for the advice, Obi-Wan!" I replied. He ignored it and focused on the road. My hair flew away with the fresh breeze. The way the sunlight hit my skin felt really nice. I tried to relax. I recline my head on my right side. My eyelids become heavy. I tried to open them but failed miserably and I fell into a deep sleep. I opened my eyes in darkness. I felt the cold hard floor. I tried to breathe. I still have my bag beside me. What's happening? Where am I? I started to pull myself up. "So, you're awake." I strained, seeing Gabe's figure nearing me. My heart started beating like crazy, "What's going on?" "Just so you know." Gabe continued, "This is a soundproof room, even if you scream, no one will hear you." I gripped the strap of my bag tightly as images of the movie Taken came to my mind. I tried to steady my beating heart, "What do you want?" "Oh, just your phone." He said with his no care attitude. I c**k my head to the side, "What do you need with my phone?" "Well let's see, you have a sufficient number of emails from your cousin, which leads to critical information about us. So, I have to take care of it." He started calmly. It was very difficult to see anything in this darkness. I raised my eyebrows. Maggie's emails? I didn't even get a chance to open them. Gabe interrupted my thoughts, "We have an IT department to take care of it, but since you're in the area why not just ask nicely, right?" I stood up straight, "Ask nicely? I'm lying on the ground, you moron!" He sighed and turned around, "I'm done with your phone, all clean." He disappeared into the darkness, "It's time for you to sleep now." Once I heard a door close, I started to panic. I looked around and tried to find escape, but found none. I covered my mouth as an odd smell invaded my airway. My knees buckled and I fell down on the floor. I curled into a ball as my senses left me. ***** "Em, breakfast is ready." The faint sound of my aunt woke me up. I got up lazily, still tired from last night. It had been our last session of yoga class. The instructor brought champagne and food. Just good fun with a small crowd. We danced and laughed while we talked about random things. I stirred my tea with my elbow on the table, chin on my palm. I got lost in thought as I recalled what happened to me some nights ago. After I passed out, I woke up on my bed in our apartment. I was not supposed to be here in the first place. I was supposed to be in school enjoying college life. Instead, I was here in Paris, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. And yet I was unhappy and scared for my life, for my aunt’s life. Gabe obviously had access to all of our things; I thought these things only happened in movies. It felt strange if you knew someone watched your every move. Even worse, they had heard everything that we had said. I honestly didn't even know if he worked alone or if he had accomplices. I sipped my tea. My thoughts are all in turmoil. I sighed in hope to end this mess and fix my life back to normal. ***** I placed my iPod Nano on the table and removed my sweater. I took a deep breath as the thrill of running settled within me. I read the note beside the flower vase on the kitchen counter, a Phantom of the Opera ticket. Honey! I'm excited! It's tonight, it's a benefit performance. I have your dress already. See ya later. À tout à l'heure! I left the note and strolled over to my room. I turned my laptop on and checked the time, fifteen minutes after ten. I had the sudden urge to see my dad so I opened my Skype. However, that became impossible because he was offline. My eyes wandered over to the bookshelf. I got up, mobile phone in my hand and scanned the books. They were all written in French. I bit my lip and pondered for a moment. I almost ran when I remembered my aunt’s copy of The Devil Wears Prada in her room. I was about to turn the doorknob when my phone rang. I answered, "Hello?" "It's me!" Maggie said with a rushed voice, "Is your phone working? Have you read my emails? What is your problem?!" This is Maggie being herself. I rolled my eyes, "It's good to hear from you, Maggie. Thank you for the events in Madrid, I wasn't expecting it." The sarcasm went out of my mouth effortlessly. After a moment of silence Maggie spoke, "Jared and Gabe are members of a secret society, they kill people, listen to me, they will..." the line cut off. I stared at my phone and shook my head. Maggie could be very dramatic sometimes. I turned the knob, pushed my aunt's door open and looked for the book. I sat in front of the dresser with a lot of makeup and beauty products. My Aunt brought her friend— Bernadette, a makeup artist. After I showered, I was asked to sit here. While she and my aunt argued if my hair would look better up in a bun or just down loose. I was about to open my aunt’s book when she and her friend finally came over to me. I met Bernadette's smiling eyes in the mirror. I understood what it meant and put down the book. Here we go, glam-up session! Once we entered the place, I stared in amazement. The hall was full of people who looked very chic and aristocratic. I hugged myself; I felt out of place. I touched my aunt’s hand and her eyes met mine. "Tia, why are we here? These people are very intimidating." I commented nervously. I suddenly felt a little cold. She smiled and answered, "You look fine Emerald, just smile, everything's going to be all right. Besides, I designed your dress, so flaunt it." I looked down in amazement. Did she really design this beautiful dress? Wow! I held my ticket and white clutch bag. I scanned the hall one more time in anticipation. I saw people go in. I guess we have to go inside and find our seats now. I was in awe. The show was astonishing! I had teared up more than once. I watched and captured it all in. I didn't want it to end. It was like I was in another world. I forgot all the things that scared me. I felt safe in the magical and whimsical world that they had created. When it ended, I gave a satisfied sigh and smiled. It was really something. "Em, I'm going to the powder room, want to come with me?" My aunt asked me. "Sure!" I got up and followed her. I glanced around again; I couldn't get over how everyone looked—elegant and classy. Of course, the patrons made their way out first. While we silently waited in line. "Em never mind! Let's just go home, I think I can still hold it." I looked at her as a sign of reassurance. She smiled in confirmation. She grabbed my hand and guided me towards the exit. I was a little worried because the lower part of my dress was like a net, very fragile; it looked like a cape of my lower leg. When we reached home, Aunt Marie rushed over to the bathroom. I placed my clutch bag on the kitchen counter. I removed my shoes while I walked to the window. I overheard the faint sound of my aunt as she talked to someone on the phone. I was barefooted when I reached the window. City of lights at night, the Eiffel tower lit up, buildings glimmered in front of me. I sighed and smiled at the dreamy scenery. My dream-like moment was stopped when my aunt banged the bathroom door. I turned to her direction. "Em did you forget anything? I'm going back to the opera house, Bernadette got drunk, this is so not her!" I stared at her stressed state, "I think I have everything, thanks!" She made her way out, "I will lock the door but you make sure, okay? I'll be back before you know it." After I checked the lock, I picked my bag from the counter and grabbed my shoes. I closed all the windows then went to my room. I left my door ajar and removed all my hairpins. I jumped when I heard my door closed. I stared at the door in shock. "Well looks like your cousin can't shut her mouth, can she?" This moron couldn't just do this all the time, it's illegal! I composed myself and continued with my hairpins. I recalled all the moves that I learned from my jiu-jitsu class. If this maniac attempted anything I would defend myself. I have to. I was alerted when he came dangerously near me, "Trying to ignore me is not the best option for you right now." I stared at him, "What do you want me to say?" His nearness finally settled within me. His smell intoxicated me and left me wondering if it was Armani. Goodness! How lame can I be? "I'm just curious, are you not afraid of me?" He whispered with his penetrating gaze. I was caught by surprise with his question. Well, I had to do a quick self-check. Am I afraid of him? "I don't know." I whispered honestly. He carefully picked a few strands of my hair and placed it behind my shoulder. "I can't take my eyes off of you. You're very beautiful, especially tonight." He said as he held my gaze. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I was definitely caught off guard! He continued to stare at me, which made me more nervous. I gulped and thought about mood swings. I studied his face with such intensity. He blinked faster and his brows met in the middle. I noticed his hand balled into a fist. Is he suffering from something? He came out of his trance and spoke, "Jared was punished because of your cousin." I pretended to be calm, "What kind of punishment?" He looked away, "His powers were stripped off!" Powers? I totally forgot Jared was a vampire! He walked towards the window, "I have to go." Was he saying goodbye? He could just leave if he wanted to. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, "You really looked lovely tonight." He disappeared into the night and I was left motionless. I didn't know what to feel. Should I be scared or what? I sighed and continued with my task. I removed my makeup, and changed into pajamas and a loose shirt. I put my phone on the side table near the lamp. Sleep was my refuge from this unnerving fantasy world I was in. Ironic, isn't it? I had to escape reality. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. I had a weird feeling. It was awfully quiet and there was a certain stillness in my room. I didn't hear my alarm. Without looking, I reached to my left and tried to feel my phone. It's not there! I sat up and turned to my left nightstand. Where is my phone! "What are your plans for today?" I jumped and yelped when I saw Gabe. He was seated on the only chair in my room. "Will you stop doing this?!" I exclaimed, hands on my chest. He gazed at me calmly, "Doing what exactly?" I closed my eyes for a moment then I answered sharply, "You always show up unexpectedly!" "Get used to it. I just want to show you something today. I know you're free." I rolled my eyes to hide my nervousness. "You assume too much, what makes you think that I'll come with you?" I got up and grabbed my phone. I strode out of the room quickly. He trailed behind me and followed me into the kitchen. I pulled myself together and decided to act normally. I put the kettle on the stove and turned it on. I opened the drawers and looked for tea bags. I felt Gabe standing behind me so I turned to face him. "Looking for these?" He played with the box of tea bags. "Yes." I snatched it from him. I decided to play along since his guard was down, "Do you want some?" "Nope, a coffee person right here." He pointed to himself. "Okay." I opened the refrigerator and looked for food. "I think your aunt made you breakfast before she left." I tapped my left foot on the floor. This guy is seriously starting to irritate me. "Don't you have someplace to go?" My irritated voice cut through. He was ruining my peaceful morning. "Dismissing me already? This is only a one-time offer? I just want to show you something." he replied. He sat on one of the high stools near the counter. "Right! Let me remind you. The last time I went on a ride with you I ended up lying in a cold dark place!"  "Sorry about that. Well, there's no furniture in that place so I didn't have a choice." He pouted and interlocked his fingers on the counter. The kettle whistled and I turned the stove off. I got a mug and placed a teabag in it. I poured the hot water and stole glances at him. I studied his features. He was lean and blonde, but not that kind of blonde. Maybe light blonde. He has a nice set of teeth; brown eyes and he definitely looked well built. He has this “I can take care of myself” thing on him. He stared at me while I ate. I got up to wash the dishes when he suddenly spoke, "Well? Are you coming or not?" "No." I answered right away. Like there's no room for discussion. Please go away! "Look, I never thought that I would feel this with somebody okay? I never thought that I would be this desperate to get a girl's attention, so will you please come with me." I was confused by his words. I studied his face again. He looked very serious and dangerous. He could literally kill me and throw my body somewhere where my family could never find me. I shuddered at the thought. "I'm sorry, I can't." I answered with finality. The look of disappointment settled on his face for a second. Then he returned to his smug self again—his poker face. He got up. "Fine." I watched as he walked out, this time using the door. I heard a very loud vroom outside. Hmm he brought his Ducati? ***** I was in my room when my aunt arrived. I got up and met her at the door. She carried champagne on her arm. "Time to celebrate, training is over!" My Aunt smiled with relief. We celebrated with pizza, pasta, fries, and cheese. I released a long breath after we ate. Not because I was full but because I felt safe with my aunt beside me. Aunt Marie got up, "I think I've had enough champagne for tonight, I hope we don't experience headaches tomorrow in our flight." "We're going home?" I was so ecstatic. "No, darling." Aunt Marie made her way to her room, "We have to make a quick stop in New York then home to Manila." Finally! We are going home! 
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