Secret Society

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Manhattan, New York We were staying in a studio type apartment above the loft of my aunt’s friend. Her name is Olivia or Via--as what my aunt called her. She is half Filipino, half American. "Jet lag?" Via asked. I turned to her. I probably looked haggard. I scanned the room. One bed, which meant aunt and I would share. Honestly, I did not really care. I just wanted to rest. After an hour I was still on the same spot. I tried to get some sleep but it didn't come. I flipped through the pages to catch up with my reading. "We have to get ready. I have to see this fashion show tonight. Local designers only." Aunt Marie declared as she changed shoes. "Do I really have to come with you?" I closed my book, looked up and saw my aunt’s sad expression. "I'm sorry honey, if you feel obligated to do this for me, don't be. I just want to show you what I do, that's all." I sighed. My ever-loving, Aunt's style. Now I'm a bad niece? I rubbed my temples, "Commonly known as reverse psychology. You do it all the time, Aunt Marie." "Do I?" She smiled guiltily. I shook my head and watched her walk out the door. Wow! We have reserved seats. I could not stop my smile when I saw my name on a chair. I was seated beside Antoinette Quintanar, the full name of my aunt. Marie Antoinette, the queen's name. I sat with the show's program in my hand. We were seated in front. One meter away from the catwalk. I blinked when they turned off the lights and then the music started. A beautiful thin model walked out, and then a second one and then a third. "I like the avant-garde style of this designer, how about you Em?" I turned my head to hear my aunt clearly. "It's very creative, too advanced for me though." I shouted over the music. She smiled and we focused on the show once again. The person on my right stirred. Aunt Marie was on my left so I didn't bother to look around. This is New York, where people did not want to be looked at. So, I ignored the movement. "Here comes Via's work Em," my aunt said excitedly. I waited patiently for Via's models. When Via's collection was done, I sighed, "Via has a different taste." I only liked one of the dresses. The conservative one because the rest were plunging necklines and had long slits. Very daring and bold dresses. "Em, come! We can't finish the show. We have to see Via off; she's bound to Manila." My aunt said as she stood hurriedly and headed backstage. I wish I was bound to Manila. I stood up. The man beside me did the same. I looked down and admired the unfamiliar Louboutin shoes that I had on. A welcome gift from Via. I was scared that I would trip over and damage it. So, I watched my steps. I suddenly realized that I had slowed down and I could not see my aunt anywhere. "Looking for someone?" I did not even have to turn around to know it's Gabe, again. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He chuckled, "I'm a potential client." I strutted off to where we entered earlier and retraced my steps. But a hand stopped me. I almost tripped as I was forced to move backwards. "Hey!" I yelled at him. "We need to talk." He said as he looked me in the eye. I removed my hand from his grip, "Talk about what?" "Not here." He said in an inaudible whisper. He started dragging me. "Hey! What are you doing?!" I pulled my hand back and massaged it. "Please Emerald, we really need to talk, it's about Maggie." Gabe said with caution. "What about Maggie?" I asked, my heart started to beat fast. "We can't talk here, call your aunt." He handed me a black iPhone, "I dialed her number for you." I was about to ask him how he got my aunt’s number, then I changed my mind. On the third ring, Aunt Marie answered. I was out of excuses. I made up my mind and told her a lie. "I parked in the basement." Gabe said as he walked slowly. He looked back to see if I followed behind. I crossed my arms once we stepped inside, it was just the two of us in the elevator, "What happened to Maggie?" He glanced at me and looked up, "Security cameras, I'll tell you when we get there." The elevator door opened and he strolled out and I trailed behind. "Here." He handed me a helmet. I looked at him with my eyebrows crunched in the middle. "What?" He asked as he read the expression on my face. "Um, I just got these." I pointed to my shoes, "My first Louboutin pair and I think riding a bike in them, might break them." "Then take them off!" He said, irritated. He straddled the bike and placed his helmet on. I wore the helmet on and quickly removed my shoes one by one. Glad that I had my nails done earlier. I felt his eyes focused on me. I ignored it and made my way on the bike barefooted. "What's with girls and their shoes?" Gabe asked curiously. I rolled my eyes, "Just drive please." The drive was exhilarating. We ended up in a basement parking lot of a building. I got off the bike first then removed my helmet. I slipped my shoes back and stood with confidence. I noticed Gabe was watching me. I composed myself, "So where are we going exactly?" "Follow me." I shook my head and followed him to the elevator. Gabe pressed the 14th floor. As soon as it moved, I held onto the handrail. The elevator was so fast I literally swayed. Gabe grabbed me by the hips and steadied me. I touched his arm accidentally, "Sorry, it's the elevator, it made me dizzy." When the elevator door opened, Gabe led me to a room. It was very dark. This guy certainly has a thing for dark places! Someone turned on the light. Am I really seeing Maggie, Jared and Uncle Anthony? Gabe was at the door just behind me. "What's going on?" I demanded. If this was some kind of a prank. I would give all of them a piece of my mind! Maggie ran to me and hugged me, "Cuz, it's terrible, really bad!" She grabbed on to me and started crying. I looked over to Uncle Tony for answers. "Enough Margarita, take your seat!" Maggie followed him instantly. Uncle Anthony's authoritative voice resonated through my ears. "Emerald, you shouldn't have been involved, but since Margarita brought you into this, you are part of it now." I stared at my uncle, stupefied. He took a deep breath then continued, "We are part of a brotherhood, a secret society. We kill bad people, the corrupt ones. One of the founders was our great ancestor Don Salvador Quintanar. Together with the other four founders they built and strengthened the brotherhood." He stared at me as he explained those unbelievable things. "We only have one rule." He lifted his index finger, "If anyone ever finds out that we exist—that person should die." Maggie stood up with tears in her eyes, "We are family! We are blood-related, you can't kill us!" My head started to spin. I don't want to die! I'm only eighteen for crying out loud! "Are you alright Em?" My eyebrows automatically raised at the silly question my uncle asked. "I don't know," I whispered after a long while. I felt the blood rushed up to my head then down to my feet. I was lightheaded for a moment, "there must be something that we can do." Uncle Anthony sat near me, "There is actually." I looked up to him, hopeful. "You'll just have to marry me and Maggie needs to marry Jared." This got my full attention and I turned to Gabe as he said it casually. I leaned away from Maggie as she gave a deafening scream. I stared at her in shock.  "Can you please give us a moment?" Uncle Tony requested. Gabe glanced at me and sighed. He walked out with Jared on his trail. I was speechless while Maggie sobbed, "Uncle Tony please! I can't marry him; I barely know him!" I shook my head as I recovered from the shock. I said, "Uncle, there must be another way, like blood money or something?" Uncle Tony rubbed his temple, "It's been the rule of the brotherhood for many years. The members signed an agreement with their own blood. No one should know about us, no one." "There should be exemptions! This is crazy!" Maggie said hysterically. Uncle Tony slid his hands from his forehead to his chin, "We are running out of options, I guess we'll just have to risk it." Maggie's expression changed, "What do you mean?" Uncle Tony stared down to the carpet, his mind was somewhere else, "We have to go to the forefathers." We eyed him as he went to the huge oak table. He pressed the intercom and spoke, "Carrie, please call Jared and Gabe, and please have Pedro ready the jet." "Where are we going?" I quickly asked. "Around the world!" I stared at him in disbelief as he said those words. It sounded like the "world" was just around the corner. ***** Washington D.C., USA We stopped in front of a Victorian-inspired modern house. I was glad I listened to Aunt Marie's advice. I wore boots just below the knee bone, black jeggings, a white silk top and a black leather jacket. The air was chilly, even though it was just past five in the afternoon. The mild gust of wind blew my hair. "Jared," said Uncle Tony, "Lead the way." Jared nodded and led the way to the door. He stopped in the entryway. I noticed the door knocker in the middle. It was the face of a lion. I felt someone standing behind me. For whatever reason, I knew it was Gabe. My eyes wandered to the right side of the door. A brass box was screwed to the concrete. Engraved was: Est. 1908 Jared rang the doorbell and we waited. The brass box suddenly opened downward then inward under. A monitor revealed the face of a woman in a bob haircut. "Identify!" she ordered. I was pretty sure it was a Russian accent, very prominent. "Jared Flockhart." His monotone voice cut through. I stared in disbelief. So, his name was real? I was so judgmental! "How many are you?" asked the woman on the screen. "Really?" Jared commented, irritated. The woman gave him a measuring look. Jared sighed in defeat, "Five." "Get in!" The door opened as she said those words. One by one we entered. I looked around and saw two sets of stairs. Maybe 20 steps, it was designed that the two sets met in the middle. The woman with the bob haircut came out of nowhere. She wore a very chic pencil cut skirt and a long-sleeved blouse. Her hair was red as Jean Grey of X-Men. "She's waiting downstairs." She pointed to the left, "Take the elevator." We made our way over to the beautiful elevator. It was black and gold. Designed with vines, roses, and thorns. As the door closed, I heard faint opera music. After two floors the door opened and we were welcomed by darkness. What is with these people and darkness? Jared walked out first then we trailed behind. Every step that Jared took the lights turned on then off when we moved on. I guess they were motion sensors. I was highly impressed. We stopped in front of a white room. Literally, white furniture and even the lights. There was an opaque glass table at the center. It has a matched set of opaque queen-like swivel chairs. It turned slowly and seated was a red-headed, white-faced beautiful lady. I noticed that she wore a black ensemble. She smiled at us and then she was gone. I felt my hair move. It was like someone passed by my side. "Virgins, I see." Her musical voice had me on edge. She was at the back side of her swivel chair. Damn, she was fast! "And very beautiful, Tony?" she continued while she addressed my uncle. "Dasha," my uncle regarded her. "I want to speak to them alone if you don't mind. It's girl talk, get out boys!" she gave a cynical smile. Uncle Tony wanted to protest based on his body language. But he did not say a word. He walked out with Jared and Gabe. "So, Emerald and Margaret?" I turned back to Dasha, "You should know by now that I am a vampire." Maggie gasped. Her reaction made Dasha smile. Sometimes my cousin could be really slow. I guess reading a lot of vampire novels has its perks! "I made Jared, Margaret." She stared directly at my cousin, "That is if you want to know since you're a loudmouth spoiled brat!" My eyes widened. I covered my mouth and looked at Maggie. She looked shocked. I hoped that Maggie would behave for the sake of us both. "I should have killed you in Madrid, if not for Tony. I hate bitches you know. Bitches like you Margaret." Dasha stood very calm while she glared at Maggie. Dasha turned to me, "Emerald, the quiet one, very intelligent." I felt uncomfortable with her nerve-wracking stare. "I'm a client of your aunt, you, see?" She turned around gracefully. "You dressed beautifully Emerald, it's sad that we didn't get the chance to meet at the fashion show." She sat down in her queen-like chair, "My vote is no, no to marrying the members and no to your life. I swore to be the protector of the brotherhood and to secrecy. If it was me, Margaret, you would have been dead by now. Now get out!" She said it so fast. I did not have the time to think if I heard her right. I hate Maggie! So, this is it? My life was like a voting game? Who do they think they are to decide if I should live or die? I could not think straight. This is beyond crazy! We made our way inside the limo. I noticed our seating position. Uncle Tony was on my left and Maggie was on my right. "That went well." Jared commented with sarcasm. Uncle Tony ignored it and said, "We still have three elders that we can go to." "Well, I think that we should cut the crap and get married, then be on our separate ways!" I stared at Jared and his incredible idea. "Yeah, because I really want to marry a dead guy!" Maggie answered, "Look, I don't like you anymore vampire! So please stop dreaming!" I closed my eyes. Maggie was head over heels with this guy in Madrid. Now she could not stand him? What happened to them? I'm curious. We could not make a stopover so we ate our dinner on the plane. I stared out the window. The moon and the sea looked so majestic. I remembered the lyrics of a Rod Stuart song and sang it in my head. Where the ocean meets the sky, I'll be sailing. I smiled to myself and enjoyed the scenic view. I freed my mind from the previous events. "Sleepy?" I turned my head and saw Gabe. He was seated on the other side of the aisle. I sighed and looked back outside, "No, just dreamy." He chuckled, "What are you dreaming about?" "Um, I'm not sure how to tell you." I answered. "Try me." He replied. I looked into his captivating eyes, "It just crossed my mind, you know the library from the movie Inkheart. I think it was in Italy or somewhere in Europe." "I have not seen the film." He commented. I looked out the window again and said, "Okay." I pondered on different ways on how to avoid speaking to him. I ended up listening to music. Isolation always works. I rummaged through my bag. I was looking for my iPod nano. I held out a book instead. The Diary of Anne Frank? I have to call Aunt Marie once we touch down. Why this book? "Have you thought about marrying me?" I froze as Gabe cut my trail of thoughts. I avoided his watchful eyes, "No, don't you think we're too young to get married?" "I'm twenty." He stated right away, "Yeah twenty is young, but would you rather die than get married?" I turned to look at him, "I don't know much about marriage. But I do know that people should only marry the person that they want to be with for the rest of their life." Wow! I made a speech! He stared at me silently then turned to look out his side window. I opened the book and decided to read it again. "Emmie, get some sleep. If you want a tour of Buckingham Palace, you should save your energy." I looked up to see Uncle Tony's head. The back of his seat was in front of me. My eyes widened. I totally forgot that we were going to London, one of my dream destinations. Maybe the book could wait. I placed it back in my bag and turned my head to the left. Gabe was staring at me, again. I lift my left eyebrow. What are you staring at? "What would it take for you to marry me?" He asked. A pained expression on his face. My mouth hung open. I quickly recovered and responded, "I think you need sleep too." I put my blanket as an escape. Please Lord, help me get some sleep.   
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